All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
185 chapters
Three birds with one stone (3)
Hearing my words, a dumbfounded look appeared on Riaz's face, though, the chairman was still looking at me with scrutiny and his sharp gaze.Looking at the silent atmosphere, and the situation that was tilting in my favour, I decided to hit the hammer when the iron was hot."The oath was for the looser to grant the winner any wish, and even after that, considering Riaz's situation as a fellow Slayer and schoolmate, I put several conditions on my wish just to make it comfortable for him and not shame his image further. If I had wanted, then I could have demanded anything, like making him walk naked across the city with vulgar words written all over his body while making him to do various dance poses on live streaming online."Hearing such words from my mouth, and imagining the situation when what I said had become reality, Riaz's body shuddered involuntarily and he gritted his teeth because that situation would have destroyed his & his family's image, and he wouldn't even be able to sh
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Three birds with one stone (4)
"Oh! Chairman, you just scared me."My mind was still in a little drowsy state after closing my eyes and concentrating for hours, therefore, the presence & voice of chairman, who I thought would have already left the office by now, suddenly startled me."Is that right? anyway... did you got the spear art properly?""Yes, thanks to you chairman there weren't any problems in the process, the art was also complete. I am grateful to you and the Academy for the fair treatment & care you have given."As my work was finally over here, I decided to play by modesty & respectfulness, and thanked the chairman to display my rightful image and establish a better impression in front of him.There was nothing wrong with building a good relation with a SS rank Slayer anyway.Although, I always had doubts that this old fart had his own schemes in mind when he shows his goodwill to me, like he did when he gave me that privilege card, but as long as they bring me benifits, there's nothing bad about it.A
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Three birds with one stone (5)
Sigh!It was late at night, and I was lying down on my bed with Sylvia, who had her arms wrapped around me, and was sleeping soundly with her head on my chest.Only now, I got some time to start my plan that I devised and revised for this long.To be honest, I could have started it earlier, but I was busy thinking about the various consequences my next actions would have on the future, and if I would be able to handle them with my strength, and would that have any effect on my future opportunities.After thinking about many possibilities thoroughly, I decided that although things would get a little hectic, but the results would definitely be good for me.So, without wasting anytime further, I called the System in my mind.'System, Use the spear art I got today as the base, and extrapolate another spear art from it of the same rank by taking some spear art from my memory as the manure to mix up things a bit, make it seem like a different art completely.... And make it of the same level
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Reverse Blood
Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was already early morning on friday.Not much changed these days, except that Julie and her faction were now completely avoiding our group, and only their lackeys glare at us when our eyes met.However, they're not a problem, they are like dogs who just follow the orders of their masters who give them food, and a sense of dependency.And they know that I had thoroughly trampled on one of their master in front of everyone.While the other one had probably commanded them to stay away from me.Nevertheless, leaving Julie's matter aside, there were some signs from her brother's faction trying to contact me, but he was really a fool.Even after I showed this much strength, he thinks that sending a student to befriend me would work. Really a self conceited and arrogant man, and I had no intention of accepting any of his plans, so I straightforwardly rejected him.However, even after this, there was still a matter that was a little disturbing to
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Black Cross & Black Thorn
A cold Kohinoor like full moon, and an infinite number of stars twinkling brightly in the myriad skies of Cosmos, showing an ancient scenery, filled with mysteries were the only source of light on the backside of the earth where the light of sun was unable to reach.Under this novel night sky, in a dilapidated house on the outskirts of Capital city, a big burly man with a bald head, wearing black jeans, boots, and black leather opened jacket with multiple metal chains attached to it like decorations, was smiling brightly with open arms.His bright smile, in contrast to his fierce eyes and face that had a large cut on the left cheek, gave a eerie yet hideous look to his overall countenance.He was the contemporary head of [Dark Cross], and a B ranked Slayer.[Dark cross] was a non registered guild as it mainly deals with illegal activities, and because of its illegal status, it was commonly known as an Underworld Organisation, or Black Organisation that is active in the outskirts of Cap
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Dealing with Drake
Defeating her brother in the fight for becoming the sole successor and the next head of the Aldeline Royal family wasn't hard for Julie with her clever tactics and iron fist.However, to say that it wasn't hard doesn't mean that it was easy, because no matter how much of an idiot her brother was, he still was the son of the head of Aldeline Royal family, and a Slayer with great potential.He too had his backings and number of supporters who don't want Julie, a girl to become the next Emperor.That's why, in the near future, although I don't know the exact details of their meeting or when and how they met, but at most about a year later, Julie was supposed to encounter Drake's daughter, Rose Abital, who at that time was almost reaching B rank.After which, because of some series of events, she came under Julie's wing, and became her underling.Taking revenge on her father by beheading him with the secret support of Julie, she then annexed [Black Cross], renamed it, and became a very im
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Trap for Drake
"Yes, it is as I said."Hearing my confirmation, Drake went into deep thoughts.Actually, death threats and revenge scenarios were not really a big thing for someone like Drake who was used to this kind of life.His hands were stained with blood, and he doesn't even remember the number of innocent people he had killed, the families he had destroyed, the girls he raped, the children he sold, etc. He was a beast in human clothings, and was definitely not someone to whom I would sell the art, but he was still a trustworthy person.As long as you doesn't betray him, and timely provide him with enough benifits, he would work for you, and because he still has some value left, so I decided to sell him the art.Anyway, back to the topic, considering that all, revenge was pretty normal for him, though, most of the time he cuts the roots to eliminate any future worries, but because he wasn't some kind of God so sometimes people get missed that later comes for revenge.This wasn't also the firs
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A bizzare situation
Exiting the dilapidated house, Drake stopped in his tracks and didn't went back to his car, but he turned around and from the side of the road, he looked at Rudger's car moving further and further away.There was a deep look in his eyes as various complicated thoughts went through his mind one by one.This person Nostradamus really intrigued him, and because of that the relation between them improved very much, but now he wasn't even thinking about it.Drake remembered the last words that Noah said about the revenge of a blood relative, someone very close but not from his own organisation.Really, just thinking about it made his head hurting.Sigh!He exhaled a deep sigh, rubbed his own temples and calmed his mood down.Crossing his hands behind his back, like standing in stand at ease position, he opened his mouth and spoke, as if speaking to air."So how was he?"Swoosh!However, just as Drake's words fell, a gust of wind blew and a dark shadow appeared behind him then it instantly
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Sylvia is Crazy
"..."Even after my warning, she didn't spoke. Which instantly triggered my switch, because I was really, extremely frustrated."Its my order, I want to know everything now, the whole truth."I spoke in a domineering voice and use a little but of [Mana's child] with my oath, and instantly it affected Sylvia as she opened her mouth, and with a reluctant expression, and a red face, she started explaining what happened.I had always refrained myself from using the right as my master to force Sylvia to do anything she doesn't wanted.But now I was really helpless, and had to use it, it really hurts me to use it on her.The only reason I wanted it at that time was as a last line of defence, the safety line that would be my backup in case she betrayed me.But, She was someone I really fell for, I loved her from the depth of my heart, and I know that if it was before then I wouldn't have even spared a moment before using this oath, but now it really hurts me to force her.Seriously, does lo
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Baby Making? (1)(R-18)
Time passed and after calming myself, I started explaining to Sylvia and tried my best to coax her with gentle caressing kisses & love.Because of which, even if we both didn't understood each other's reasoning, but we both were gradually turned on as our bodies heated up.Thankfully, at the end of our long talk, Sylvia finally understood that she was really not in her right mind, and that the super-power was strangely affecting her state, and she said that although its true that she really wants a child, but its also true that now was not the right time."Noah is there anything wrong?"Sylvia noticed I was lost in thought and called out to me.I turned to face her when I heard her voice; her brown hair was falling down her shoulder and her golden eyes were gazing at me lovingly. She wasn't just the first person I had loved since beginning a new life as Noah Blackstorm; in fact, she was my very first love.So what if she wanted a baby of her own?'I will deal with it as it comes, atle
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