No matter how often Eagan asked Jonathan, he refused to tell him who 'they' were. At some point, he told him he didn't know them, that they always come out from nowhere to get food from other survivors. From his explanation, Eagan concluded that it was another one of the 'Church' situations. "Milo, take them to the bus. Have you had anything to eat?" Eagan asked the duo "No, our last food was taken three days ago," Jonathan answered just as their stomachs growled. "Here, you can have these till we get to our base. Are there other people apart from you two?" He handed them his chocolate bars and water bottles. "There are other people, but we separated a while ago in search of food, and there's no way we can contact them, " Jonathan explained as he eyed the chocolates. "It's not poisoned," Eagan said, noticing his Hesitation. "No, no, I didn't mean it was poison; I was just surprised you still have things like this around; we only get spoilt food or expired can foods," Jonathan ex
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