All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
185 chapters
Successfull escape
Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!....Slayers began to swarm the area where the battle had occurred as they continued to emerge one after another from all directions."What is going on here?"The police department's deputy chief muttered to himself, the name on his batch that was pinned on the right side of his chest on his blue-black police uniform was 'Frehem Silvador'.He was in a truly foul mood with what he saw in front of him.'How long had I been waiting for this chance, and now these bastards had spoiled it?'Today was particularly nice for him as he believed that after finishing the work of maintaining the security around the Lindenberg Auction today, he would have another significant accomplishment to add to his record.Then with his connections and a few bribes, he would finally be able to receive the promotion he had been hoping for all this time.Once he received the promotion, he was thinking of support his family's guild [Silvador] from the back, due to which the reputation a
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Aftermath on the body
Everyone eventually arrived at Rudger's house, where Sylvia, who had regained some strength, carried Noah on her back inside while Rudger led the way by pointing to a room where Sylvia had laid Noah down on the bed."Should I call a doctor?""No, A doctor wouldn't be of much use, Instead, please bring me a first aid kit, a towel, warm water, and extra bandages..""Would that really be alright?""I don't know, but I am certain that it will be better than any doctor."Without even turning around towards Rudger who was standing near the door, Sylvia answered him in a low voice while tenderly gazing at Noah and softly brushing his hair back from his forehead.Rudger wanted to emphasize her about the value of a professional doctor, and warn her that Noah's situation was serious, but after hearing her resolute voice, he knew that she was firm on her decision, and he just rubbed his own temples and too a deep sigh!."I'll return in a moment, then."Rudger then muttered something about "Young
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Explaination is what I do
Five people were seated on sofas and chairs around a glass table in the living room. There was an uneasy atmosphere between them, and two of the five were watching the person who was explaining the situation to the remaining two of them.They were Rudger and Amanda who were getting an explanation from Noah, while Luna, and Sylvia, were staring at Noah, who was still wearing bandages below his clothes.After Noah gave them an explanation of what happened last night, Rudger and Amanda both couldn't believe what they were hearing."I should have realized sooner, but I believed you were only going to use those things for any emergencies, and even if you were planning to steal something, it will be from someone else, and not someone so strong and influential in social circles.""I didn't had a choice, it was important, as I previously mentioned, he had a high position in that organisation and the more powerful those people were, the worse things would get for us and for humanity."Rudger
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Noah got eaten
You sometimes have to die to live and live in order to die, which is only one of the many paradoxes that life contains.Sometimes the things you hate the most become so necessary for your survival that you have no choice but to embrace them.Whether such a life has any purpose has been a topic of discussion since ages.However, my respone to those fools who say that such a life had no meaning had not changed."You just haven't struggled in life, and not seen the real face of the world."Those are the only people who complain and try to force their ideology on others and then try to judge them based on their shallow mentality.Fortunately, Sylvia wasn't one of them since she knew that no power was inherently evil.Just like a kitchen knife that's used to cut vegetables can also be used to cut people.It doesn't mean that knife was evil.The people who abuse it are the ones who should be held accountable for their actions.However, you wouldn't have a choice but to feel repulsed if you
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Work pending
[Dark energy successfully received][Energy is condensed and sent to various soul parts][Soul state out of danger][Soul still in a frail condition][Corrupted soul parts were discovered. It is advised that the host treat it right away.]My vision was immediately welcomed with a huge number of notifications from the System as soon as I opened my eyes.With the help of which, I was able to determine the condition of my soul.Thankfully, the countdown had stopped, and Sylvia had helped me heal significantly.Speaking of Sylvia, I remembered what had transpired throughout the entire day as my treatment progressed yesterday, I turned my head to look at Sylvia who was cuddling Luna and me while being fast asleep.It was absolutely insane to be eaten by her; who would have thought our sweet, innocent Sylvia could also display those emotions."I need to quickly heal back to normal,"Now, I had to focus on achieving this before anything else since, if things continued the way they were, she
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A new problem
Even though the message was from an unfamiliar number, but after a brief search in my memory, I was able to quickly identify it.'Julie!'It was Julie's number, which she had given me the previous time, when she had visited me in the Academy's hospital."Who's it?"Sylvia inquired bemusedly after hearing my phone beep, so I simply turned my phone and showed it to her."Its Julie."After which, she started reading the message."Even so, why is she messaging you, and when did you make a promise to her?""Remember, when she visited me in the Academy's hospital, and I told her I would meet her later? I believe she is talking about that.""Tsk"Since Sylvia had little tolerance for Julie and didn't liked her at all, I could understand why she was upset about me going to meet Julie, especially given that I was still not fully recovered from the last fight."What is it that she needs from you? Did you need to really meet her?""Yo yo!, what are you two whispering?"Before I could respond to
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Riaz's scheme (1)
"Huh?"Jimmy's words startled me, so I took a step back and examined the situation.'Why did I become so emotional all of a sudden?'It was a fact that these guys trash talked about Sylvia and Mia, and it was definitely a reason for me to get angry.But the way my subconscious mind responded to their words was absolutely ridiculous; it seemed as though I had lost control of my emotions, it similar to when I fought with August under the influence of [Dainsléif].Still, at least that time, there was a clear plan to kill him, so I made fun of him without thinking, but now I was actually about to crush this guy's head.My gaze shifted to the guy that was still unconscious.He was an F ranked at most, and my full powered punch with D+ ranked strength was enough to blow his skull to pieces.If I had done that, it would have been a huge disaster, where I would have been taken into custody right away, and I knew there was no way that I would be able to escape Academy with my current strength
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Riaz's Scheme (2)
Have you ever witnessed a third-rate villain attempt to scheme with their tiny brain, and fail miserably?This situation was a prime illustration of that.To sum it all up, Riaz gave these guys the order to bully Jimmy secretly a few days ago, so that Jimmy would be left with no choice but to take revenge for their harassment.After which, they decided to falsely accuse him, directly threaten him that, 'if he didn't listen to them, then they would report to Instructors that he used violence', and then they decided to blackmail him to sow discord between our group. Or force Jimmy to assist them in accusing me, Sylvia, and Mia (falsely) of bullying and fighting.And if Jimmy doesn't comply with their demands, they decided to torment him until he loses all his determination, at which point they will demand for a duel with him.These guys believed Jimmy was weak because he was literally at the bottom of the ranking, and they believed they could easily defeat him. As a result, they plann
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Challenge to a duel? (1)
My assumptions were correct because among the students of Aura, word of what happened at the Academy's restaurant spread like wildfire in a forest, in just one day.All the schemes that Sheldon & Carls exposed were being posted down on the Academy's student-only forum by anonymous accounts.Even many seniors got aware of this explosive news.And precisely as we had predicted, Riaz's reputation and image were destroyed in a single day, even without us doing anything.Riaz might have completely avoided punishment or at best only received a warning if we had allowed the instructors to take over this situation yesterday.But now that we chose to stay silent instead of reporting, the instructors wouldn't intervene unless we break a rule. Funnily enough, exposing someone's scheme openly was definitely not breaking rules, no matter how much the culprit suffer.And since it was not just us spreading the word, but also the entire student body of the Academy, Riaz was helpless, and had no choic
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Challenge to a duel? (2)
Achoo!Noah sneezed and rubbed his nose."Ha! Someone must be cursing me.""It must be him" Mia chided in."Who else could it be? or maybe some people, I have stole something from?""Did you really?"Mia looked at me curiously, as if wait to hear an interesting story."Definitely not."But I just raised my hands in surrender, causing Mia to grumble in disappointment, while Sylvia looked at me with her eyes narrowed, as if asking why I was taking that incident as reference here.Ahem!At which I just scratched my head in embarrassment, while Sylvia's gaze grew intense.Thankfully, before I could get more stares from Sylvia, Mia asked."Perhaps, but Riaz took no action to suppress the rumours?"'Good job Mia, nice save, I'll make sure to treat you nicely the next time.'I gave Mia a thumb up in my mind, though, it was also true that members of [Lost Night] must be cursing me because they not only lost [Twilight Orb] but also Luna.But now that I stop and think about it. They were not
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