All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
129 chapters
You call this 'Under Control'?
Nick and Crowley we're sitting in the sofa sipping the tea Blair refilled for them, while Faust was busy staring at several screens observing Proxima-9's orbit. Julian on the other hand was pacing back and forth while being covered in cold sweat. Faust leaned back in the sofa as he put his hand on his chin. "Is everything okay Faust?" Crowley said as he leisurely sipped his tea. Faust shook his head, "Nope, I'm just bored man." He said as he made the screens disappear. Blair gave him a cup of tea silently. Julian then scratched his head, "I don't understand how you all could relax while those two might be in grave danger!" They all looked at each other and laughed. Nick wiped the tears forming on his eyes. "Oh god Julian you crack me up. Ever wonder why no adventurer dies in Terachoma Prime?" Julian scratched his chin and looked down, "Uhh, a strict training regime? Discipline?" Nick shook his head, "It's the uniforms." Faust nodded his head, "It has a safety release, however it onl
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Wyvern Slaying Duo
Once he opened his eyes he could feel the flesh of a human body once more. He repeatedly balled the fists of Nex. He smiled and looked towards the dragon. [I'll be borrowing your body for a while kiddo. Don't hate me alright?] He said in a voice that is an amalgamation of both Nex's and his. [Alright Setsuna! Get ready! We're gonan start with a goddamn bang!] He said as Setsuna turned towards him while panting heavily. "Took you long enough! Is she going to be okay!?" Setsuna said as she dodged the incoming claw of the wyvern.[She's gonna be out for a while. Don't worry though! I got this.]Nova said as he clapped her hands.>He said as chains wrapped around the wyverns neck. The searing chains protruded from the ground as it coiled around the creature. Holding it down. More and more chains hooked itself and clipped the wyvern's wings. Pinning it to the ground. >He wielded the hammer however it weighed like a shit ton. Nova was unable to wield it. He
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<<Aksara Dahana>> (I)
"Hey! Are you deaf, human? Did you kill this thing?" He said while glaring at her with his purple eyes. Nex was covered in cold sweat as she struggled to even utter a word. She looked at the countenance of the boy. He was a small statured teenager. He had delicate looks however his shoulder length wavy brown hair was decorated with two twisting and elongated horns. Both his bare hands and feet were covered in draconic scales. On his back was a tail akin to a lizard covered in armor. Although he was dressed like a normal mortal would, he was anything but.It was a being like no other she has encountered. A very dangerous one. Nex watched the man approach her slowly. She couldn't muster a single word as she was enveloped with fear. No matter how hard she tried not a single fibre of her body would respond towards the approaching danger. His gaze alone could freeze her on her tracks, like a snake eyeing it's prey.Hearing no answer from her the mysterious figure clicked his tongue and sho
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<<Aksara Dahana>> (II)
A few minutes earlier... Nick and the others leisurely made their way towards the inner most place of the cavern. Nick perked up his ears only to hear a booming sound of thunder followed by silence. He heaved a sigh of relief as no beastly screeches or flapping of wings resounded afterwards. "It seems that they've managed to kill the wyvern." Julian scratched his head, "That's your reaction!? It's a friggin wyvern for god's sake! How casual can you people be!? It is a thing of legend! Which is I thought did not nest here is actually physically present! And for some goddamn reason two new recruits who are half my age manage to kill it within a short time frame? Am I the wierd one here!?" The three looked at julian with surprise. Nick coughed guiltily, "I'm sorry if I ruffled some feathers Young man... but you see. we are also wondering why. I doubt that the dragon vein is actually capable of something like this. Some external factors must be at play here." Nick said as he looked around
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<<Aksara Dahana>> (III)
Nex growled as the flames on her wings incresed it's intensity. From out of thin air a liquid that looked like a metallc liquid twirled on her arm, it slowly formed a cannon blaster on her hand. The man's eyes narrowed as he stared her. "So, not only are you capable of drawing upon the Sefirot... You are also capable of it's mirror... Quite the fascinating human you are."He said as he watched Nex ready and aim her cannon towards him. He grinned towards her as bat like wings covered in golden scales sprouted from his back. His golden eyes shone with intensity as he spread his arms wide. Nex growled as she fired her cannon which sent out a terryfing laser blast which evaporated everything withing a mile radius to where the man stood.He was floating in the air as the ground beneath him has vanished from existence. He was laughing madly. "your grasp on that kind of magic is barely on it's infancy stage. Truly preposterous on how you wield it like some sort of gun. Ignorance... is such a
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<<Aksara Dahana>> (IV)
"I shall remember this fight for many moons. Rejoice human. You have thoroughly satiated my boredom." He tapped his forehead as he smiled jovially to the feral Nex who was struggling to even stand up. "Ah how can I forget! Pardon my rudeness. I am Aksara Azi Dahana! A loyal follower of the Primordial Dragon Monarch. One of the three heads of Azi." He said he appeared in his true draconic form. He was covered in scales from top to bottom yet still retained his humanoid form. Oly his face was not covered in scales. And his wavy neck long brown hair was also retained.The green mana within his palms intensified. "However this must also come to a close. My king is in need of my services. You are still an infent yet to fully grow into your full potential." He said as the green mana within his hands turned into a ball of light.> Setsuna jumped out of her lighning form as she streaked across the battlefield appearing right above Aksara. A gigantic li
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<<Aksara Dahana>> (V)
"I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. It seems it is indeed you... Nova." Aksara said as he crouched to match Nova's eye level. "I thought you were destroyed. It seems you were more tenacious than I thought." Nova clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes, [Why the fuck aren't you affected by Aeshma's last spell?] Aksara shook his head, "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I have found you. Soon enough we will all be reunited. Worry not old friend. I shall free you from your prison."[Fuck off you bastard! What do you mean prison!? This is my new wielder!] Aksara closed his eyes and nodded his head. "I see, you mean to tell me you do not wan't to be Aeshma's wielder once more?" He said stopping Nova from uttering any more profanities. "Although it is a shame I have to kill this budding sapling, but if it's for the queen... then I'll hapilly oblige." He said as he violently narrowed his eyes whilst raising his hand into the air as he sharpened the claws in his fingertips
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<<Aksara Dahana>> (VI)
A few hours after Crowley casted his spell.Aksara finally broke free of his gilded seal. Cracks started forming on the cracked statue as smoke billowed out of the gaps. Then suddenly the entire area around him was enveloped by extreme heat as he exploded in a ball of flames. He roared from the top of his lungs the moment he got free. He knelt on the ground as he slammed his fits on the ground. "Damn it! I was so close! Those Brats from the Circle really piss me off!"As he looked around and saw nothing but destruction he sighed as he snapped his fingers. Everything around him returned to normal. Then after a few moments of waiting countless flapping of wings arrived all around him. He stared at the fully grown adult dragons flying all around him as they slowly landed in front of him with their elongated heads subserviently bowing down towards him reverently. He narrowed his eyes as an numerous more landed side by side as they all gathered and formed countless batallions. It was a co
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The Lingering Nightmare
It was cold.The slithering dark against my face felt cold. Perhaps the coldest it has ever been.I cannot speak, I cannot breath, I try to reach towards the flickering light above me but I couldn't feel my hands, frankly I could barely feel anything at all.I try to form a fist yet feel nothing.I am bound...I try to thrash and scream, as I do I see flickering images of earlier cut through my psyche.The burning skies as the world wept blood.The screams of horror and agony as the world we knew crumbled in to dust.I was helpless to stop the onslaught of my own making.Anger.Unrelenting anger.It filled my mind like dark clouds on stormy weather.It was hell. The more I stay asleep and sedated the more vivid those images become. I force my eyes open only to struggle at the faintest of blinks.This...Familiar feeling.It reminds me of rain...Endless.Heavy.Yes.It has started pouring down once more. I feel like I'm drowning this time. The worst it has ever been.My eyes slowly fl
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Nova channeled mana from within Nex's mindscape. The moment he did she felt immense pain making her growl. As she clutched her chest. Outside she was probably convulsing like crazy right now. It probably sent everyone into a panic. She coudn't blame them, after all they're just worried about her."What the hell is happening Doc!" Setsuna grabbed the collar of one Doctor as he called all medical assistants to the room right now. "I- I don't know! She was stable earlier! I even talked to her!" Setsuna grabbed Nex's hands and gripped it softly. "Damn it! Live you damn idiot! Your team needs a captain!" She said as she watched Nex's face contort due to the immense pain she was feeling.Purple mana started oozing from her nose as it bubbled on her mouth. Her hand dug into the table instinctively as she convulsed. Her entire body shone purple as a dark and looming shadow enveloped her body.Then a huge portal opened as Nick, Crowley and Faust entered and they brought out all sorts of liquid
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