All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
129 chapters
The Spar (I)
After discussing the differences in grimoires Nick took distance away from the two. "Now to practicals. Mages have different kinds of Grimoires. Figuring that out is key to defeating them. Now I would like you two to figure out what kind of Grimoire's mine." He said as he brought out a book and made it hover mid-air. He then took out a small vial filled with golden dust. He scaterred the dust on the grimoire, then it shone as it was incased in a golden sphere filled wit hblue runes. "Obviously I'm not going to make it that easy." He said as he slammed his palms together and a magic circle appeared from the ground, enveloping the area around him. The arena floor rumbled as bits of sand gathered on the golden orb as it hardened and formed an almost humanoid shaped golem. Setsuna raised her eyebrows, "I'm pretty sure the extent of Magitech's knowledge isn't that profound." Nex nodded her head as she scratched her chin, "As much as I'd like to stay wary from those fucks. They're not tha
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The Spar (II)
Nick cracked his knuckles, "Alright that was a nice attack. That caught me off guard." He cracked his neck and body as his fists were covered in flames. He started hopping up and down and started changing his relaxed posture. He raised both his fists his entire torso started bobbign up and down. He then kicked off the ground as He charged towards Nex and applied constant pressure by barraging her with burning jabs. She was evading all of his strikes however each time he strike it felt like it was getting faster and faster. Setsuna tried to come and help. She turned into lightning and struck down, however Nick was once again replaced by the golem. Setsuna clicked her tongue as she glared at Nick. She looked towards Nex, "I handle Nick, you handle the grimoire." Nex nodded her head as she wielded her hammer and aimed it towards the golem. However the Hammer didn't budge. No skulls lit up. It weighed just like a normal hammer. HEavy and cumbersome. She then dropped it as she covered her
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An Entire week of Agony
Nex and setsuna looked around after being kicked out of the arena and saw nothing but the bustling streets of Cor Aureum. "Fucking Bastard..." Nex clicked her tongue as she started walking towards the nearest restaurant along with Setsuna. They sat down and ordered some food. While they were waiting they checked out the book that was handed to them. It was a book in all red, pristine and not worn down unlike the book Nick showed earlier. > Setsuna started flipping through the pages seeing if she could understand a word. Surprisingly it was translated into galaxia. Nex on the other hand rubbed her chin and summoned Nova. He popped out of her shadow and stared at the book in her hands. She dangled the book in front of Nova, "So can you use this?" Nove narrowed his eyes trying to scrutinize the object. [Hmmm... Maybe. The mana traces are faint but it's enough to give you a small boost in strength. Besides that's not the main point. Although faint, it's still a co
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The Assessment Test (I)
Blair woke up Nex at an ungodly hour, "Blair, what did I tell you about being punctual." Blair tilted her head and said with a monotonous voice. "I shoudn't be. But I didn't listen. Just like you." Nex groaned as she massaged her face. She stared at the nearby bed where setsuna should be only to find it empty. The door swung open and Setsuna entered whilst wearing somthing unlike her usual punk styled clothes. It was a greed uniforn that wierdlt fits. It's neat and tidy and it made her look sharp. "What the fuck are you wearing Setsu?" She said as she sat up on the bed earning her a shrug. "Adventurers Guild Uniform. They sent it earlier. I think this uniform is more of a formality for the assessment later." She said as she sat on Nex's bed. "So Freshen up. We have an early day today." Nex sighed and stood up reluctantly as Blair prepared her clothes, "I mean seriously, you gotta stop Blair from catering to your every whim." Blair however tilted her head, "What do you mean Miss Sets
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The Assessment Test (II)
Setsuna found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around and saw nothing but a seemingly never ending forest. The trees looked crooked, and littered with both scratch and bite marks. She looked up and saw nothing but a ceiling of rocks littered with glowing minerals that light up the entire area. She clicked her tongue as she narrowed her eyes. She looked through the purple leaves and saw glaring red eyes peeking through. She cracked her neck and her shoulders while grinning. "Perfect I can loosen up with this kind of bastards."She dashed through aiming right at the heart of the forest. Thick webs made of silver barred most of her path. She narrowed her eyes and clicked her tongue, "Fuck, goddamn spiders? Seriously?" What crawled out of the trees were half spiders and half humanoid. It had the face of a spider and lengthy arms with razor sharp claws.Setsuna had goosebumps as she stared at the monster crawling out of the thicket. The Arachnosapiens roared as they jumped toward
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The Assessment Test (III)
Nex snapped her fingers to remove the green blood from her chains. She stared at the corpses of the Arachnosapiens that rushed towards her. The Ice knights she conjured were mangled into peices, yet she alone stood tall unblemished from all the infighting that just occurred. She looked around and saw nothing but the craggy interior of the cavern illuminated by blue minerals that pop out of the cave's interior.Then a rage filled screech that shook the entire cave echoed. Nex frowned as she looked towards the only pathway leading towards the innermost part of the cavern. She looked towards Nova who was hovering around the knights. [That doesn't sound good. I think you just woke the queen.]Nex cracked her knuckles, "Ain't that a good thing? The sooner we kill her the faster we get out of here." Nova shrugged his shoulders, [I'm not gonna stop you. Suit yourself. These creatures are filled with exquisite mana.]Nex repeatedy balled her fists as she was filled with vigor. She channeled h
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The Assessment Test (IV)
Setsuna left the large forest ecosystem in tatters. It was filled with scorchmarks and countless charred bodies of the Arachnosapiens. She then found the edge of the forest and saw nothing but crags and glowing minerals.There was no pathway what so ever. She turned into lightning and surveyed the area only to the the vast forst area and no enrty nor exit point. She clicked her tongue as she removed the headphone from her head and turned the loud music off. She slowly walked around the edges of the forest cavern with her eyes closed. She put her palms on the craggy walls as she traced them while walking around.After a while a strong sound of flowing wind entered her ears. She stopped moving and her hands stopped along with her as she stared at the particular wall infront of her. She tilted her head as she stared at it. "Illusion magic? How? I doubt these creatures know how to cast this kind of magic."She gathered lightning on her hands as she was about to smash the rocks apart she r
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The Arachnosapien Queen
Nex and Setsuna gawked at the hulking mosntrosity before them as it screeched shaking the entire area along with it. "This was supposed to be a test right?" Nex said as she looked towards her companion. Setsuna nodded her head dumbly as she scratched her head. "What part of this is for B-rank adventurers? Are they even human?" She said as they watched the quen come out unscathed from the barrage of attacks Nex and Setsuna delivered. "What kind of fucking standards does the guild expect from adventurers if their rank up quests are like this." Nex said as she put her hands on her hips. The two looked towards the queen slowly approaching them thinking of them as nothing but prey.Nex sighed, "Well we're already knee deep in the mud, no use whining now." She brought out a couple of blue vials and and handed them towards setsuna. "Let's make use of Nick's stash." She said maiking Setsuna raise her eyebrows."Where the hell did you even get these?" Nex grinned and snapped her fingers. She t
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Kiddo... That's not a dragon.
The golden lustre of its scales reflected off the illuminating flashes of thunder above the violet skies. Glaring orange eyes staring at insignificant lifeforms. As billowing smoke came out of it's long snout. They could catch a glimpse of its Fangs almost as tough as stellarite. Its wings flapped and created a gust of wind blowing away the rubble and revealing the two gawking at it from below.It's elongated neck stood tall as it roared across the skies. It was like a super sonic blast. Even both Setsuna and Nex covered their ears from the sheer force and volume of it. Within that same instant their mana barriers also instantly broke sending them flying towards the broken rubble.The creature flew up in the air and narrowed it's eyes trying find the two. It found them lying between the rubble as it gathered some kind of liquid inside its mouth as its forked tongue slithered. It spat out the liquid towards Nex and Setsuna. As soon as Setsuna regained her clarity she took out two tali
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Nex the Bounty Hunter (II)
It was an endless white hallway.Nothing but mirrors surround her from both sides.She could see reflections of her self on each side. One was a small version of herself in a lab gown. HEr hair was a mess. Her blue eyes were baggy. She looked nothing more than an average kid that looked weak and frail. She couldn't sit still as her eyes darted around meekly. On the other side a more mature version of her self. Her beautiful features were dampened by her killing intent. The sheer ferocity and madness contained within those purple eyes could burn anything from it's path. She wore a nasty grin as her black shoes were painted red. Her bloodstained hands gripping a series of searing chains as it endlessly dragged countless of corpses attatched in its end.She looked infront of her. Multiple pathways slowly begin to blur as it was all merging into one. She herself was slowly becoming blurry as she was turning into static. She looked at her hands flickering from a frail child's to a feral
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