All Chapters of Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon : Chapter 21
- Chapter 30
94 chapters
This new world is a weird place. Yet as much as it is I'm used to it. Even though I'm somewhat, in a way alive, to see monsters and other supernatural beings, it still feels a bit so… Time flies fast in the ruin, this new world all together. It's already late noon. The sun is slowly building its orange glow. I'm on the tenth floor of the building I stood this morning after once again helping the little girl. Sitting on the floor leaning to the window, carefully hidden away from prying eyes. I'm overly cautious not to have anyone know I'm around. If I am found out everything will be thrown off. That said though it's not as if them knowing would change the outcome of anything. The demon knows I'm still around because of the barrier, so why haven't they done anything? … If this new world never came to being and someone told me beings like these existed or the possibility of magic I would have called them insane. But on the other hand it wouldn't be too hard for me to accept it though
All… bullshit. Why did I say something like that? If not trapped in here with me I would have left them to their fate… Their lives wouldn't matter in the long run. But I wouldn't want to see the little girl hurt. Why did I just think that? What's come over me…? The blue-gray rays of the moonlit sky creep in through every crack, crevice and windows dimly illuminating the floor. "… Two hundred and eighteen years…" That distorted voice. It came from my right. I look to the dark spot at the corner a few ways from where I stand. "You must be Kein." "Perceptive, as I hear…" A person clad in black emerges out from the shadows. He has no scent. I don't sense any presence. So he couldn't be here himself, it's just a shadow. Shadows are disposable duplicates of demons—from what I know just a select few could do this—created to serve as messengers or emissaries. Created from the power wielded by demons these vessels are empty, without any consciousness, only embedded with the will o
I'm before Kein's hideout, the building which had more surviving building than any other in the ruin. Rushing in headfirst is something I never do—a lie, I mostly do. I always try hard to avoid battling anyone at any cost—another lie, I don't care whatever happens in the process of me getting what I want—so I'd wanted to sneak in and find my way up to Kein's without any casualty. But… Sneaking in now would be otiose; they're already waiting for me. After all I was invited. So my only course of action is to go through the front door. But being invited doesn't mean they are just going to let me walk in like that. Well, here goes. I walk, almost unprepared of what awaits me on the inside. First floor: Round house kick plants to the left jaw of a theriantrope: dog man… The Lobby was empty; only one person stood in the center of the room with a one edge one handed long sword, a skinny lizard man wielding a longsword. "My lord asks for only your body, so your head will be my trophy
I wonder. Is it going to be like this? Fighting against people like this just to get to this Kein person? My footsteps echo off the walls as I make it up the stairs. Hopefully, taking the stairs I would be able to avoid running into more goons. Three floors up on the stairs my feet halt. Above me there was a blockade. It looks like the stairs had collapsed and blocked the way up. Crap. So much for using the stairs… How the hell do I go up? Maybe there's another way. I turn to the doorless room beside me. Going through would mean fighting more people… I can't avoid it, can I? That being the only way I step through. Crunch Crunch. Crunch. I find myself in a wreck. Above me six floors completely disappeared. They had cave in and are beneath my feet. The sixth though was only half destroyed. It's not all that bad though. The floors weren't completely destroyed; the sides stick out like ledges. I can use it to get to the upper floors. Boom boom boom boom boom. The place is
What a mess! Looks like it made a mess getting all the way down there. The rooms have been smashed in and bodies left on the floor—I wouldn't call them bodies since there's only parts and pieces. It was like that four floors up. A part of me is disappointed I was kinda hoping there would have been more to fight but they were already dead… Eight floors to go. I step into the next floor... Searching through floors to find the one Kein's in is extremely boring. It's such a cliché to always find the boss on the top floor. At this rate my hopes of getting to him before the sun comes up will go down the drain. "Hey kid! Been waiting on you. I'm glad you didn't disappoint. Some weird thing or person came through the ceiling ran past here not too long ago did you by any chance ran into it?" Taro's sitting on a chair in the middle of the empty floor companied by the pillars. Even though I ignored his question there is a hole in the ceiling in the back to my left. I guess that's my way
"Hello brother. We finally meet. It's been so long." I entered a room which had only pillars like that of the inn's twentieth floor. And there she was, the girl in clad I saw from the building. She's standing all the way in the back with a pair of large monsters one on her sides. They are twice her height, large, a lighter shade of black and had no fur. Their hind legs are smaller than their forelegs. They have no faces or mouth but they are drooling like hell. She's petting them, brushing her hands over their skin. They are growling at me. Currently I'm two floors above from where I had battled Taro. I leaped through the hole in the ceiling then took the stair which was in the same mess as the hole, probable from the Pazu coming down through it. "This is Kreel and Onai. They're my best friends. Say hi you two." "Haargh!!" They bark at me. As I said before there are lots of different types of monsters around, this is one of them, seemingly one without any visible facial feature.
Tap… tap… tap. I clearly hear the patter of blood dripping onto the floor from the falchion in my left hand, the tip pointed down. I smell all bloody. I might just consider eating myself. Minutes after ending the three below, walking up the stairs and through the corridor I now stand before the door of a room. Sniiiiff… Dense streams of scent, just one is leaking through the gaps of the door before me. There's no denying it is a demon, no, the demon behind this door. The very scent that permeates through the entire ruins, he, Kein, is in here. "A work of art" I hear the voice from inside, so familiar. Of course he knows I'm here. I reach for the handle of one of the dual doors and give it a push. Without any strain the door opens for me, I walk in. The room was slightly lit by the rows of magic stone lanterns to the wall. "Cutting them down without any hesitation. You are what they say you are." A familiar robed person is standing before the window staring out into the empty
A space above the dome a distortion appeared spanning over the whole town, slowly blinking. Small orbs of light ran up from the building which Nate was in, swimming through the air and entering into the magic circle. It started to glow brighter, and brighter making the ruin below seem like day. In her room, Allora, sat on her bed leaning to the wall and clinging tightly to her pillow, worried about everything that might be happening to Nate. Her mind couldn't help but create possibilities of either his torture and demise should he failed. Even though she worried for Nate's safety her eyes did not depart from the little girl that slept close to her feet. Her smile contrary to her eyes, it was caring. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed and felt heavy. She felt it, her eyes shot open. In a moment the air was filled with screams. "Aaaaaaaargh...." "What is going on out there?" She jumped off the bed running towards the door but stops in her tracks when she heard the little girl shriek.
KEIN That’s right no one will stand in my way. No one!! We had no true names, we had no true forms. Yet, we aren’t so different from humans; Factions, politics, wars and skirmishes. Our kind aren’t as united as the humans but in sharing mutual goals we bound together. A dark and red world where only destruction exists. It is in our nature; our kind pride themselves with strength and power. We fight to take, to impose our ideals. A world of what you humans call ‘suffering’. Our own destruction is but an outcome to enforcing such ideals to those who oppose, in a fight for supremacy. I’m not sure how many of my kind has been lost, returned to void over such skirmishes. The weak are plucked. It may be a contradiction to say, as I have already stated, by ideals are meaningless, only strength holds true power. And we fight to attain such power, individual or as a faction. Even I fought to grasp such power. To rise up the ladder scale of power by defeating anyone one in your way, vanq
“Another dead end, huh.” I whisper to myself. I didn’t get anything from him, as well. It’s the situation that made this. He probably had answers but it was either I gave in to his demands, letting go of my goal or getting out of here and that was something I couldn’t do so killing him was good, although… I now know a clue of who to ask if I ever meet them again. What was all this for? Why bring me here…? Thinking about this now, being so cautious was a waste of time. I should have just dealt with all this the moment I got here. Just so weak. The weakest of the so called Arch demons I’ve faced. … Either way I didn’t matter what happened to the people in here. But why did I have the thought of rather saving them during the whole time I was fighting him, instead of my escape? Crack—Suddenly I hear a sound, like glass cracking. It came from above! I look up and I can clearly see the swelling of the light blue colors of the dome and what seems to be crack growing like webs. When the