All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
129 chapters
Once a hunt Begins it Never ends (III)
Mica led the group along. They stopped at a large empty space near the docks. The large empty containers pile up on one another as they obscured the flickering lamp posts lined up to illuminate the Bayview. In front of them were rows of expensive black cars. Men in black suits came out one by one. They stood shoulder to shoulder wearing the same expression, Tense. The man in the middle holding a small briefcase slowly stepped forward. Mica mirrored the man as they faced each other. They were smack dab in the empty area at the middle separating the two groups. Nex on the other hand remained in the shadows observing the entire scene unfold. Chewing on her bubblegum she said to Nova. "Are you done yet?" Nova then came out of her shadow with a frown. [Yes, it's done. I won't do this kind of shit again! ever!] Nex chuckled softly, but she noticed a pale blue flame from inside the middle car. It vanished as quickly as it appeared. "Interesting. Nova go spy on the inside of that car." She
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Requiem of Hate
Thunder roared across the skies as lightning fell relatively close to them. Mica opened his eyes wide when Nex came out and looked around as he bellowed, "What the fuck is going on? Are you controlling the weather!?" But the other party was equally clueless to what's happening. They immediately aimed their guns at one another as soon as they regained their bearings."What is the meaning of this!? Are you colluding with Magitech!?" The man in the black suit growled. "I assure you Mr.Habatake we have nothing to do with this."Then as Habatake was about to order his men to open fire. A large bolt of lightning hit the boulder blinding everyone present. When their visions cleared there was a woman clad in black leather clothes. Sporting a Pink rock shirt as she stood atop the boulder.It was Setsuna. She held the jet black blade tightly and swung it. Instantly cleaving the boulder in half. a small ball of lightning sparks came out from inside the rock. It sounded like thousand of birds wer
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Reqiem of Hate (II)
As the Icemage found an opening to shoot his shot a metal debris suddenly smashed a meter away from his head. It was lodged in quite deeply. As he slowly turned around he saw a woman clad in a black jacket carelessly chewing gum as she eyed him amusedly."So you can fire off Ice bullets huh? Something tells me that gun of yours ain't the regular kind. Mind if I take a quick look?" She said as she slowly approached the already wary man. "What's a guild lapdog doing in this small scale op? tired of getting scraps and want a slice of the meat?" He said as he aimed the gun at her temple.However this didn't deter Nex, she only smiled widely. "Don't be like that we're playing for the same team." The man however scoffed "My loyalty is to the clan not to some random weapon seller. Now step aside and let me do my job or we're feeding two corpses to the fishes tonight.""I don't give a fuck about where your loyalty lies. What I want?" She said as she slowly got even closer. When she was half a
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Project Alice
Outside the large villa of AU's CEO. A figure was standing observing the movements of the androids partolling the area. It was Solemne, She was dressed elegantly as usual. Seemingly exhuding a regal air as she was waving her hands in a circular motion. She then snapped her fingers and every single android that was patrolling on the outside, stopped moving as if frozen in place. They could not even used their internal network to signal a warning.She then pressed the doorbell but what came after was silence. She pushed open the pearly white gates and strutted in confidently. As she looked at the villa from top to bottom she couldn't help but let out a gasp of admiration by its sheer idyllic beauty.She then grasped towards the air and a wisp of red smoke formed into a rectangular shape revealing a map of the entire household. Within it were red glowing dots to represent the living beings and blue for the androids. She scoffed by the sheer amount of people inside the house guarding it l
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The Chase (I)
On the docks the battle was still going on. Nex was whittling away the mana reserves of the nameless icemage as she kept slamming her chains riddled with the flames of hell against his barrier. Setsuna was chasing after Mica as he used his last remaining henchmen to block her bath albiet reluctantly.[Nex, you're wasting your mana. Try and think of something else i'm getting bored here.] Nova said as he brought out her guns from her shadow and presented it to her. She then snapped her fingers as the chains disappeared. The Icemage on the otherhand noticed the barrage has ended so he took out a whistle from his pockets. After blowing the whistle he immediatly dematerialized and appeared just as instantaneously. There was quite the gap between him and Nex as he was also quite a trek away from his gun.He stared at Nex as he drank a vial filled with blue liquid. Glowing blue veins were seen through his skin. He put his palms together and made a grasping motion towards the air. Then multi
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The Chase (II)
Nex made her way towards the trapped mage. Nova then materialized from her shadow laughing gleefully. [Finally, this mage has quite the arsenal of spells with him. Those trinkets could save your life one day, take etra care not to burn them hehehehe.] He said as he twirled around Nex's tattoo on her arm. She tossed the hammer in the air making it disappear from this realm. It scattered into multiple sparks of purple light. The atmosphere turned normal and Nex grasped the mage's neck tightly."Give me the fucking gun."She said as her eyes narrowed down to slits. The ice mage then said, "Fuck you! You'll never take my research away! You just want it for yourself! I made it! I'm the greatest ice mage of this gen- -" Before he could continue chains wrapped around his mouth, preventing him from speaking any further.[Well I guess we'll have to do it the old way.]Nova then urged Nex to raise her right arm as her tattoo shone with purple light. Two magic circles endlessly rotating appeared
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The Chase (III)
Mica pleaded towards Nex as he held his bleeding shoulders. He then turned towards Setsuna. "I have information! Anything you want to know about Ragnarok I'll tell you!" Nex crossed her arms and gave a toothy grin. "Selling out your comrades? That's not very cash money of you bossman."Mica rolled his eyes towards her snark, "Oh, can it you! I'm not paying you a single cent." Nex shrugged as she stared at Setsuna. "Where is Ragnarok's current hideout?" Mica breathed a sigh of relief, "For real!? Oh, wow. That was qui- -" but before he could finish her blade was aimed at his neck. "Not out of the woods yet. I'm still considering whether you live or not." Mica only chuckled awkwardly, "Why do you want to go those places anyway? They're practically been cleaned out by survivors anyways.""I need to know where Kazama Haruki is." She said waiting for his response. "I'm not sure why you want a dead man but he's probably in hell by now." He said as he chuckled while reminiscing. "Where...Is.
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Racing through the Night
Nex jumped towards the drivers seat as she used her wrist drive to jack in. Setsuna on the other hand put a talisman in the air. Creating an invisible barrier to stop the bullets from ever hitting them. "This'll give us a head start." Setsuna then comfortably sat beside Nex. As Nex was pressing buttons on her Holo Screen she then handed Setsuna her twin guns, Mercy and Grace Ver. Who knows what. "Here take these two and hold em off." Setsuna nodded her head as she watched the S.P.D struggle to even get past her barrier forcing them to find another route.Then the engine roared as Nex put her hand in her shadow as she pulled out a pair of sunglasses. She then rolled down the windows and flipped off the boys in blue as she drove straight through. "I got an Idea." Setsuna said as she climbed up the car's roof. "Go through that warehouse." She said simple as she drew her blade. Nex grinned madly as she stepped down on the accelerator. Tires screeched as smoke blew past the cops that were
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Ordo Hermeticus Aurorae Aureae (I)
On an isolated shack floating across the isolated space within the dimensional gap. A man was peacefully sleeping. No sunlight nor the chirping of birds would deter him from wrapped in the warmth of his blanket. The only thing that would on the other hand was the alarm clock perfectly positioned right beside his ears.Ring! Ring! Ring!The alarm clock slowly shook as its loud rings echoed across the tiny shack. Nick frowned as his hand stumbled finding the blasted thing. The moment he grabbed hold of it, his hands burst into flames turning the red alarm clock into naught but ash. However the silent solace would soon be disturbed once more as a blue magic circle appeared right infront of his hace and doused it with freezing cold water."Cough! Cough! Fucking hell!" He said as he sat up and snapped his fingers, drying the area wet with ice cold water. He stared at the floating hologram of the man snickering at his misery. He was a suave gentleman. Black hair swept backwards, A fitted bl
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Ordo Hermeticus Aurorae Aureae (II)
After passing through the great hall they walked towards the middle corridor and soon reached the end of it. The three were standing infront of a simple door. Aleister then looked towards his two companions with a smile. "I've redecorated the interior of the meeting room, I hope you old folks don't mind." He said as he softly pushed open the wooden double doors. What greeted the two of them was a massive hall with layers upon layes of seats akin to the Roman colliseum where a large circular platform in the middle carried the Crest of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.All of the seats from the top to bottom were filled to the brim. However in the top of the thousands of seats was a rectangular platform containing 12 gilded seats for the Great Elders of the Aurora Aurea. Nine of the seats were already filled up. In total all of them together are composed of 6 witches, 5 Arch Magi and 1 Necromancer. The moment Nick at down from his seat a hand extended towards him asking for a hand
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