All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
129 chapters
The start of something new.
Once they were all outside they noticed that the entire area was deviod of anyone. Not a soul in sight could be seen. No corspes, no debris, no panic. It was as if nothing bad happened at all except for the deceased. Crowley closed his eyes and clutched his head, "This is going to be a long fucking weekend. I can tell by that much." He looked towards Nick, "Find out what you can. If your little friend there has the right hunch. We're gonna git Proxima-9, and I promise you we will hit it hard." Nick nodded, "Miss Alessandra has more information on whatever Magitech has been cooking up. Although a little unaware on what's what." Crowley nodded his head and turned to Lucian. "Apologies my boy, your evaluation although impressive will be put on hold due to pressing matters." Lucian nodded his head, "It's alright Father. If you don't mind I'd like to roam around the planet for a while. Do a little recon." He said while smiling wryly. Crowley scoffed, "Yeah, sure... Recon." Lucian turned
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The Night Before the Dawn
Wolf and his crew we're walking in a dark and narrow alley towards the safehouse Mica has prepared for them. But before they could even get far a Bulky man, far too muscular to be mistaken as a normal civilian. He was wearing a rhino mask while both his hands were both lodged inside his black jacket."Been quite a while, Wolf. you look smaller." He said with a snarky grin. He took off his mask and started smoking. Wolf's eyes narrowed as he stared at Desmond. "Still the presumptuous ass I see." He started stretching as he walked straight and stood in front Desmond. "How do you want to do this Baldr?" He chuckled towards Wolf's words as he raised both his hands."I'm not here for a fight. I just want to catch up with you. I missed being part of the family." He said with a mocking smile. "It's got a nostalgic ring to it don't you think? Ragnarok. The Greatest Mercenary Group in the Galaxy. A 97% completion rate. Top of the line elite soldiers that could take whatever you need. Isn't tha
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The Morning After
>It was 9 in the morning as the radio was swithced on. Subtle sizzle of fried eggs echoed across the room. The fresh smell of toasted bread and slices of bacon wafted through the air. Blair flipped the eggs in the air as she silently listened to the radio. Nova on the other hand was perched on the balcony as he licked his paws instinctively. He was staring at the bustling town, seemingly uncaring towards the happenings at night. Another day another missing celebrity. Not even a wide scale of missing people could halt Paradise City in its tracks. Not a day goes by where Paradise City even sleeps. >Blair stared at the person sitting down on the table, "How did the media suppress this? Wasn't the event last night livestreamed? Sh
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What are we some kind of Suicide Squad? (I)
"Do you think we're late?"Nex asked her companion who is equally frantic while checking the time. "What time did you say the meeting would start?" Setsuna asked her. Hwoever Nex just shrugged her shoulders while giving an embarrassed smile, "Uh...Ten-ish?" Setsuna laughed, "Well its half past 11. So, you're technically fired."Nex widened her eyes, "Shit! I actually didn't sign a contract. So there's an off chance that I'm already crossed out." She joked as they leisurely walked inside Alessandra's Grand Villa. They were greeted with two androids waiting at the gate staring at the tow blankly. "Good Morning Miss Nex, and Her companion who isn't in the U.C.P. records." The android said as she welcomed the two of them.They we're guided across the villa towards the inner lounge where the fire place is at. They were greeted by a couple of familiar faces. She raised her eyebrows as she stared at her current employer, "Hopefully I'm not late?" She asked. Alessandra smirked and crossed her
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What are we some kind of Suicide Squad (II)
After a period of silence Alessandra moved towards the screen's console and tapped a few buttons and previewed an image of the outer atmosphere of Proxima-9. It was littered with heavily armed warships and orbital laser satellites, primed and ready for war. Alessandra then zoomed in towards one of the warships."As you all could see this is the Typhon-class destroyer capable of performing a range of deterrence, power projection, space control, and command and control missions while allowing the Scythe to evolve with new systems and missions. It does all of this while maintaining its stealth - making this visually imposing ship difficult to find. The cutting-edge technologies of the Typhon-class destroyer create versatility and allow for sustained operations in the littorals, air and land attack, as well as support special operations forces, and operate as an integral part of joint and combined expeditionary forces. Its multi-mission design and universal capabilities make it a deployab
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The War Table
Alessandra jovially clapped her hands as she sweetly smiled at Nex's answer, "100 points to Miss Nex! I'm glad you went with my expectations. As for the lot of you feel free to go with Miss Ne- -" Nex interrupted her with a cough, "Sorry but this one's a solo mission." Setsuna raised her eyebrows towards her, "Are you crazy? Thats suicidal. That place may look safe but it's crawling with Magitech grunts."Nex stared at the worried Setsuna and smiled gently. She approached her and took her hands softly. She leaned in close and whispered in her ears, "Oh my dear friend Setsuna, Of course it's infested by bugs! Why do you think I want to go there in the first place?" She said as her gentle expression warped into a madness filled smile. Solemne silently stared at Nex who could barely contain her excitement and put her palms in her cheeks and crossed her legs, looking bored as she waited for her orders.Alessandra scratched her chin, "I was planning on it to be a joint operation. Although
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Two sides of the same mask.
Nex stared at Setsuna, "They made cool exits one by one. Who the fuck do you think was watching?" She grumbled making Setsuna giggle. "So what now Captain?" She asked as she leaned her back towards the railing to face Nex. She shrugged, "We are absolutely free at the moment. So I don't know that depends." Setsuna, "Do you have any suggestions to any fun places?" Nex stared at her and raised her eyebrows, "What happened to the Ragnarok thing?" She asked making Setsuna flinch a little bit. "I've put my business with them into a pause for a little bit." She said as she stared at the rain filled clouds about to fall any moment. "I've realized I'm not that strong to face the wolf yet." Nex then tapped her on the shoulders, "Come on lets walk home."Setsuna nodded her head, "So I've been meaning to ask. Do you personally know him? Kazama Haruki, I mean?" She asked a little carefully. Nex nodded her head without intending to hide their connection. "I do. I was at the point in my life where n
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Fate of The Stars (I)
It was a lake of blood. She was all alone as she stood withing the murky blackness. The only guiding light she had was of the ethereal flames that stretch towards the endless horizon. Screams of both terror and hatred echoed across the black skies. Ruin and Decay surrounded her as she looked around. From beyond, slightly illuminated by the fire, a series of structures obscured by a thin film of shadow, revealed it's visage. She forced her way to trudge the lake of blood, waist high. With every step she could feel rough hands grab at her ankles pulling her beneath the blood lake. The closer she got towards the structures the harder the pull. Soon enough, bloodied corpses rose from it grabbing her hands to prevent her from getting closer. The woman glued her palms together then she was instantly covered in bright stellarite armor that covered her except for her head. Her long black ponytail that seemingly extend tll her waist. > The woman shouted as the dark skies sp
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Fate of the Stars (II)
Morgan sighed as she sat beside Cassandra. "How 'bout this. Freshen up, change your clothes and lets go out. You can tell all of this out and we could figure this out together." Cassandra laughed and nodded her head. "Morgan, it's a monday." She said as she opened her closet and took out some nice looking ones. Morgan shrugged as she stared at her windows as she tied it up neatly. "Blame Aradia, after tasting Baron Samedi's drinks she was all... party this, party that. What a mess of a woman." She sighed exasperatedly.Cassandra couldn't help but chuckle, "I see, The Golden Circles esteemed High Council hard at work." She said as she tied her messy hair into a ponytail. She snapped her fingers and all the dirt from her body vanished. Her messy and frizziled hair turned sliky smooth and straight. She waved her fingers as sher clothes floated around the room and instantly changed. Her sheep pajamas turned into a nice fitting white pencil dress, while being adorned in al sorts of luxurio
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The Arduous Journey Ahead
It was early morning. The sun's rays have barely peeked through the horizon however by some sort of miracle. Nex was awake. She stared at her ceiling, seemingly unable to fall back to sleep. She lay motionless on her bed staring at the flashing screen of the holo TV. Her hands spread eagle as her left hand was clutching the locket Haruki gave her. She lifted her hand to stare at it only for her to close her eyes. She forced herself to sit up and open the blinds on her windows. She stared at Paradise City slowly turning off its blinding lights. All ready for a hard reboot, as it mimicked the rising sun. She put her palms on the window as she watched the holographic advertisments on the side of the buildings on repeat."Once this gig is over... I'll come find you. I promise." She said as she turned her back against the window. She stared at her bags already packed and ready to go. Nova popped out of her shadow and stretched his feline limbs. [You're up early? Excited for another vacati
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