All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
129 chapters
Ordo Hermeticus Aurorae Aureae (III)
The twelve listened on the young man's long winded and fancy speech, a little bored. On their long lifespans they have both seen and heard almost anything. To them this regurgitated bullshit is only as fancy for the young bloods. At that moment the young man grew silent as he waved his hands towards the air. Soon a series of large screens appeared in the air showing various images. "Now, as you are all gathered here today. It is time to get to the heart of the matter. As you know there has been an increase in rogue mages. In the last few years more and more have scoured the lands ignoring the circle's warnings as they researched on their own. Blinded by their arrogance, thinking that by doing taboo research would further skills and talents. Making them on of the greatest archmages and withces of all time, but it only painted a target on their backs." He said as he showed various images of rogue mages getting killed in action. "If you think Magitech is the only one hunting down rogue
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Embers of the Past
It was black. All around her was shadowy black darkness. She tried to move but her entire body felt heavy, she felt like she was tied up in straps. The moment her purple eyes adjusted and finally saw through the darkness. She found herself submerged in Ink like water. From a distance away she could see a large pristine Villa. It looked like it was shining, beckoning her to move towards it. The more she got closer towards the glistening building the heavier her body felt. It felt like she was tied down by rocks, as she moved through the murky waters. Then she felt like a breeze went past her, and geard a young boy's voice. "Mara c'mon! We're gonna be late! Sir Fabian's gonna scold us again!" A boy with short blonde hair said towards her as he ran past her. Her mouth moved but what came out was not her normal voice. It was younger, more naive and cheerful. Unlike her raspy and hostile tone. "Wait! Don't run too fast! Mom's gonna kill me if you trip again!" She said as a shadow of
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Ain't nothin' like Paradise City
Nex exited her room whilst holding her aching head. She saw Blair already in her cooking attire watching the live broadcast of her favorite radio show. Nex sat down on the table as she tuned in whilst she watched nova in his cat form strech and frolick around.[Damn girl, You looked like you've seen a ghost.] He said to her telepathically. Nex however just shrugged her shoulders. As she turned her attention towards the show. A man with a silvery smooth voice then shouted as his voice echoed across the room.>Nex raised her eyebrows, "An earthquake? Damn, I
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A demotion!?
Nex stood infront of the mirror as she wore her new digs. It was a black jacket instead of a white one, a dark purple shirt inside, and new fitted black pants. She then sat down as she wore her new purple shoes while eating toasted bread. "What's the rush?" Blair said as she sat down on the sofa watching a soap opera local to the planet. "Gotta meet my boss. I don't wanna make her wait. I love my rich life after all."[This is the first time I've seen you panic. She must be really strong.] Nova chimed in as he climbed up Nex's shoulders. "Are you kidding me? She's Bonnie Goldhand! She's practically a fucking legend. During the Ragnarok split she helped Kaz overthrow the former leader Kazama Touma. Not only that during the Tartarus Breakout I heard she was on vacation on ganymede. So she took all bounties from the local shop and took down almost all escapees. She's amazing!" Nex gushed as nova licked his paws. [You're saying names, places and events but I don't know who these people ar
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The Preparations. (I)
There was a second of silence within the room as Nex stared at Bonnie as her hands tapped her thighs repeatedly."So all I get is a slap on the wrist? Oh, thanks by the way." She asked as she took the cup of coffee Shenhua brewed for her. "Most would lose their shit if they wont down a rank, you know?" Nex shrugged as she sipped on her drink wincing slightly. "Oh wow that is a real kicker, but no. I'm not really one that bothers with rank. Montoya got killed because he deserved it. Besides, whether I'm rank 12 or 13 don't matter one bit. I'm one of your most effective killers." She said as she smirked whilst putting down the cup of coffee on the nearby table.Bonnie gave her a soft smile as she crossed her legs and leaned back on the sofa. "Ain't that the truth. Well since your quite familiar with how the guild does things I hope you don't mind doing a little extra for me. Since, I saved your ass and all." Nex shrugged as she looked at Shen Hua playing with Nova quietly. "Alright, Wh
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The Preparations. (II)
“Ain’t you the special little girl. Now, Originally I thought you’d be some kind of Devil contractor. I have been observing your endeavors Miss Nex. Especially during the time I retrieved Alex from your clumsy little hands.” She said while sending a snarky grin towards the focused woman. “Tsk. I’m not the one who ran away.” She said as she looked away. Solemne only chuckled towards her toothless remark, “Keep telling yourself that little girl.” Bonnie coughed loudly, “Enough. Now what does this mean in the grand scheme of things.” Solemne shrugged and looked towards the cat frolicking around. “It means only one thing.” She said as she stood up and tapped her wrist drive. “This is a list of registered rogue mages on various associations. They would probably tell the U.C.P. of your existence to become a lab rat and benefit from it on the process. The unregistered one’s on the other hand would want your grimoire for themselves. Ain’t that just a sunny walk on the park?” “Is that the art
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The Precipice of Madness
It was a clean room, filled with the thick stench of nauseating medicine. Rows of medicla beds jammed in right next to one another. Inhuman screeches that felt like cries for help echoed across the rooms. rattling of metal soon followed as the people strapped to the beds struggled to break free as their skin flaked off slowly revealing the muscular tissues beneath while bleeding black blood profusely.Alex walked straight ignoring the plight of his soldiers with clenched fist digging through his battle hardened hands. He went straight to the office on the left wing of the building labeled "Z". As he swung open the door he saw both Baldr and a young man with grey hair dressed form top to bottom in drab grey suit. He had a sly smile and his eyes narrowed like a fox as he greeted the new person inside the room. Baldr on the other hand just gave him a polite nod as fellow soldiers."Mr. Alex you're here. I take recovery magic was effective?" He asked as he flipped through the documents in
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The Messina Gala (I)
> A strong greeting resounded from the large speakers placed right outside of the Grand Messina Theatre. The massive and sturdy theatre made of silver-like alloy that reflected the beutiful glint of the pale moonlight. Decorated in both white and red intertwining like a beautiful flower. The middle of the red carpet where littered with celbrities from all walks of life. It was probably one of the most prominent events that took place in the last 10 years. Outside the theater were curious onlookers and passerby's interested enough that tried to peek through droves of high class cars blocking their view, as more and more guests flooded the venue. The blinding lights addled with the rowdy music felt a little energizig to hype up the event even more. > The man on Dan's l
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The Messina Gala (II)
The large red curtains slowly parted, revealing several tables covered in red cloth. Beside the items was Dr. Z standing calmly as two of his assistants stood behind him silently. He looked at the audience anticipating the reveal. "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm quite flattered that eeryone on the invite list has made it into our humble event." He said as he curtsied. "Tonight is a memorable not only for you folks but to us from Magitech, We have been working on these several projects for years now. Finally we are able to deliver to you the finest products from the brilliant minds at Magitech." He said smilingly.As he kept the pretense by droning on, at a table located at the back, barely visible from the front stage was Nex and her fellow Guild Members. "God this place is fucking crawling with assholes." Solemne softly said as she refused another drink offered her way gently. Shen Hua vigorously nodded her head as she did the same. Nex on the other hand ignored the drinks that we
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The Messina Gala (III)
Outside the premises of the Grand theatre was a ship fully cloaked hovering on top of the building. Three figures then landed softly on the rooftop. It was Wolf, Aurora, and finally Skadi. Aurora pressed her comms and then an image of a argothian man popped out, "Field OPs are for the young ones. These legs of mine ache everytime I jump down. They don't work like they used to anymore. But if you really wan't to I can force myself to help out." Aurora bought her palms to her face. "Stop whining about being left out! Jeez! Old man just relax will you? We got this." Skadi then urged them to crawl inside the vents. Aurora then immediately stopped them, "What are you guys doing?" She asked as she bought out a blue gizmo from her pockets and stuck it towards the rooftop doors. "Now, I have master access to the entire building." She said as she put her hands on her hips while cockily grinning towards the masked duo. "Wear your mask Aurora..." He said making the girl wave her hand, "Alright,
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