All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
129 chapters
I've never felt more alive!
The occasional sound of metal colliding could be heard through the rain. Two people clashed at the dilapidated building filled with holes from their battle. It's brittle walls shook every time the two would meet. The rain would enter through the cracks. Flooding the room making appear more worn down. Quick footsteps were heard as their boots would splash at the puddles formed by the storm.Skadi noticed that Setsuna's figure would flicker as her punches would go through her afterimage. She would then reappear at her blind spots wounding her albeit shallowly. Her instincts would warn her where the next strike would be.This however didn't frustrate her, instead made the atmosphere she gave off was unbearably thick. Almost depriving the oxygen of those who felt it, further increased by the stench of iron.She threw smoke grenades towards the ceiling and walls to obscure both their vision. Yet as if Setsuna could see through the smoke, she cut all the wires Skadi weaved. She dashed strai
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Ryuketsu Setsuna
Her entire being emitted electricity, "You hypocrites propagate the idea of being the ones to devour the misguided light in the universe."You're nothing more than glorified murderers! I'm going to fucking kill you all! Each and every last one of you!!!" Her almost feral voice reverberated against Skadi's entire being. Her fingertips twitched as she stared at Setsuna with both pity and sorrow.Setsuna saw Skadi's eyes through the mask. It pissed her off. "What... right... do you have!!! to show me those eyes!!!" She dashed towards Skadi in anger. Ignoring everything around them. Her only focus was to kill her right at this moment.She stomped her foot forward shattering the ice beneath her as she sent a flurry of slashes, blurring Skadi's vision. Skadi caught her blade and threw it upwards stabbing the frozen ceiling."Don't think I'll ever forgive you!!" She said as she punched and kicked Skadi. She on the other hand parried off all her strikes aside. However Setsuna was too fast, so
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A Battle of Endurance
Deep Space.In the orbit of Scylla 8-b, A Large Gunship hovered over. It's massive frame wasn't noticed by the authorities that patrol the orbit. It was cloaked blending in with Scylla 8-b's night sky. When one looked towards the sky they would only see a blurry cloud."Are you sure she's here?" The Argothian man asked as he stared at the coordinates Aurora punched in. However Aurora just shrugged, "She contacted this ship directly. If she's not her then where the hell else? Besides I heard rumors of Desmond being here too."The masked man scoffed as he heard Baldr's name. "So he could run away again? He's going to decline. It's in his nature." He said in his slightly mechanical voice. Sjor'kai narrowed his eyes, "We need all the help we can get. If he says no, then so be it. Besides didn't Miri leave before everything went down?""That's different. She's different." He said as he stared in the planets night view. He could see through the atmosphere as the night lights were brighter t
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Ragnarok's Nightmare
Skadi stared at Setsuna, her mind raced. As she stared at her pitiful attempt to stand up. Her wobbly legs took one step at a time. Even Skadi felt the blade she carried to be too heavy for her. She dragged herself only fueled by her desire.She took one step.Then another.Until she was a few meters away. Setsuna closed her eyes. Skadi's remained open as she waited for Setsuna to gather herself.'Even though you hate me from the bottom of your heart. Not only me, but perhaps Ragnarök at its entirety. Perhaps as an extension... hate yourself...'Aren't you lonely?Skadi thought as she stared at Setsuna's pitiful figure. Setsuna saw the pure gaze Skadi was giving her. She clenched her fists as she bit her lip.She tried her best not to look back at the people who she killed. She gripped her blade, 'However I cannot look back.'She charged once more, yet as if time slowed down. When Skadi deflected her blade she saw her expression.It was feral. Almost inhuman. Her beauty was unnoticea
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I need to Learn Magic.
The constant noise from her wrist drive resting on her bed side's drawers kept on playing the same music each time it vibrates. Nex turned around ignoring the annoying sound as she kept sleeping.However as if she forgot her new roommate, she was gently nudged to be woken up. She frowned but she got up. Rubbing her eyes as she yawned she checked the holo-clock on her wall.9:00 A.M.She raised her eyebrows towards the one who woke her up, "Blair... It's too fucking early." However the Android girl just tilted her head. "Ms. Alessandra is calling." She said as she patched the call on Nex's wrist drive. She then handed it over to her."Hello, Ms. Nex how've you been?" Alessandra's voice echoed in her ears. Nex suppressed her yawns as she answered, "Well, I've been waking up, if that's what you're asking." Alessandra chuckled. "You sound a little sour. Got rejected?"Nex scratched her hair, "Stop stalking me..." She said simply. "I didn't, I don't peek on my employees private life. Your
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<< Ain Soph Aur >> (I)
"I need to learn magic."She said simply towards Nova. Nova on the other hand nodded his head. Nex decided to call the only one she knows who could help them right now. She patched a call towards Nick. However it took her three tries before the call went through.What answered her however was an extremely tired voice. It felt like he only had a wink of sleep. "Hello? Who is this?" He said as he brought the wrist drive near his ears like a cave man. Making Nex chuckle at his idiocy."Look in front Nick." She said. He groggily looked at the display screen and saw both Nex and Nova in his cat form as they watched him run his eyes."Oh, Hey Nex. Alessandra called awhile ago informing me about the gala. Or was it yesterday? There's no sun in this godforsaken dimension gap so I'm not sure..." He said as he checked the date on the display."How are you going to make it in time if you're off world?" She said as she looked around the screen observing Nick's laboratory-esque room. So many bottl
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<< Ain Soph Aur >> (II)
[Originally mortals were created only with one magic circuit and that's it. However some would create more in attempt to become stronger, killing themselves in the process. It makes me wonder how you survived until now.]He said as he laughed, [It truly amuses me how amazing humans are at defying the gods! How beautiful! How poetic!] He then continued probing the second circuit.[Yours however was created naturally?...No. It isn't, someone perhaps tampered with it before you were even born. At birth it probably lay dormant until it was jolted awake by a stream of Mana. However it was nothing but Mana residue. It corrupted your Mana circuit turning it into something else entirely. It pulsates energy from the void. It's nothing and everything at the same time.I do not know of it's capabilities as of now, but over the years it has been trying to merge with your original circuit, It looks like a single circuit slowly being corrupted, but I assure you it's separate. Creating constant str
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Unexpected Meetings
The clock ticked by rhythmically. Only the sounds of the Holo-Clock echoed across the smoke filled room. The Bulky man named Desmond languidly sat at the large sofa barely enough to contain his large features.He kept staring at the clock impatiently, ignoring the noise of the TV. He's more focused on the time rather than actually watching, so the image on the TV slowly faded into the background.Finishing his stick he put out the embers on the small butt. Creating a tall pile of ashes on the small tray. His room then rang, notifying him on a visitor. He quickly stood up and dusted his ash filled shirt.A languid man in a black suit stood in front of his door. He ruffled his messy hair as he waved his free hand on the intercom. "You can come in Z." Desmond said over the intercom.As soon as he opened the door a pungent aroma assaulted his senses. The smoke and the slightly minty air entered his lungs making him cough several times.He carried inside a large case rather carefully. Desm
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Once a hunt Begins it Never ends (I)
Luckily as soon as Nex entered Nadja just pulled the operation blinders across covering Skadi's entire body. It hid her behind the thick fabric, making her heave a sigh of relief. However, knowing the Devil May Care attitude of Nex she still stuck her head inside to take a peek and see what's going on and she saw a tall masked woman lying down on the operating table.While Nadja wore a deadpan expression, "Nex! Manners please... I'm already trying to remove this killer hangover. Don't make it worse." She berated Nex slightly as she popped painkillers inside her mouth. Nex however just gave her a wry smile, "Naj, I have a better solution than those things. Why don't you grab the coffee grounds we got off world, The expensive ones..." Naj stared at Nex in complete disbelief, "I Don't think I need that, but whatever..." Yet as she said it she still went inside her kitchen.Nex on the other hand open the blinders fully. Revealing the full countenance of Skadi. She then drew her brand new
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Once a hunt Begins it Never ends (II)
Nex hummed along her way, feeling that everything nobody had said fell into place. Whether it's for the better however, nobody knows. Nova then came out of her shadow and asked her, [You're gonna carry that the whole time?]Nex raised her eyebrows towards Nova, "What else am I gonna do? Not have bullets?" Nova then chuckled in his eerie and gravely voice, [You can put it in my pocket dimension, you know?] He said in a confident voice.Nex put her hand on her face as she glared at Nova, "Now, how the fuck am I supposed to know that? If I knew that I would've stored a lot of shit in your pocket dimension." She then grabbed Nova and waved him around, "It would've made my damn shopping easier if I knew that you little twerp."[I was recovering most my energy these past few weeks. Trying to form a contract is hard work you know. Besides, now that I have absorbed enough mana of the world's and yours. I'm capable of doing a lot more convenient things.]He said as he hovered above her. She th
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