All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
129 chapters
Cor Aureum
After freshening up, Nex along with her companions exited her apartment. She stared at her house one last time before turning towards them. "Alright It's gonna be awhile, I hope we haven't left anything important.Then as she turned towards her left she saw Mrs. Su about to go to the market with their android Qinyue. "Oh my Young Miss! Where are you going this time? You're even taking Blair." Nex smiled and grinned as she waved towards the nice old lady, "Oh, another business trip. I'm getting busier and busier these days." Mrs. Su sighed and put her hands on her hips, "Ain't that the truth. MAke sure to eat properly alright? So how long do you plan on being out?" Nex scratched her cheeks from her question and wired rent for atleast 6 months. "That honestly depends on how long it would take. Hopefully after 2 weeks I'd be kickin it back here." She said as she laughed dryly.Mrs. Su nodded her head as she beckoned Qinyue, "Alright young lass stay safe!" Nex sreplied, "I will Mrs. Su!"
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The Golden Heart (I)
"Ain't it a sight to behold?"Nick's words flowed in and out of their ears as they stared at it's majesty. Too stunned to een sigh in amazement. It was a gilded City unlike the one's they know. The entire City was built on top of a floating island on top of the Planet Xynario's atmosphere. It's beauty cloaked for the universe's prying eyes. Unsullied by modern sensibilities as it preserved all sorts of lost cultures from all civilizations scattered across the vast cosmos. Myriads of Lifeforms, from towering giants to small pixie like creatures interact and peruse the various stalls filled with countless items both magical and exotic.Various building of all shapes and sizes that seemingly extent towards eternity, blend together in creating a golden spire of mythical incandescence. It was the prime example of a city of freedom. The fresh air felt refreshing as Nex inhaled various dished laid out in open restaurants that litter the market near them. In front of them was a golden statue
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The Golden Heart (II)
As they stood in front of the gilded gates, as if sensing their prescence, it immediately swung open. Nick then strutted towards the unguarded mansion. As soon as they entered there were two golems that stood tall posing as statues.Then they reched the central fountain surrounded by a mindbending hedgemaze making Nick chuckle wryly as he brought out an amulet that dispelled the illusion. The hedgemaze disappeared and suddenly they were transported towards the front door.Once more the doors swung open and a maid was standing in wait. She looked towards Nick and his companions. "Good Day Sir Nicholas, Lord Caglisotro will see you now. He thanks you for taking time off your busy schedule and visiting him."The maid said as she led them towards the house owner's study. She gently opened the door, then they were greeted by rows of cabinets filled with books. In the center of the room near the window was a desk and behind it was a tall silhouette of a man looking out the window. "Sir Nich
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Exploring the City
The two slowly walked aimlessly perusing the most random of things. "So are you joining the Adventurers Guild?" Setsuna said as she stared at the gothic bags being sold inside a goth clothing store. Nex followed along as she pondered her question, "Honestly... I don't know, bounty hunting has always been a mean to an end. To find the right connections, so I could deal with Magitech." She said as she looked at the jackets lined up with various types of designs. "As for when everything's over... I haven't really thought about it really..."Setsuna chuckled, "You got that right." She said as they bought random items and they both exited the store. The two grabbed some drinks and stared at the various walks of life roaming the city as they sat down on a nearby bench. "I never thought I'd get this far this quickly. 8 years felt like an eternity but coming face to face with it now." She sipped her cold drink slowly. "It just seemed so fast to me." She said as she leaned forwards.Setsuna lo
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After the party it's just you and me...
After having a nice candle lit dinner Nex stared at the pouch Nick gave her and it was still filled to the brim after all that shopping and eating. She stared towards Setsuna, "The night's still young and Nick's wallet is still too full. Wanna go hit the bar?" She said making Setsuna raise her eyebrows. "We have some studying to do tommorow, are you sure you wanna blow all our cash on alcohol?" Nex hurriedly nodded her head, "It's not my money and besides, We're going to war. It's not like we had anything better to do." She said as she dangled the pounch on Setsuna's face as it made loud clinking noises. "So whaddya say Miss Setsuna? Wanna go party?"Setsuna pondered while scrathcing her chin, "You wanna waste all that money, while you barely tipped the waiter. That's fucked up Nex." She said while chuckling softly making Nex shrug his shoulders, "He was so condescending! Just because he knew what italian was and we didn't..." She said as she grumbled whilst putting her hands in her p
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The Hangover (I)
Nick looked towards the sleeping duo sprawled next to each other in the garden of the mayor of the Golden heart with his brows furrowed. The two was snoring loudly without a care in the world as the maids praced around them seemingly afraid of disturbing them. He then looked towards Blair, "So you're telling me, they arrived here at three in the morning while giggling loudly and they tried to find the solution to the maze illusion but gaveup after 30 seconds and just sprawled in the ground and slept? Did I get all that right?" He asked as Blair nodded her head mechanically as she tried shaking the two but they we're out like a light." Blair shook her head, "I do not understand your desire to consume alchohol even if there's a cure for liver damage. I don't get why you willingly get yourselves inebriated." Nick scratched his chin, "Well you understand well enough while hanging out with us." He said as he patted her back. Soon enough he saw the owner of the house grinning, "They remind
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The Art of Magic (I)
The moment they entered the fortress they were greeted by a lobby filled with all sorts of adveturers hanging about. Taking a peek at the holographic screen floating above on which job is available, from dangerous jobs to menial ones it was filled to the brim. "So this is just the Magical Version of the BH guild?" Nex said as she stared at Nick. "Well... the original version of it atleast. The BH guild was established by a well known Rogue Mage a long time ago who wanted to be of service to the on mytical part of our universe. The problem was it got to political to be even associated with the Circle and the Adventurers Guild. It became a mess that birthed the current neutral entity that is the BH Guild." He said as he approached the receptionist for his reserved briefing room. A small pixie popped out of thin air right beside nick's shoulders and led them towards their destination. Nick pointed towards a huge empty room with nothing but a blackboard infront of them. Nex groaned as sh
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The Art of Magic (II)
"I see. Your Mana Vein is quite complicated indeed as he brought out a scrying glass to discern what it was. Nova then popped out of Nex's shadow in his cat form as he meowed to get Nick's attention. [So do you have any idea on what it is?] Nova asked Nick whilst looking serious. Nick shook his head, "Every strand is covered in purple flames and obscured by an unnatural darkness. What ever it is it's something that could potentially be dangerous to yourself or others." He said while sighing. Nova then turned to Nex, [I told you, no one alive knows the existence of your unique veins. As long as I'm obscuring it from view no one would be able to figure you out.] He told her telepathically.Nick then nodded his head as he stood up, "All right lets get on with the next part of out lesson. We've already covered the origins and dangers of absorbing too much mana." He then turned to Nex, "Now we turn to the dangers of casting spells way beyond your level." Nex raised her eyebrows, "Like what
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The Art of Magic (III)
"Quick Question!" Nex said as her hands shot up. "What are the different types of mages? you said so yourself you were an achlemist." She asked while her eyes shone brightly. Wierding both Nick and Setsuna. "Uhh... I appreciate your enthusiasm. Although It's kinda odd. No... wait... let me be franks, Nex what the fuck that's super fucking wierd that you're actually paying attention. I thought you'd be asleep by now."Nex rolled her eyes towards his statement, "It's a rare boost of motiation Nick, fucking sue me." She said as she stared at her well trimmed nails. However He shook his head, "I literally made you two drink super energy bossters splashed with a small portion of hangover cure. I say it has worked better than I expected.""You spiked our drinks!? That's it I'm talking to HR!" Nex said as she crossed arms and looked aside. Setsuna on the other hand coudn't sit down properly as she rocked back and forth, "What about training? I can't sit still! When's the fucking practicals!"
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Art of Magic (IV)
"Well, follow me. We got a lot of work to cram in a single week. I hope you two are prepared." He said as he gestured towards the outside of the room. The two followed suit, and after walking for a while they soon found themselves outside. What greeted them was a wide coliseum, empty yet filled with some kind of sand.Nick walked towards the middle, "What do you two know about grimoires?" He said as she looked back towards the two. Nex scratched her head, "It's unique magic bound to the soul?" She said rather unsurely. Setsuna on the other hand stared at her blade, "It holds the mage's most prized magic formulas?"Nick nodded his head, "Well technically that's true. However it wasn't always like that. A long time ago Grimoires were just enchanted books where a mage would store his life's work. Many and all sorts of magic formulas were contained within that only they can decipher. However as time advanced, and many mages sought after different things. They started stealing each others
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