All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
185 chapters
Noah vs Riaz (1)
After serving its purpose to brighten up the day for just the right amount of time, the sun sank beyond the horizon, leaving behind a spectacular display of the vast expanse of space that lies beyond the earth, complete with glittering stars and a nearly full moon in the dark night sky.It was after the evening time, when I glanced up at such a spectacle as I exited the minibus with Sylvia, Mia, and Jimmy.Whenever I look at the night sky, it always brings me more peace of mind than the sky during the day.A blue sky is what I refer to as a fake sky, since it is obscured by sunlight from the sun that, after striking Earth's atmosphere, refracts and splits into multiple parts of the spectrum, giving the appearance of a blue sky.As if someone had placed a cage around us to contain our yearning, acting as both a roof above our head and a limit to our ambitions.However, this night sky, the real sky devoid of any such cover, gives us a clear view of what lies beyond this planet. This tr
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Noah vs Riaz (2)
Riaz screamed loudly and tried to rush over to me.But."Stop!"With just one word, Instructor Selina stopped him, blocking his body with her mana pressure. It was the first time I truly realised the difference between an A rank and a S rank when I felt her pressure up close.Her strength was reduced to A rank due to the injury, but her mana still possessed the characteristics & essence of a S rank in terms of both quality and quantity.When she put pressure on us during the first class, she was essentially testing us and wasn't intentionally blocking our movements.Even when I fought August, his pressure was at A rank, where I was able to fight with him in a comfortable position, yet Selina's mana would have definitely decreased my speed to atleast half, if I have ever fought against her.When fighting August although I was extremely lucky.But even when Selina is now at A rank, and even if I had double the luck I had at that time, somehow I could instinctively feel that my chances
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Noah vs Riaz (3)
Emma's attitude had been oddly different ever since they had arrived here.No, that would not be right.Grace swiftly shook her head and dismissed that idea because Emma was unusual even on normal days.But in all seriousness, her behaviour was out of the ordinary, and it all began after they each placed a place a bet on such a duel involving one of their students. In particular, it was when she started teaching Noah privately, which caused a change in her behaviour.Although it was definitely a secret, but that was only limited to other students because otherwise it would been an injustice to them if a particular student does get preferential treatment, no matter what the reason. But even the management chose to ignore it when it became clear that the instructors themselves were engaging in this for short-term amusement, and they were doing it on their personal names, and not the Academy's.Being an Instructor at Emma's level, there could only be a few secrets inside the Academy be
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Noah vs Riaz (4)
Pin-drop stillness descended upon the crowd as the match started in earnest, and everyone's attention was drawn to the arena's centre, where Riaz and Noah were locked in an eye-to-eye staredown.They both were simply slowly moving in circles, waiting, and measuring one another because none of them was willing to take the first step.Noah considered giving one hit defeat to Riaz very cheap, which would definitely not be sufficient to Noah to fulfill his will to trample on the pride of this bastard who picked up a fight with him for no reason.There was one rule that Noah always adhered to, and it was that don't poke someone for no reason, but once someone poke you for no reason, then don't leave him until he is no longer able to go back on two legs, for no matter what reason.So now that Riaz had poked Noah, then he got to pay the price.Although Noah could have rushed and concluded the fight quickly, but he wasn't willing to do so because of what Riaz had done against him before.Espe
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Noah vs Riaz (5)
After the direct collision with me, Riaz backed away while maintaining a serious expression.He must have realised at this point that, although I wasn't stronger than him, I wasn't weaker either, and that my strength was undoubtedly not what had been rumoured around, according to my rank in the entrance exams.However, there was no trace of fear, struggle, or anything like in his eyes; rather, he was just irritated because he realised he wouldn't be able to win as easily as he had previously believed.Since it would be fun to slowly, deliberately let him to view the abyss and drown his mentality in a sense of helplessness and despair, I'll be honest and say that these expressions of him were more in line with my goals.Don't they say? that who doesn't have something, would feel it more than someone who already had it from the beginning'Hehehe..!'The words, whose application and meaning were twisted to my desire, caused a sinister smirk to arise on my face.Thankfully, because of thi
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Noah vs Riaz (6)
"Huh?"Riaz's smile suddenly faded away and his brows furrowed, he was definitely a little perplexed by the blue lightning that suddenly surrounded me, and as I didn't had my sword Dainsléif with me, its colour didn't change into the usual pitch black that I use to have.Most people, and even Riaz must have known about this ability of mine, as I have used it quite a bit of time during the training inside the Academy, and during classes, but because I never showed the full extent of it that I can handle, they must have have not known the full power of it.But now, looking at this lightning that was more dense, stronger, wilder than normal, and something which was definitely giving the danger on the level of a Mana coating, they couldn't hold back to their senses of reality.One person without the required rank, being able to use Mana coating, may have been still understandable to them as he was a student in top 5 of the Entrance exams ranking, and was from a prestigious family, as they
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Lora's dreams
Lora remembered everything like the back of her hand, she remembered how it all started just a couple of days before the official entrance exams of AURA, when she started having some weird dreams.Dreams that were like reality, was about a person named Alvin Tate, and his relationship with her, that was about to happen in the future.At first Lora thought that all of this was just her imagination because of the stress of the entrance exams, but as the days passed by, and some of the details she saw in her dream became reality, she wasn't left with a choice.And no matter how absurd it sounded like, but now she had to accept the fact that she was seeing some fragments of her future life.Actually, for others, if they started having such dreams, they would have jumped & danced from joy, thinking about getting the future knowledge, they might have believed themselves as some kind of Protagonist, who would then go on to grab every future opportunity.Unfortunately, it wasn't like that for
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Instructor Selina came in front of me with her superhuman speed in the blink of an eye, then after looking at me with a satisfied smile on her face, she lifted my hand, and shouted using mana voice amplification."And the winner of this duel is Noah Blackstorm."When everyone started cheering after a brief silence, she left my hand, and called the medical team who rushed on the arena and lifted up Riaz on the stretcher, before taking him away.Although his condition wasn't in a dangerous state, but because too much blood was flowing from multiple cuts and injuries, so he needed immediate attention, cleaning of wound and some healing potions.Now whether its a healing potion, or any kind of potion or Elixrs in general, they are usually too expensive for regular use, and the more stronger a person gets, the better quality of a potion he/she needs for the same immediate effect.That's why nobody, except for some exceptionally rich people, or people who are on emergency missions or situati
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Three birds with one stone (1)
"Yawn~"As the first rays of sunlight hit my face through the space between the window's covers, I slowly opened my eyes, and a small, adorable, & cute little face with grayish white hairs, sparkling like the purest and shiniest silver in the golden sunlight, came in front of me.Her little soft hands were playing with my hairs in her sleep, and her body was hugged by Sylvia, who was in my arms, as they both were hugged by me.You're guessed it right, they were, my lovely daughter Luna, and my dear wife Sylvia.Ahem! Suddenly, I felt like my mind suddenly became like of an old man, full of vicissitudes of life.HAHAHAH~Never have I had ever imagined that I would say such words about two girls, especially while working as a porter, because at that time there was only darkness, and a bleak future ahead that surrounded me.Once again, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to the regressor, may his Soul burn in pits of hell, Amen.HAHAHAH...!That was really a good laugh for such a wo
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Three birds with one stone (2)
Outside of Rudger's house, Rudger, Amanda, and Luna were standing to see us off."Bye Daddy, bye Mumma.""Bye my dear, eat well alright and don't cause troubles for mister Rudger and Amanda."Sylvia spoke as she gave a hug and kiss to Luna, and I also hugged her and said some loving words, after which I spoke a few words to Rudger about the future plans, & to Amanda about her health.Speaking of Rudger and Amanda, Amanda had almost recovered now, and doing any kind of physically straining activity wouldn't be a problem to her.She could run easily, go outside too without any problems because her immune system was back to normal after these days of recovery, and most off all, now she was enjoying her time at home learning new things that she wasn't able to previously because of her health, and playing with Luna.Because she couldn't go outside at current moment as the matter about Rudger wasn't settled completely, so there was nothing she could do about not being able to visit Amusemen
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