All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
129 chapters
Fade to Black (I)
At the same time Ragnarok infiltrated the roof. Z was still in the middle of unveiling Magitech's most prized products. They were in the middle of unveiling the second product. "Our next showcase, The upgraded version of wrist drives! MagiDrive 2.0! I know that version 1 had a lot of bugs in its coding. However! This one will change your perception on how we see the world. Capable of storing any form of data, and to even replicate certain phenomena!" He said as he wore it on his hand. He snapped his fingers. A wisp of flame then shot out of his fingertips towards the laid out dummy target before him."What the fuck!? Is he making Digital Grimoires?" Crowley frowned. "A device made to replicate a grimoire but without binding your soul to it. However where do they get the mana from?" He said as he then widened his eyes, "Fuck, those goddamn energy drinks... We've been fucking had." Lucian then gripped his hands, "but that mana pool came from other mages..." Nick then put his hand on his
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Fade to Black (II)
The entire theatre was filled with the screams of agony and despair. Horrid abominations surround the six of them, the only thing barring them from complete annihilation was the golden spherical barrier Crowley casted at the last minuite. He is constantly reinforcing it with his mana. He looked towards Lucian and Nick, "Fuck! This won't hold forever you louts! Do something!"Solemne clapped her hands then a red magic circle appeared on top of both her palms. "Are we the only one's who survived?" Nex nodded her head as she surveyed the dark theatre on top of the stage. Shen Hua on the other hand gathered mana on both her fists and cybernetic legs. Black and white orbs of light floated on top of her palms. They swirled and slowly merged together creating a magic circle in the form of the yin and yang symbol. The magic circle then appeared from beneath her feet. SHe was then covered with a swirl of black and white mana."Aleister, undo the barrier..." Nick said as he put his hands on his
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Fade to black (III)
The moment the searing flames erupted from the ground, swaying tentacles of flame, like it was alive trying to reach towards the skies. Solemne then opened her eyes as she sang her chanting.>The tentacles acted like a ward that burned the monsters with the intensity akin to Surtr's Wrath. Several eyeballs that looked like a demon's appeared on top of the ceiling. It had twin pupils joined and red irises together as its orange sclera was slowly being dyed by ink like darkness. Then a giant's roar echoed from within the theatre. Concentrated flames from Musphelheim itself tore through the concrete like a high powered laser. It erupted from the countless floating eyeballs in the air. The area was then filled with the sulfuric smell of musphelheim. The area was covered in nothing but smoke. Then a pocket sized red port
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Fade to Black (IV)
Everyone stared at Z's corpse slowly being encased in ice. Nick looked towards Nex as her back a little slouch. Her beautiful purple gem like eyes obscured by her soft raven hair. She was staring at the corpse of her lifelong enemy, not knowing what to do next. Her rage filled eyes were nowhere to be found. It was unfocused as she stared into empty space.Everyone inside the room silently observed her, waiting for her to calm down before they approach her. However as if to kill the unbearable silence. A loud mechanical click echoed across the barren room. Slowly the theatre's screen slowly lowered. The screen flickered before showing a luxurious room. then from the middle of the screen was Baldr. He was shown on the screen slowly sipping a margarita as he was sitting down on a large sofa. "Looks like everyone's dead. Only the V.I.P's are left" He said as he eyed the six survivors. From the corner of the room, the sound of a blender could be heard. "Is that so? What about the presentor
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Cometh the Hour (I)
Meanwhile on the other side of the building was Team Ragnarok on cleanup duty. The newly transformed monsters shambled as they screamed wildly towards them. "What the hell!? What are these things! They look like they've been afflicted with the Shura Strain but worse." Aurora screamed as she blocked the passage with a wooden ward. It was a stake with a lot of enchantments and metal bindings, and on top of it was a skill carved with magic formulas.Wolf drew his blade and stepped outside the ward. "I'll handle them, you two search the building for survivors." Aurora frowned, "What the fuck are you talking about? You have a deathwish?" She said as Skadi on the other hand pulled aurora towards the other end of the corridor."We don't have time to argue. Focus on the mission Aurora." Skadi said as she cracked her knuckles. Aurora sighed as she tossed Wolf an ancient looking coin engraved with a skull. Wolf caught it midair as he turned towards the monsters. He lowered his stance and dashed
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Cometh the Hour (II)
Skadi and Aurora dashed towards the winding corridors and swung open the largest door. What greeted them was a sight unlike any other. It was Six people standing near each other, surrounded by droves of corpses, While a man on the screen bid them goodbye. The most eyecatching thing however was the man wrapped in chains covered in searing hellfire as he was impaled in never melting ice.Then suddenly a loud rumble could be heard from the area. The corpse wrapped up in chains twitched violently as black blood flowed outside his mouth. His eyes popped as black blood rushed out from it. Then thick purple tentacles exploded from within him extending outside, then latching towards the multiple corpses on the ground. Then a loud roar exploded from the eldritch abomination as it absorbed the corpses around its reach, as it grew increasingly large in size."What in the fuck!?" Aurora couldn't help but exclaim out loud. Solemne on the other hand frowned. "Shit, this is above my paygrade. Toodle
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Cometh the Hour (III)
The clashing of metals was the only sound that echoed on the empty corridor. Setsuna relentlessly waved her blade to and fro trying to atleast damage wolf to no avail. He was slippery as an eel. Everytime she felt that her blade would hit only for it to hit another illusion. "Hold on! I don't want to fight. Countless lives are at stake here!" He said only for his words to be ignored. She lowered her stance as she turned into a bolt of lightning, then reappearing above him. Her blade drawn, striking down with an overhead slash. Wolf slowly looked up with narrowed eyes, "A little too predictable." He said as he parried it off with a quick strike then kicked her in the abdomen."Again, I don't have time for this. Let it go, Ryuketsu girl. You can come for my head next time we meet." He said coldly. Setsuna held her stomach as she spat blood on the ground. She bared her teeth and grunted as she coated her blade with electricity. She inhaled then dashed at Wolf as she waved her blade errat
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Nightmare-like Fiction (I)
As soon as Nex approached the monster with her hammer, the monster tried to slap her away with its deformed tendrils made of amorphous flesh. However its movements were extremely slow. Coupled with disjointed flesh and bones all over its body it could barely even move. Soon enough Nex swung her hammer hitting the monster on where she assumed was the head. The monster howled as Nex stood on the top of its head and kept hammering it down.The monster felt pain down to its core. Then the flesh inside of it wriggled as spikes made out of bones protruded from its body. Nex flipped as she dodged the attack. As soon as she landed on the ground, the monster instantly shrank compressing all that biomass into a singular humanoid form. The monster that looked like Z tilted its head as they all heard bones creaking as joints and bones clicked together. The beast growled as it lowered its stance into a running position. It's blank eyes were staring directly at Nex. Then all of a sudden it bolted
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Nightmare-like Fiction (II)
"Anytime now guys!" Aurora bellowed towards the four people standing on the sidelines. "Were thinking of a solution!" Nex shouted back as she put her hand in her subspace, then she opened a bag of chips and started snacking. "What the fuck are you? Hourly!?" Aurora said with sheer resentment. Nova then popped out of her shadow, [Gotta say, staying inside that space is boring as hell.] He said as he looked around, [How long are you guys gonna take to take this dumbass down?] He said as he yawned and turned into a cat.Setsuna was clashing with the monster as she synchronized with the members of ragnarok. She then turned into a bolt of lightning, reappearing beside Nex as she breathed a little roughly, "Seriously, I dont think we could outlast the monster at this rate." She said as sthey watched the monster move more agilely with each passing moment. Then a beat later it was slowly but surely able to dodge their barrage of attacks.Nex then reached out her bag of chips towards Setsuna,
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Time to make History
A flourish of divine energy scattered throughout the theatre. A divine silence echoed as the archangel stared at the chains that bound the monster. Quietly contemplating. He then turned towards Lucian. His golden eyes could be seen through his gilded armor.>Lucian knelt and offered gabriel the golden feather, "Thank you Sir Gabriel.">Crowley and Lucian looked towards one another with a wry smile. Gabriel then turned towards Lucian. He placed his palms at the fading divine light of the golden feather.>He said then after a beat his eyes looked towards Nex. His brows furrowed, thou
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