All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
185 chapters
Challenge to a duel? (3)
"Yaa! , W-What, What? You're stuttering, why? Your tongue was caught by the cat?""Y-You?"With rage swelling inside of him, this short guy attempted to speak as he pointed his trembling finger at me.But I interrupted him in the middle."What, You? Speak clearly... Did your boyfriend Riaz forget to provide sufficient speaking lessons to you?"You're crossing the line Noah Blackstorm!, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you got a Rank 12 on the entrance examinations. Ultimately, there is always a sky above sky."Hoo! You did an excellent job of checking into my information.Then, I looked him up and down with a scrutinising gaze, and added."I thought you were absolutely trash, just like your dad Riaz, but at least you could do something. Tell the garbage you serve about those quotes, "Sky above Sky," and for your kind information. There is space above Sky, not another sky, so now shoo! shoo!."Flicking my hand as if chasing a dog away, I looked at him with mockery.
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Confrontation with Jimmy
Jimmy's countenance became increasingly contorted as I continued to speak.But he soon collected himself because he saw that now wasn't the time or place for doing anything impulsive, and he also understood that there was no malice in my words towards him."I can't understand what you're saying, so please be more clear."Maybe that was why he continued to act like an ignorant bastard.But this time, instead of responding to him, I called out."Sylvia! Mia!""Huh?"Both of them paused their steps and looked back."Can you please go ahead; I have something to do that I had forgotten before. Jimmy promised to go with me. So, you both can go ahead,....we'll be back later. "Although, there was no promise but Jimmy decided to side with me.Maybe he to wanted a silent environment and hear what I was trying to say."You need help? We can assist you as well."Sylvia made a suggestion, but I politely declined."Thank you, but it's not necessary; I'll just have it done quickly and be right back
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Trust me
Jimmy rushed towards me, with an agility that was far superior to that of a top 10 ranked student in entrance exams, as he accelerated his pace towards me.When abruptly at the halfway point.Swish!He gracefully rotated his forward left leg, shifted his path to the right, moved toward another tree, and quickly disappeared behind it.Silence!Jimmy was making every effort to conceal his presence, and if it had been someone else, that person would undoubtedly be incapable of handling him.However....Rustle!'From behind!'When Jimmy tried to come up behind me, I kicked him again as I swung my legs, this time hitting him in the stomach.Bang!He was shot straight forward once more, but after flipping halfway, this time he quickly recovered his balance, and was back on his feets."Is this all you got?"Since I wasn't trying to beat him up, my kick didn't have much power, and he wasn't injured at all.Nonetheless, he was putting a lot of power behind his attacks, so I had no choice but t
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Challenge to a duel? (4)
Riaz was pacing back and forth in his room while clenching his fist so firmly that his fingers nearly dug into his hands."Do you dare, lowlife."It was still a bit difficult for him to believe that a simple commoner peasent dared to refuse his offer despite the fact that he knew about Riaz's own standing and family power.--Oh! you know that he was the one who instigated those guys to bully Jimmy.--Yeah! but that thanks to Noah, the truth about that incident came out, otherwise we would still be living in delusions.--To think that Riaz was such a person, I always thought that he was a good guy, he always behaved so sophisticated and calmly like he everything was under him, but now that I know the truth. Everything was really a facade.--From the start I had a crush on him, but after that incident, I would really never believe someone based on their appearance.--Truly, appearance can be so decieving. If he was such a guy, what about Julie who's faction he belonged to. They all must
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Challenge to a duel? (5)
Arrogance is a creature.It does not have senses.It only has a sharp tongue and pointing finger.And once that creature has control over you, what happens to you will be the same as what was happening to Riaz at the moment.As soon as he made up his mind in the middle of the night, he wasted no time in coming here the very following day, arrogantly standing in front of Noah."Noah Blackstorm! I challenge you to a duel."Riaz purposely spoke loudly while standing in the middle of the restaurant hall at Academy so that everyone in the restaurant could hear what he was saying.—Whoa! for real?—The semester's first duel.—Damn! I had only heard about the duel system from the seniors, and I never imagined we would get to witness one within the first month of the semester.—But the question is, will Noah accept his challenge?People started conversing loudly with one another in the hall about the duel, making the atmosphere chaotic, and everyone's attention was instantly drawn to Noah.Wh
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Challenge to a duel? (6)
The hallway fell silent for a split second as with a calm voice Noah announced his intentions.Woah!!!When an unexpected cheer broke out, and the hall became wild once more.—Did I hear it correctly?—Riaz and Noah match up in combat! It is the upcoming big thing.—But when is it going to happen?Almost all of the students in attendance at this time were astonished by Noah's decision, but after a few moment of reflection they realised that they had been mistaken; they now definitely believed that Noah had chosen to accept it out of pride, and their gaze towards him were now filled with respect and pity.Because nobody would want to ask Riaz for forgiveness—at least not after the word of his malicious activities spread—and no one would even consider that licking another person's feet in public, no matter the cause.However, what perplexed people the most was why Noah requested a condition when there was no possibility for him to win in the first place.Wasn't he intentionally hitting
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Chairman's growing Interest.
After both the groups of Noah and Riaz made their way out of the Administrative building. Out of it emerged a lovely green-haired woman and an elderly blonde man.The old man's eyes glowed as he watched the back of two student groups moving towards the dorm."The boiling blood of youth. Nothing solves without a flight."You guessed it right—the elderly man in question was none other than William Alfrino, chairman of AURA, who was standing with Selina Greenberg, a [Tyro-A] homeroom instructor."It certainly is chairman, but shouldn't we do something about it?"Selina had a concerned look on her."About what? the bullying or the duel?""Both... No matter the reason, once the situation about bullying is out shouldn't we do something?""Did the students make any reports? Do you genuinely believe Jimmy, that student, needed our assistance?"William cocked his head in Selina's direction and asked humorously.Selina, though, merely stared at him incomprehensibly."——No?"William's response w
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A bet between Instructors.
Cutting the conversation of William and Selina, a purple haired beautiful girl jumped directly from the stairs at the entrance of the Academic building to the place between William & Selina."Hey! tell me Old man, why are you silent?"Poking William on the side, she asked while making a pouty face.She was none other Emma Finn, the Instructor of sword class.And the only person who could call the SS rank Slayer, the chairman of AURA, an old man.William's eyebrows twiched, and for the first time today his expressions really crumbled at the unwanted presence, as he started regretting his decision to not return to his office quickly after having a quick chat with Selina.However, now he had to stick with Emma and satisfy her curiosity before she would leave him alone, a situation in which even he was really helpless.So, he decided to quickly answer her question and make his exist after finding a chance in the middle."Emma! its you... I didn't saw you there."William replied while hidi
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Jimmy's POV
Closing the door, removing the shoes, taking a shower, changing into casual clothes. Jimmy came out to the balcony of the small room assigned to him with a water bottle in his hand.Gulp! Gulp!"Ahh!"After drinking a large amount of water, Jimmy looked at the park visible from the balcony but because it was still afternoon and the park was empty, he came back inside the room again.It was a only a small single room with a bathroom attached to it that also had the toilet in it too. The single room contained a single bed, a refrigerator, a small corner with cooking utensils, like an electric stove, etc. which was the kitchen.While another corner had a cupboard and a dressing table which was also used as a study table if the person sits on the floor, instead of using a chair to study by placing the book on the table.Everything was so cramped up in the room that anybody who was not used to it would feel a sense of suffocation just by spending a few minutes in here.But what else can
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Submissive Sylvia (1)(R-18)
"Fuaah!"As soon as Noah and Sylvia reached inside their flat, Sylvia jumped on the bed, burried her face in the pilow, and relaxed her body."You wanna take a nap?"Turning her head towards Noah who asked the question, Sylvia shook her head and expressed her intentions."I am tired, but I wanna go to see mama too, and I also wanna enjoy my hubby *sigh*.""Take a quick nap, then you can go, alright?""Okay, but..""But?""That today... you know its been a few days.... Master!...."Shyly turning her body and opening her arms wide as if asking for a hug while lying down on the bed, Sylvia made a cute face and spoke."I wanna do it if your health is alright.""Hooo!!!"This was the first time Sylvia had asked to do sex so openly.And hearing that bewitching voice and looking at Sylvia who was slightly wriggling her body as if to invite Noah to do as he pleased with her body, blood rushed through Noah's whole body, and moved directly towards his crotch.After which, without even removing
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