All Chapters of The Tide of Fortune: Chapter 111
- Chapter 120
793 chapters
Chapter 111 Don't Want to Embarrass
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Carla feels that she has had a stroke of luck when she finds Bruno in the hallway. She's so glad she didn't notice her boss standing at the enemy neighbor's door."Bruno, glad I found you." Carla approaches him, "I told Aline that I wanted to go out with you and you were actually very close to us!"Bruno is embarrassed, "Hello, Miss Fortunato.""I think we can put the formality aside. Don't let that Bianca ruin a beautiful friendship.""It turns out, Miss Fortunato, that—"Sabrina's door opens and she is surprised by the two of them standing in the doorway, "What is this? I didn't organize any party!"Without saying a word, Bruno bursts into Sabrina's apartment and slams the door shut. Carla is completely shocked and holds her breath for a few seconds, petrified by what she saw.What was this? Bruno had just walked in as if he owned the place!Aware that Bruno came with Márcio and with the same immoral purpose, Carla huffs in anger and strides towards the pizzeria.******At Parmesan
Chapter 112 Trying to Understand
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Reginaldo is frowning to learn that the girl he wanted to have as a meek and submissive wife is acting like a senseless promiscuous. Why?"Carla, just tell me why. Why did Aline decide to act like this? Is she in love with the guy? Are they dating?"Carla laughs, "Of course not, they don't even consider themselves friends! She said that Márcio is just a guy to get laid."Reginaldo is even more surprised. Márcio? Just he?He scratches his head, "I still can't understand. That's not the Aline I knew."Carla rolls her eyes, "Reggie, we're talking about the same Aline who decided to go to her own birthday party without panties: that's who she is! Crazy, inconsequential, irresponsible, she doesn't think about tomorrow. If it's not me living with her in the apartment, she would certainly be a victim of pimping or human trafficking."Reginaldo narrowed his eyes. It seems that Carla spoke with exasperation. Did the two friends fight and is Carla now lying to him, tarnishing Aline's unblemishe
Chapter 113 Affront
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
A week has passed. Today was Friday, the day of Eduardo Casemiro's autograph session in the Ferreira Hotel's ballroom.Marianne gathered all the maids to announce the event, "Girls, we noticed that on the Internet we had twice as many guests making a reservation at our esteemed hotel. Since yesterday some of them started to arrive, so we must be aware of the agglomeration. Be competent like you always are, please our guests with an angelic smile.""Yes, Mrs. Ferreira!" All responded in unison."OK, good job for all of us!" Marianne dismisses them all, ending the meeting that took place in their locker room.Laura walks against the flow of maids leaving. Upon finding Marianne, she spits fire, "Mother, for God's sake, tell her this is a nightmare!""This is a nightmare," Marianne responds without emotion."Mom, please, if you cheated on my dad somewhere in the past, I won't be upset." Laura insists on the thesis, "Just introduce me to my real father, and everything will be fine."Marian
Chapter 114 Do You Take the Consequences?
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Antonio is at full throttle checking the progress of the autograph session, rather than delegating the job to his subordinates. He even gave the hotel cooks time off.Fábio Seara is trying to reason with him, "Mr. Ferreira, don't you want the kitchen of your own hotel, full of chefs who graduated from the best culinary schools in Europe, to provide the food for this autograph session?""No, we don't need them." Antonio coldly responds as he communicates with someone on the computer, "I'm arranging everything with a very elegant buffet."Fábio scratches his head, "I must warn you that people from all social classes will come. Eduardo Casemiro has been selling a lot, and there are rumors that he will be interviewed on Lisandro Torres's show."Antonio smiles wryly, "Then the less fortunate will eat fancy food for the first time in their lives."Marianne strides into the office, frowning, "Tony, your daughter is about to have a heart attack; like father, like daughter. Would you please ca
Chapter 115 Caught By Falsehood
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
At Gomes Estates, Márcio is being accused by Reginaldo of being an inconsequential rapist. Márcio is sweating because he didn't want to displease the man who gave him a job."Mr. Silva, I didn't want to upset you. Is Aline interested in you by any chance? Are you two seeing each other? She hasn't said anything to me!"Reginaldo calms down and takes the opportunity to hear his point of view, "Explain to me how it all happened.""It was at the housewarming party for her and Carla's apartment." Márcio speaks in an accelerated tone as if he were before an inquisitorial court, "Carla took George to her room and Aline took me to her room. I had to fulfill my obligation as a man, Mr. Silva. The next day, neither she nor Carla, showed up to work, unable to even walk."Reginaldo tastes gall on his tongue. How much exaggeration!"Keep going," he orders in a dry, husky voice."Since then Aline and I have met often at her apartment, but she doesn't even consider me as a friend. There was one nigh
Chapter 116 Mentally Unstable
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Reginaldo does not understand why Antonio was unfavorable to Eduardo, calling him several times a 'failure', but now he calls him a 'successful writer'."Come on, Tony, explain yourself!" Reginaldo teases him, "Before you hated Eduardo, now you're organizing this autograph session. And this is happening a week after he tried to kidnap your daughter! Were you the one who released him from jail?"Antonio laughs nervously, "Come on, Reggie, I don't have the power to arrest or release people from jail.""You keep threatening me with arrest if I divorce Laura." Reginaldo thunders, not understanding his father-in-law's twisted mind.Antonio shrugs, "That's because you wanted to get a divorce. Now that you've decided to legally pervert my daughter, the threat has lost its appeal.""I don't 'pervert' your daughter!" Reginaldo is appalled by the old man's lack of logic, "If Laura and I make love, we are under the permission of God and human law. The wrong thing was Laura betraying me with Edua
Chapter 117 Wrong Adress
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
Reginaldo is in the servants' room taking an aspirin given by Joshua. Today his shift will be night shift while Reginaldo's will be over."Glad you're going home." Joshua jokes, "Can you imagine working a full shift with this headache?"Reginaldo smiles and hands him the package of aspirin, "God forbid. Thank you very much, Josh.""You're welcome, that's what we're here for." Joshua goes to his closet to store the aspirins.Reginaldo takes a deep breath and takes his cell phone. He dials Laura.After a long try with her cell phone ringing, Laura finally answers, "Hello?"Reginaldo frowns slightly, "Darling, why did you take so long to answer your cell phone? And I think you're panting.""I was walking along the beach promenade and just got here. Sorry, my love." Laura responds hastily.Reginaldo smiles, "It's nice to know that you are at least using the time for useful things. We still need to talk about what you intend to do with your life."Reginaldo feels that Laura's voice tremble
Chapter 118 Unrestrained Curiosity
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
George is stunned to see a couple dressed up, ready to go to a party of the highest level, standing in a building not worthy of their presence."You are in the wrong loft or building," George responds, about to slam the door in their faces.But Matias is faster this time and bars the door with his hand, "Wait a minute, sir! We need information."George gets more nervous. In contrast to the couple being exquisitely dressed, George got out of the shower and is just wearing a grimy towel wrapped around his waist. His well-built body left Natalia overwhelmed."Sir, I'm not decent in front of madam, I need to change.""Does my brother Reginaldo live here?" Natalia asks looking at the floor.George felt an alarm ring in his mind. Who are these guys?"Sister? I'm sorry, madam. A Reginaldo lived here, but he didn't tell me he had a sister. I basically don't know anything about his family, except that their parents died."Natalia is surprised. Matias realizes that he made a mistake in coming h
Chapter 119 Catching the Rotten Trick
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
To make matters worse, it's at this moment that Reginaldo's cell phone rings, but the device reminds him that the battery is low."Oh, I need to recharge my cell phone. And someone is calling." Reginaldo checks the missed call, "It's George.""Your friend, one of those who work at the real estate agency?" Anestor asks interested."Exactly. I need to see with him this business of sleeping with the girls who work with them. Did you know that Gomes Estates is turning into a whorehouse?"Anestor smiles deviously instead of being shocked, "I think I'll go over there and see what their services are."Reginaldo doesn't know whether to laugh or scold the joke and leaves. Little does he know that Anestor wasn't joking.Upon entering the master suite, he is faced with the unusual change of sheets. Laura is out of the shower and in her pink robe, as usual, undecided about what to wear.Reginaldo takes the charger and connects it to his cell phone. While the battery is being recharged, he goes to
Chapter 120 Going Back to the Past
The Tide of Fortune/Anderson José
After taking a shower, Reginaldo goes to his cell phone. The battery had charged up to 30%. Well, there was time for at least one call, right?When selecting George's number, his friend answers on the other side, lying on the couch, watching a TV show, "Hello, Reggie! Why did you take so long to answer?""Sorry, the cell phone needed to recharge the battery." Reginaldo informs him, "Huh, I need to get out. What's wrong?""A couple appeared claiming to be your sister and brother-in-law. Didn't you tell me you were alone in this world?" George shoots at point-blank range.Reginaldo is astonished. Damn it! Why didn't Natalia and Matias say they were coming?"George, I need to take some time to talk to you. By the way, there's another matter I want to take care of." Reginaldo answers with a frown."About what you want to talk about?""When I hired you for my real estate agency project, you weren't supposed to be debauched with the girls who work with you." Reginaldo sums up the situation.