Chapter One
“Arghhh!!! Take that you bastard!”
A jet of blood surged into the air, some splashing on my face and making its way into the small opening of my mouth. It tasted salty, the immortal beast had some blood in him after all, I dived my sword deeper into the torso of the gigantic snake beast.
I have been hunting this beast for quiet sometime with no avail , this sneaky snake beast. Luck is on our side when I set him a trap and it worked.
Slowed my foot steps ,shushed My dog and horse , the beast was feeding greedily on the antelope I set up in the heart of the thick forest.
I smashed the beast’s rough edged tail,which I tried to stop from hitting me from behind with my metallic soled shoes, making the snake beast let out a loud painful hiss with a renewed determination glistening in his eyes.
Heard a painful whimper from behind ,turned to check and in that instant ,I felt a resounding bang behind my head making me loose ground and tripping but widen my stance in order not to fall.
One of my rules when fighting is never to fall flat out on the ground and to always have my sword at hand so I straightened my legs and used my sword as support to make me stop from fighting as I turn to see the big snakes mouth widely open with two sharp long teeth and a long spiky looking tongue diving towards my face.
Too stunned at how dangerous the beast look at the moment that I didn’t realize how close he was to my face till I felt a moist yet spiky feeling on my cheeks but it was gone immediately Hector flew by, swiping the beast with his wagging tail.
“Good boy Hector !”
I said to my dog cheering him to continue with the same enthusiasm and skill he had shown just as I regained my ground and use my strength to dive the sword right into the distorted beasts mouth and he let out a wild wailing, swishing his big body from side to side .
“Oh no? The sword doesn’t seem to kill him because the wounds gets healed right back !”
Darn it. I tied my cloak on my arms tightly and dived towards him again but this time around , really fast with the aim of cutting off the beast’s neck off but he was too fast and getting too wild by the seconds ,the beast’s tail had me flying and hitting my head on a huge tree , held unto my sword and was about to charge when I heard my horse close by bleaching and humping on his feet.
“Don’t worry buddy, we will take him out as usual !” I said trying to look at the beast from behind , every beast should have a weak spot but this one seems to be a more stubborn specie, those messengers of the elites better pay me extra for getting myself injured.
After taking a deep breath, I ran ahead with a full force , my sword rustling with anticipation as I focused on the spot I suspect to be the place the beast’s heart is supposed to be.
And with a loud *swish* the beast’s tongue swiped me so hard that I landed behind my horse with a crackling sound bringing down some branches from the shrubs around me, damn it.
That caught me off guard.
“I broke a bone!“ I winched .This is definitely not an ordinary beast, the tongue is unusually long and snakes with those sharp canines are new. I took cover behind my big black horse while the beast rattled around trying to spot me .
Used my cloak to clean off the sweat mixed with blood dropping down from my damped hair but my horse wouldn’t stop moving around,the sound making the beast turn towards us,towards me …
Hector was a few meters away nursing some kind of injury while the snake with an arrogant glare dive right towards us with a incredible speed.
I immediately dropped my sword and lunched for the bow and arrow strapped on my horse , and with a tang …aimed and shot two arrows at him just before his tongue smashed at us as the beast let out a loud growl and an electric spark went through it immediately the arrow hit making it fall with a thud
“Move buddy!” I shouted at my horse as we tried to get away from the gigantic beast’s weight but with a whop , the stinking ,rough bodied beast feel on us …eyes shut and body still.
Hector came and sniffed the beast before barking toward me.
“He is dead!” I groaned with relief as Hector dragged me from the dirty beast with his teeth while I kept lying down trying to calm my ragged breathing.
“Buddy,why will you do me like that? I teased my horse who moved and let the beast’s body hit only me”
“That was fun boys” I said to the the shadow of Hector and my horse standing over me as I tried to get up with another crackle sound on my back.
Definitely cracked a bone,need to get my bone checked but first, I need to get paid. Might ask for more gold coins, this particular beast caused me some broken bones and I will need more gold coins...to pay for the treatment of course.
Turned around to check the two soldiers whom approached me with an offer but they weren’t anywhere to be found.
“Hector ?!” I asked and he whimpered looking back at me before attempting to fly but he also let out a little growl.
Moved closer and checked his wings , they were strong and not to big but enough to carry his body.
“Would be nice if you can fly all three of us Hector” I teased as he barked back a reply while I removed a sharp teeth from his wings as he remained stilled.
“Flying to save me out there was impressive ,keep it up Hector…just ,what else can you do?” I wondered playing with his fur as I applied pressure at the point of injury, so far it’s not looking poisoned or too bad.
We both leaped at alert ,Hector running ahead of me as we run towards the edge of the forest to see the three men who were supposed to confirm the beast’s death before paying me running away on their horses.
I gave out a growl.
No one owes me, Hector will trace their smell and I will get my gold coins but for now. I need a long sweet bath ,it might ease with the crackling pain I’m feeling right now.
I turned around and dragged my sore ass back to the horse ,picked our supply …strapped my bow and arrow and climed the horse,turned back and saw the beast already decaying while we head with my companion towards my favorite part of this forest.
The water fountain of Nirvana, I hardly use the word “beautiful “ but this place is actually “beautiful “ with the water making a calming sound when flowing down and the Little Rock’s around the stream running serving as resting places.
My favorite part is the fruits, different kind of trees produce fruits that I occasionally pick and fill my wrap bag before going on missions.
Dropped down from my house, took two whole apples and a gulp of water from the flowing stream before giving Hector and buddy a quick bath.
Washed my sword and sharpened it, counted my gold coins to make sure they are still intact before going to a cave behind the mountain to take a quick nap while our things get dry.
At dusk , with most of my energy restored. Hector and I set out to the nearby city of Garfield to get my back my payment with a “canine tooth” of the beast as evidence
But first I need to see their local healer to check my bones, to b ready just incase I end up into another fight.
But then I noticed that the people of the City of Garfield were looking at us … we normally get odd looks but this time it feels different.
The looks of terror and of disgust were written all over their scared faces as they make way for us to pass.
“Awful creature “
“Is he also a beast?”
“Look at that huge horse and unusual dog!”
“Is that the demon?”
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