All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
185 chapters
Master behind the scenes (5)
"It's exactly as I said boss, there is a dead White Alligator ahead, with its head smashed into the ground."With his eyes narrowed, Sola immediately got alerted after hearing Karim's report, so without any further ado, he stopped the whole team, and gave the command."Everyone get in your positions, and quickly build up the basic block formation.""Hai!!!" x 10Shouting in a restrained voice, so as to not let their voice alert the monsters, everyone started taking their positions without any further instructions, after Sola's command.When the formation finally took place, and everyone was on high alert, Sola solemnly looked at Karim and asked seriously."Now tell me what's the situation, is another team fighting somewhere nearby?"Their team was still a little distance away from the swamp's entrance, and there were quite a lot of trees in the middle, making the situation ahead invisible to Sola, so he could only rely on Karim for his judgement, because Karim's super-power was relate
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Master behind the scenes (6)
Click!With a sound like all the connection were completed in a complex circuit, in the Blink of an eye, a blue light surrounded the whole swamp, covering up the entire area in a dome shaped barrier.The walls of the barrier were radiant blue in colour, but if anyone were to look at it from the outside, they would only see a faint mist covering up the swamp.Coupled with the fact that the atmosphere in the wildernes always keeps changing due to unknown reasons, the barrier was all the more inconspicuous to outsiders.When everyone in Sola's team noticed the barrier, their expressions turned pale with horror.However, before they could even react to the situation."What!?"A loud scream suddenly erupted from Sola's team, attracting everyone's attention.When everyone turned towards the source of voice, they found a headless corpse of one of their teammates, dropped down on the ground in front of their eyes.It was the only wizard of their team.And the one who shouted was the archer, t
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Slaving the guild.
"Y-You!!"Slap!A crisp sound resounded throughout the area, and everyone had their mouth wide open, as they looked at Sola's face that had two glowing red palm prints on his cheeks."What, You? do you want to die? do you want us all to die with you?"As Mina's head was facing towards Sola, he was also looking at her with his bloodshot eyes and a swollen red face with his mouth wide open, as if he was shocked by her betrayal.Looking at him like this, Mina made a pleading face, as if she wanted him to understand her 'reasoning' for doing this, and forgive her.And after he noticed her pleading gaze, and he heard her 'reasonable' words, he immediately understood everything.Of course, what he understood, and what was actually the truth, only God knows.But Mina's actions & expressions were like a basin of cold water that was splashed on Sola's face in the form of slaps, waking him up to reality.Only now did he realised the consequences of his previous actions.Puff!In an instant, his
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Mina's mission
Mina came limping to my side as her legs might have become numb because of kneeling in such a stressful situation, but when she heard my words, she immediately knelt down again in front of me.In her head, Mina must have been sure that the inevitable was still going to happen her, that she is still going to get a slave imprint and lose her freedom.Fortunately for her, her situation was still a hundred time better than others, as I had expected from her, she really lived up to my expectations, and performed well.So at the least she deserves to become my personal slave, and a little temporary pawn in this game of chess of mine.Moreover, this situation wasn't at all bad for her.Because after becoming my personal slave, she would not only improve her status within the group, but she could also get various benifit from me, which she might have zero chance of getting on her own as girlfriend of Sola.Additionally, it would also help me in keeping the team under check since she will be u
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Change it to Shadow
A little while later when I walked up to Rudger after sending Mina back first, he was also finished with the remaining four members of the team.Focusing my gaze at them, they all looked sluggish, their eyes were hazy, their faces covered with mud, tears and snot as if they had lost all hopes in their life, they were all lying on the ground like a beaten street dog.Such a sight really disgusted me, it doesn't matter if I was the one behind it.Kicking Sola on the face, then wiping my shoes with his clothes, I ordered him in a ruthless tone."Get up."Watching such a scene from the side, Rudger immediately activated Sola's slave seal.All of a sudden.When the soul tearing pain rushed through his nervous system.All the earlier arrogance and haziness faded away from his eye."Ahhhh!!!!.... Ahhhh!!! Hel!!ppp... Stooooppp!!!!"He screamed like someone stole his wife, and he started rolling on the ground while clutching his chest.Nevertheless, the pain never subsided a bit, and Sola als
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Two cute little demons
As I was about to continue watching the scenery outside the window of the moving car, Rudger suddenly called out to me from the side, sitting on the driver's seat."Wait! I have something to ask.""What is it?" Curiously, I turned my head towards him. Seemingly noticing my attention towards him, Rudger didn't shift his gaze from the front, but started speaking, while handling the steering wheel at the same time like an expert driver."Now that we have already almost annexed that guild, we need to start recruiting members for our team, we need some of our members too, because no matter what, we seriously have a lack of manpower, and the people cannot be under us through the official side, you know what I am talking about, right?""I do."What Rudger was trying to say was that since we haven't officially taken the Guild under our name, nor do we have any legal authority, and because we also don't have any credibility, we cannot recruit people from the official channels.But, the fact
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Identity Exposed?
Recently, there were a lot of people spying on me, which although annoyed me, but also made me think deeply about the reason, as to why such a situation occurred?That's when I started thinking back on the whole situation.Although, it was reasonable that after my duel with Riaz, there would be many people trying to spy on me, and the Blondri family would also try to do something.However, these people were now just spying on me, which is not in line with the behaviour of Blondri family. There have been no attacks on me, nor is there any kind of intention of doing harm to me from the people that are spying.If these people were from the Blondri family, they would have atleast tried to dig out my information, tried to seize my property and assets through dirty means, and then when I had no financial backing, they would have started making trouble for me, and then eventually sending people to attack me, to close my case once and for all.But up until now, there wasn't even the sound of
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Found you Rose
"Noah!"She called out, and rushed towards me as soon as she saw me getting off the bus, her eyes were full of concern.Nevertheless, even when she saw that there was no signs of Luna by my side, she didn't panic, but gently took my hand and led me towards our flat.Sylvia knew about Luna's ability to become invisible, so she didn't think much about it, but the reason why I used a bag instead of allowing her to directly become invisible, was because I was afraid that there are some kind of hidden vitality sensors around the gates of Dormitory, and they will know if someone has entered the building or not.However, if she's invisible inside my bag, then the System can still make her presence almost inexistent, and as her body isn't directly under the surveillance because of the bag, it would be even more less likely that she would be detected here.And although Sylvia and I entered normally and can also bring a visitor with us during normal days, but I didn't want the Academy to record
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Your miracle is here
With the information I provided to Rudger, it only took him less than a day to know everything about Rose except for her past background.She was living in the slums, and had created a team of women who are all at the very least E+ rank, and their highest goes to about D+, while Rose herself is a peak C ranked Slayer, very close to C+.Although she was living in the slums, but her living conditions were not at all bad, in fact she was living in quite a good place because she was the underground queen of the slum area that was on the eastern sides of the outskirts of Capital City.With the help of some of Rudger's connection, and Sola's teammates, who acted as a fuse, it didn't take long for Rudger, to let Rose get the hint about Drake's situation of weak strength, and 8 star spear art.This task became all the more easy for Rudger because Rose already had some of her people besides Drake, who always gives her the report about Drake's every move.It could be said that, if Rose had a su
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Date with Rose (1)
Saving Rose from that almost desperate situation, while 'sacrificing' myself, I arrived at a secluded place near a River where I gave her an Elixr with a heavy heart in front of her eyes so she could see that I was giving her an Elixr.Which made her more in my Debt.After which I bandaged her and let her rest.After she fell asleep I also treated myself, and looked at my Soul's condition, which was once again on the bad side. Although not much this time, thankfully.A few days passed like that, and I was just continuously changing place because Drake was desperately searching for Rose.The said Rose this time was like a little girl under my care, dependent on me for, peeing, shitting, eating, and running away from Drake.Under such a situation, while she slowly got healed under the elixr's effect, the feeling between us also warmed up quite a bit.The first thing she asked after regaining enough strength was the reason why I was doing this much for her, why I was saving her.The sam
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