All Chapters of The Tide of Fortune: Chapter 101
- Chapter 110
793 chapters
Chapter 101 The Dream Was Short-Lived
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Antonio is surprised by Eduardo standing at the door of his office."Eddie!" He exclaims, startled, "What are you doing here?"Eduardo smiles like a mischievous boy, "I needed to see you. We need to properly plan our revenge scheme."Antonio quickly opens the office so that no one finds the kidnapper free and on the loose talking to him. After that, he locks the door so he won't be surprised by anyone."Let's talk fast." Antonio is a little apprehensive, "May Reggie not find you here. I haven't even told my wife that you left."Eduardo smiles evilly, "Correction = you didn't tell Mrs. Ferreira that I was FREED by you."Antonio smirks, "Sit down. What do you want to know about?""I want to know when I can contact your daughter." Eduardo sits down.Antonio wiggles, "You crazy. The news still hasn't reached my daughter and you already want to spoil the surprise? For the plan to work perfectly, you'll have to go days or weeks without talking to her!"Eduardo disagrees and even shakes with
Chapter 102 For Our Daughter's Sake
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
The next day, Reginaldo is sitting on the bed of the master suite, frowning, searching his cell phone for new information about Eduardo's arrest. Laura is in the closet getting dressed to go out."Honey, I couldn't find anything about Eduardo. The guy is so insignificant he didn't even get a newspaper article."Laura swallows hard. She still hasn't told Reginaldo that the maniac is on the loose, "Better this way."Reginaldo chuckles, "Now our lives will have peace at last."He gets up and goes to the bathroom to shower. Today is another working day at the hotel.While he was in the kitchen having breakfast, Reginaldo took out his cell phone to see the sales report. A message from Bruno informed him that Aline had not come to work because she was 'indisposed'. Reginaldo frowns again.Afraid of misunderstanding Laura, he doesn't call Aline now, with his wife beside him putting slices of low-fat cheese and ham on her roll bread.But as soon as he's in the staff room at the Ferreira Hotel
Chapter 103 Finding the Enemy
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Antonio waits for Marianne to finish speaking and leaves without looking at her."See you later, dear! You were just leaving without saying goodbye..." Marianne subtly teases him.Antonio gathers his strength and walks over to his wife to kiss her forehead, "See you later."Antonio bolts away with a scowl, muttering through his teeth, "Why do I get the feeling she already knows? Well, that'll make my plan easier."When Antonio arrives safely at the hotel, he summons Mr. Rosendo for a meeting in his office.Rosendo enters with a serious, icy expression, "Here I am, Mr. Ferreira.""Rosendo, I am aware that Reggie Silva is still working at MY hotel." Antonio leans back in his chair, "What's left for you to fire him?""It remains to infuriate our guests who are eternally grateful." Rosendo boldly responds, "Reginaldo got 100% approval."Antonio twists his nose, "Come on, someone must have complained!""Yes, guest Gustavo Barroso. But we already know that this guest often exaggerates and l
Chapter 104 Mr. Rosendo Is Not Intimidated
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Antonio continues with his meeting between him and Mr. Rosendo. The Chief of the porters and bellboys are still standing, listening to the absurdities of Ferreira Hotel's owner."Mr. Rosendo, I want to take this opportunity and inform you that we will have an autograph session in honor of the excellent writer Eduardo Casemiro.""Never heard of him," Rosendo responds dryly and indifferently.Antonio gets embarrassed, "Ehr... he showed up here on Miss Mendonça's birthday and danced with the birthday girl who wasn't wearing panties.""What was identified as your daughter's boyfriend?"Antonio gets more nervous, "He's not my daughter's boyfriend, that was fake news in the tabloids." He calms down, "Anyway, I want your guys to be prepared for a larger concentration of guests.""Thank you so much for letting me know, sir. I'll text them all." Rosendo remains serious and formal."Text message?" Antonio wiggles, "Why don't you get everyone together and announce like we used to?""Because it w
Chapter 105 Temptation at the Pool
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Marianne is extremely upset when she hears her husband announcing with pleasure that Eduardo Casemiro will have an autograph session in the hotel's ballroom, the same place where he made a scandal with their daughter..."Have you completely lost your mind?" She faces him."Why does everyone think I'm going crazy?" Antonio asks mockingly."Because that's what it looks like to me!" Marianne barks, "Do you want to call the man who tried to kidnap your daughter here? How will Laura react to that?""Like a normal person," Antonio responds dryly."There is no normality in such nonsense!"Antonio shrugs, "Marianne, let the maids know they'll have extra activity. I already sent word to Mr. Rosendo."Marianne's eyes widen, "Mr. Rosendo? So Reggie already knows?"The door unexpectedly opens and Reginaldo appears inside, snorting like a bull, "Yes, I already know, and I demand explanations!"Antonio genuinely gets a fright. Marianne smiles slightly, pleased to see Reginaldo defending her daughte
Chapter 106 Children with a Sixty-Year-Old Man
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Tension and stress were the orders of the day for Antonio. Reginaldo closes the door with such strength that the doorknob becomes loose again and falls.Antonio points to the doorknob as if it were an object of incalculable value, "See? I'll charge it from your salary, you careless!""Don't divert the subject!" Reginaldo asserts, "That doorknob was already loose. Now answer me, father-in-law: how do I get the text message that we will have an autograph session for Eduardo Casemiro if the criminal is behind bars?"Antonio sits up with a devilish grin, "I thought you were smart, Reggie."Marianne heaves a sigh, "Eduardo is on parole.""But under what conditions? Who let him out?" Reginaldo yells furiously.Antonio shrugs, "I have no idea, my mind is on my hotel business."Reginaldo purses his lips, and then asks, "And how did the guy you despise now become a key player in boosting the hotel's profits?"Antonio mockingly responds, "Oh, I forgot, you're now so busy with the porter job tha
Chapter 107 Who Is Anestor?
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Marianne and Reginaldo realize how Antonio is only interested in chaos and confusion.She opines, "Darling, you're turning into a monster. Who is this Antonio Ferreira I'm seeing right now?"Antonio responds as if giving her a whip blow, "I'm the same guy you married! Don't tell me that now you're going to be against Eduardo Casemiro. You were the first to be friendly with him, encouraging him to be the lover of our daughter!""It's just because that day I didn't know that the maniac would be able to kidnap our daughter!" Marianne asserts with a grim face.Antonio shrugs, "The matter is closed, there is no room for discussion. I think next week will give me time to organize everything."Reginaldo is not satisfied, "You still haven't said what your plan is, rogue."Antonio punches the desk, "Respect your boss, imbecile! Go carry bags of demanding ladies, that's all you're good for!""Don't think this matter is over." Marianne blurts out, "As soon as Laura finds out, she'll be the next
Chapter 108 Learning to Live
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Reginaldo presses Antonio to the wall with the fateful question about him being responsible for Eduardo's release. After all, everything indicated so!Antonio's extremely violent reaction to smashing his cup on the wall, almost hitting his son-in-law, was the answer Reginaldo wanted.He smiles, satisfied, "Thanks for confirming my question.""Get out of here, insolent brat!" Antonio barks."Brat?" Reginaldo feigns indignation, "I'm twenty-five, sir, I already know what life is like. I already know how there are people who can't be trusted.""Are you implying that I'm not to be trusted?" Antonio gets up."You were the one who took the bait." Reginaldo blinks mockingly and then finally leaves.Antonio collapses in his chair and eagerly searches for the pills to take. Without the cup, he takes the pills dry, three at a time, more than recommended, just to calm down.Meanwhile, Reginaldo enters Marianne's office."You can answer me, mother-in-law." He blurts out as he enters, startling Ma
Chapter 109 Siblings Reunion
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
At night, Reginaldo was waiting for his father and sister at the Parmesan Pizzeria. As it was Thursday, the pizzeria's activity was calm. Reginaldo already had an answer on the tip of his tongue if Aline appeared again. Little did Reginaldo know that Aline intended to stay in her apartment to be degraded and demeaned by Márcio again, and the worst part, she willingly waits for him. When Bartolomeo and Natalia entered, Reginaldo had to scratch his eyes to recognize his sister. Three years passed and Reginaldo noticed how Natalia grew and changed her appearance. The glasses that dwarfed her face were gone and her clumsy hair was now smooth and straight thanks to the Japanese straightening. When Natalia smiled, she showed perfect teeth. Where were the braces that made her look awful? Matias had married the ugly duckling who turned into a swan. Reginaldo fervently hugged his sister, "How good it is to see you again, Natty!" "Likewise, big brother!" Natalia starts to cry. Customers ar
Chapter 110 Female Friends vs Men
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
The pepperoni and salami pizza arrived and the Fabray family helped themselves to good slices. Natalia took one while the men took two slices.But Natalia tried to return a slice of her father, "Mr. Fabray, watch the cholesterol!"Bartolomeo laughs, but soon he remembers the poisoned chocolates. Then he talks about it without mentioning the point, "Is your husband ready to temporarily take over for Reggie?""You want to know if the bruises are gone?" Natalia wryly asks, "Yes, nothing as some good makeup can fix."Reginaldo chuckles, "Matias needs to stand up to my annoying cousins."Natalia cuts the slice of pizza as if she were slitting Henry and Cassio's throats, "Argh, those smug ones... I want to watch my hubby in my box putting those two in their place."Bartolomeo places his right hand on his daughter's left hand, "Calm down, little princess. Everything will be all right."Natalia takes a deep breath and smiles, "When Dad said you were hiding here, I was stunned, Reggie! What a