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By: Bright Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 24 views: 90

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Torn from the fabric of existence by the unforgiving hand of death, his soul was left to drift in an endless expanse of darkness, suspended in a state of eternal limbo. But fate had other plans. Without warning, he was catapulted into a strange and foreboding realm, where the very essence of reality seemed to unravel. Then thrust into a world of mystique and terror, he must navigate the treacherous landscape of enigmatic beings, cryptic rituals, and ancient secrets. Every step forward is a perilous dance with the unknown, as he struggles to survive in a world where the laws of mundanity and weaknesses no longer apply, and the impossible becomes the only constant. Will he find a way to unravel the mysteries of this mystical world, or will he succumb to the darkness that surrounds him?? With the memories of his past life sealed for some time. He was compelled to grow his skills (Art of weapons) slowly with the help of his father who trains him whenever he is available. Growing slowly and getting versed with the nature of his new world, he got choosen by an ancient dual blades and as if he hadn't gotten enough, the choose him and awarded him with an invaluable system that not only unlocked his past memories but also his paragon potentials. The novel also consist of different species and creatures such as vampires, Gohus( creatures born out of the fusion of a human and a gorilla, werewolves, light elves, dark elves, hybrids, human, nether creatures, demons and magical beasts, e.t.c. The milky way Galaxy was under the siege of nether creatures, controlled by Demons who seek to dominate the Galaxy. The world forces led by Arkansas ( the first ever rare-brid)joined hand to take out the d...........

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24 chapters
Chapter 1: DEATH
On a street in Lagos, a young man at the age of 18 was walking mindlessly with a lifeless look in his eyes, he held a bottle of strong alcohol, taking constant gulps without mindling the irritated glances directed towards him. Been born an orphan with no one to call family, that was just a scratch to his thoughts, the worst part is been born in a country where education is everything and he couldn't afford it...he has been living on the street since he was eight and has done many odd job and terrible things to survive.As if life still felt he haven't had enough.....he was dragged in a mob group where stealing and killing are the order of the day, the rich use them for their dirty jobs and dumb them when they are done...with the statement "it's strictly business nothing personal ".From a timid 8 years boy, pushing through hardship, loneliness, pain, suffering, hunger, sorrow. Having to either steal from neighbors....ahh, he doesn't even have one. Having to go steal from people walkin
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Chapter 2: Unknown
What the hell just happened? Why is everything so dark? What happened to me, where am i? What the heck is going on here?, how did I end up in this dark place? Huh...where is my body, why can't I feel it?Having a feeling of foreboding and not being able to feel his body, panick immediately set in, fear gripping his heart....oh the dead don't have working hearts.Damn it!...who the hell brought me here, how did I end here? Is this it... am I dead? Wow so I died or is it someone playing with me, anybody here? What the f**k am I doing here and where the f**k am i? DAMN IT!!!Not being able to feel his body, his consciousness wandered around the darkness aimlessly. He stayed in the dark void for what seems to be eternity with not even a flash of light or a blink. After so many days which he lost count of.....a light shone, a very bright light, it was so bright to a level that there wasn't an hint or trace of darkness. The young man shot his eyes tightly so as not to go blind...well his
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Chapter 3: A NEW LIFE
In a world where the strong and powerful rules, a world where cultivation and more likes lives. A world full of different species and magical beasts.This side of the world have a clear blue sky with few or no clouds, bright sunshine, and a gentle breeze that makes body relaxed and refreshed. The temperature is typically comfortable, neither too hot nor too cold, making it pleasant to be outside. The air feels fresh and crisp, with perhaps a hint of floral scents. Visibility is high, allowing for stunning views of the surrounding villages filled with lush green fields, sparkling clean waters and surrounded by majestic mountains. The atmosphere feels serene and inviting, encouraging outdoor activities and a sense of well-being.The lifestyle of the people inhabitants are generally healthy, as the pleasant weather encourages regular physical activity and time spent in nature. There's a sense of community, as people are more likely to interact and form bonds in shared public spaces. The
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Chapter 4: TALENT
Words of the chief awakened adventurer having a new born after so many years spread out like wild fire.The news about the child born on the day of a sudden eclipse, spread all through the brightvale clan, making people wonder if the child is related to the strange phenomenon or if he was just fortunate or unfortunate to be born on that same day.When the news got to Mark who was about to receive a new mission to aid his family, he immediately quit the mission and rushed back to the village located at the outskirt of brightvale clan. Mark was happy to see his wife safe and healthy, he made sure that she was okay before proceeding to check on his child who was fast asleep.The young man in the flesh of a newborn stirred in his sleep before opening his blue eyes to stare at the man who was caressing his hair.' why can't you just let me sleep ugh' he thought as he stared the man down with murder in his eyes.Mark flinched and unconsciously took two steps back, unknowingly to him, a bid
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Chapter 5: AWE
After several years of Mark patiently waiting for his first son to show any signs of early stage awakening like his junior siblings, there was no single sign, nothing changed so far. Ever since his siblings had being admitted into Starfall academy which is located in one of the four countries. They were handpicked when the Starfall country's ambassador came to select talents in each clans. Every three years, each country takes turns to send their ambassadors to each clans to select children who are called 'the gifted' they are children who awaken their abilities at an early stage. As gifteds, vondrel's siblings were taken too.Vondrel has long gotten used to being alone and having no one to relate with, other than his parents and few people.He kept preparing for the upcoming day where he and all the children at the age of sixteen would journey to one of the country of their choice between the four countries to participate in the general awakening process. It is a day that every ch
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Chapter 6: FAILURE
As Vondrel's name boomed through the air, his heart skipped a beat. He ascended the first step of the platform, his foot hovering momentarily as if anchored by doubt. The weight of a thousand expectant eyes weighed on him, making his heart tremble with nervousness. In a desperate attempt to calm his racing thoughts, he turned his gaze to where his mother seated. Calming his raising heart, he pushed all thoughts to the back of his head, he then walked up the platform and reached out and placed his hand on the dormant floating crystal, its stillness a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within him. But to his surprise, there was no response, no spark, no sign of life - only an unsettling silence that seemed to amplify his growing unease. The crystal's stillness seemed to mock him, its inactivity a stark contrast to the maelstrom of emotions churning inside Vondrel.' what is going on, why is it not responding. Is it damaged or am I not doing it right??' he thought, having a feeling
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Behind the veil of closed doors, Vondrel's facade crumbled, revealing a shattered soul. He slumped against the wall, his eyes vacant, his face ashen. The maniacal laughter that had echoed through the Evercoast awakening association's halls now reduced to mere whispers of despair. His body trembled, as if the weight of his failure threatened to consume him whole. He buried his face in his hands, his fingers digging deep into his scalp, as if trying to erase the memories of his inadequacy. Tears, once held back by pride, now streamed down his face, a river of sorrow and regret. His eyes, once bright with hope, now dimmed, like embers extinguished by the harsh winds of reality. He whispered to himself, "What's wrong with me??" The words echoed through the silence, a haunting reminder of his inadequacy. In this moment, Vondrel was lost, a stranger to himself, a shadow of the confident awakened he once aspired to be.As the tears continued to fall, Vondrel's body shook with convulsive
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Stepping foot on the outskirt of the Evercoast Awakened Academy, he stared at the giant gate of the academy. Just from the outside point of view, the academy looks like a giant fortress made out of onyx stones with beautiful and intricate workmanship, used for the walls. Every kids that successfully awakened an ability, be it a potent one or a discarded one, they were all accepted. Even those that are yet to awaken due to some reasons like missing the awaken ceremony, not being able to attend due to some reasons known to them, some due to the distance. They were admitted to give a try in the academy.The admitted awakened were either at the beginners and novice level, all except Rina Willis and few kids who skipped two entire levels and are presently at the amateur level due to their titan level resonance."So this is where father wants me to be." Vondrel murmured.The memories of his conversation with his father resurfaced to him."What! I am admitted into the Evercoast Awakened Aca
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Chapter 9: GATHERING
Walking through the academy in search of his domitory, he came across a group gathered in a place and staring at something. He decided to ignore and continued searching when he heard a familiar voice calling his name."Hey Vondrel.... let's go check out what's going on over there." james said"Nah...i don't have time for that, I need to find my dormitory and settle down."Vondrel replied. "Class will start tomorrow, I need to be prepared." he added"Snort.... don't be such a boring guy, let's go check it out." James said. "okay I promise to accompany you when searching for your dorm, is that okay by you? "he added"Huh....okay let's see what's going on." Vondrel replied'Why Is he suddenly feeling attached ' Vondrel gave James a weary look, after living a lonely life, it feels odd for someone he just met to try getting attached.'BANG'Suddenly there was a loud bang and someone was sent flying and crashing against Vondrel. He was also sent flying and they both crashed on a near by wall
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Chapter 10: DOMITORY
Everyone was talking about what happened earlier and it spread throughout the academy."Finally I found yah" Vondrel exclaimed after finding his dormitory."What the hell, is this where your dorm is situated....this is too bad " exclaimed James"What's so bad about it??" Vondrel asked"With what I heard about this place, student from the other dorm do pick on students in this dorm." James said Vondrel looked up at the entrance of the dorm where there was a large letter was written "BLUE BAND" "What does that mean??" He asked James traced his line of sight and saw him staring at the word on the entrance of the dorm."Ohh, that??" He lingered for few minutes before continuing."The bands are different colours used to differentiate the hierarchy between students. The blue band are the lowest rank designated for students who awaken weak abilities or who has low level resonance and those who are yet to awaken, the colour above the Blue, which is the Yellow band are for those who awaken
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