All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
185 chapters
Monthly tests (7)
"Take this"//Formless Lightning (First Style) - Thunder Flash//As I swung my sword horizontally, a crescent moon shaped energy shot out of it, which got bigger and bigger as it instantly approached the ape.Feeling the threat from my attack, the ape naturally wasn't going to take any risk like facing it head on, but with how quickly my attack reached him, he didn't had enough time to dodge it.So, reluctantly he could only protect his chest with both his hands.Bang! A loud bang occurred as the attack hit him, and his arms had to bear the full impact of my attack.When the flash from the explosion receded, there was a large black slash mark on both hands of the Ape's arms.Hisss!And considering how much energy was contained in that attack, his wound on hus arms were still sizzling with the burn that was caused by the heat generated during the blast.As soon as I saw my attack got connected and hit him perfectly, I stepped back, because Sylvia had also already prepared the next att
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Monthly tests (8)
Morning came, filling me with fresh energy to start a new day. After making love with Sylvia yesterday from afternoon to late evening untill the sun went down, we both fell asleep in each other's arm.For some reason, I felt quite tired yesterday, in fact Sylvia too said that she just wanted to sleep all day.Though, her words can't be trusted at all since this girl always run away from training, but considering that even I felt tired for some reason, we decided to take a break.It's not good to push our bodies to the limit everyday, sometimes just sleeping whole day could also helps oneself to improve.Anyway, yesterday, team test was finished and today there would be individual tests.Getting up fresh early in the morning, we both left for the school after having a bath, changing into our uniforms and eating our breakfast.Looking at Sylvia who had her brows furrowed, her lips' corner bending downwards, was holding a book and reading it while walking, I couldn't help myself and ask
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Clues (1)
No matter what Sylvia said, the smile on her face was all it required for Noah to tell that she was definitely not bored during the test, on the contrary she might have enjoyed it."Leave the practicals aside, tell me how was your test?"With a charming smile, he gently asked, while at the same time secretly holding Sylvia's hands under the desk, making her hands tremble a bit before relaxing in his soft yet sturdy grip.However, before Sylvia could reply to his question, a cheerful voice came from ahead of him & Sylvia, which was Mia, who turned backwards and started speaking excitedly in the middle, without even thinking that she broke the mood between the couple."Oh! mine was so good, although I didn't think I would score high, but because Sylvia explained to me which type of questions could come today and what points to remember, I nailed the test! Wohhhoo." Mia made a fist in the air excitedly.However, her words instantly alerted Noah, who narrowed her eyes, turned her face to l
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Clues (2)
Slam!Hearing October's words, June, who couldn't hold back anymore, slammed the desk in the projection, then she stood up, and after pointing her finger at October, she shouted."What about the next plan? Do you think its that easy? we lost August, we even lost [Twilight Orb] that could help us with curses and charms. How can we pick him up? As far as I investigated, he doesn't even leave the Academy, tell that Blondri family's kid that his clue is shit.... Do you even understand how difficult it will be to kidnap such a student without a proper information channel and planning. If it was sometime ago, it would have been no big deal, but now we're passive, those people are trying to dig up everything related to August's background, do you even understand how dangerous the situation is for the organisation?"Hearing her blunt words in that mechanically stained voice, and getting reprimanded in front of everyone, October who previously gave his opinion, tightened his lips, and bowed hi
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Monthly tests Results
In an Academy like AURA, which works 24*7, 365 days a year with the top quality staff.The evaluation of students via test was no problem at all.In fact, as soon as the last student gave his test, the result were already completed by Academy.However, just to create a sense of oppression and make students reflect on their performance in test, the Academy always waits a couple of days before announcing the result.That's how, after the tension of tests passed, a spring breeze flowed between the students, and another wave of tension of results came like dry autumn wind, time passed and soon it was the day everyone was waiting for.Test results were out on the board, surprising everyone.The first two people in the rankings didn't change. They were still Julie in the first, and her brother at the second.That's all because I had no intention of grabbing the top spot, make an enemy out of both Royal kids, and attract unnecessary attention.If I had grabbed the top spot, maybe both the Ro
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Undercurrents in the Academy
Results came, time went by, and the excitement inside the Academy also died down, calming the atmosphere back to normal.However, although the Academy looked peaceful from the outside, but there were quite a few undercurrents going on behind the scenes.Even the chairman of AURA, William was dealing with quite a lot of stuff these days, and had to resort to his habbit of smoking to relax.Taking a puff from the big cigar in his hand, William looked at the young, but mature looking lady, dressed in OL suit with tight short hip skirt, black stockings, high heels, and carrying a red coloured file in her hand, standing in front of the desk, opposite to him, who was sitting on the chairman's seat, inside his office.Puff~Exhaling a dense greyish - white smoke, flicking off the ashes in the ashtray, and leaning back on his chair, he asked her."Did you find anything suspicious inside the Academy?""No Chairman, none so far, but from the recent reports, we found out that there's an influx o
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Master behind the scenes (1)
The sun rose in the sky like a huge red hot ball of iron, yet it's sight early in the morning was quite calming to my heart.It was only this time of the day that the sun can be seen with naked eyes so clearly.That's why, at the roof of our house inside the Academy, I was enjoying this view with my dear Sylvia in my arms, while Aunt Alice was doing yoga behind us.After getting used to with our usual intimacy with each other, now aunt Alice doesn't shy away from us, but quitely let us enjoy our time together.Enjoying the view in eachother's arms, Sylvia suddenly grabbed my hand on her stomach, and lifting her head, she gently asked."Today, I have to go alone?"Hearing, ber question, I rubbed her head and spoke."Yes, I have work to do with Rudger, and I can't bring you there, it would be bad, if others notice our movements. There are quite a few eyes hanging around us these days. I don't know what it is, but we must remain vigilant no matter the situation.""Ummm..."The undercurre
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Master behind the scenes (2)
"Be safe, and don't put yourself in any dangerous situation, your life is more important than anything.""I know."Hearing her sweet words full of concern for me, I satisfyingly kissed her on the head.Though, something entirely different was going on in my head.'How could I not know, for me my life has always been the first priority, even more than you my dear Sylvia.'Although I had such thoughts, but I also know that they can only be remain as thoughts, they must not come out and become words in my mouth.It's not like Sylvia would scold me, or hate me for caring about my life, but I feel that it's just not right to tell her, because to her I am more important than her own life, so I just don't want to betray her trust, it's just who I am.It was then, I suddenly heard Sylvia's call, pulling me out of my thoughts"Noah""Hm?" "If you bring Luna in today, then what about Amanda, would she be living alone there?""Yes, she would be living there with Rudger.""Can't she even go to s
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Master behind the scenes (3)
Setting up anything here was a no go, because this was too close to the gates, and too much commotion would definitely alert the Slayers at guard.That's why we planned to go a little deep inside the forest, because there was a location pre planned by us.From our investigation, we knew the purpose of their mission this time.They were commissioned by a merchant to acquire a batch of white alligator's hide. White Alligators are at the very least F+ ranked monsters, and at max B ranked, though the higher ranked ones are only found extremely deep inside the wilderness, or outside the borders of the continent, and not here outside city borders.Because the Guild's team was only made up of F ranked Slayer, and at most their leader is an E-, it was confirmed to us that they would be going towards the various alligator spots near this gate area which was relatively safe, and wasn't much deep inside the wilderness with lot's of high ranked monsters lurking around everywhere.However, since
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Master behind the scenes (4)
On an uneven moist and muddy ground, in the middle of a forest, a team of 12 people was moving towards a certain direction."Sola, hey wait!"When suddenly, a 21 year old blonde woman in brown & white hunters clothes, black boots, green pearl earrings, with a staff in her hand, walking in the middle of the team, called out to a tall young man, who was the leader of the team, blonde hair same as the girl, and was full of righteous spirit, who was walking at the front."What's up?" Hearing her voice, Sola the leader of the team, slowed down his pace, allowing the other people to move ahead of him temporarily, and let the girl who shouted, catch up to him."Why are you running so fast?" She complained angrily."Not my fault, it's your short legs that can't keep up.""Mooo, you can't tease me." She pouted cutely, and gently hit him on the shoulders with her staff while walking by his side."Then what do you want me to do?" Unaffected by her sly play of cuteness, Sola asked as if he was
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