All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
185 chapters
Date with Rose (2)
We didn't give him a second glance as we entered the room, but Rose felt him gazing reverently at her.Noah could only shake his head internally at this behaviour, because he had spent a lot of time with other beautiful women like Sylvia, Amanda, Mia, etc. He had forgotten how stunning Rose was as well. Her beauty would be enough to hypnotise any man, but if anyone tried to touch her, he would only be able to offer prayers for those poor souls.She was not only thorny, but also a poisonous Rose, not anyone could handle her."Did it irritate you?"When Rose heard what Noah said and she looked at him, her expression relaxed and she answered."A little, but I am used to it at this point; after all, how long could I continue killing people just for looking? are you feeling jealous?"Rose smiled slyly at him as she said the last few words, but he wasn't phased as he firmly grasped her hand and spoke while gazing into her eyes."Rose, from what I understand, is a strong and beautiful woman
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Be my shadow (1)
My phone buzzed at that same moment, alerting me to the details on those women.However, because it wasn't quite time for them to head back home, I first brought Rose to the hotel room for which we had won the coupon.It was a contemporary, visually appealing, yet elegant-looking suite with all the necessary conveniences, including a bathtub and a separate kitchen area inside the room.Looking around, I turned to Rose, and as our eyes met, we stared at each other for a while before breaking eye contact.But I didn't stop there. I approached Rose and gave her a gentle hug.She did not object and even grinned as she gave me a return hug and stated."Although I haven't fallen in love with you yet, I can confidently state that I now like you somewhat a bit more."Her cold face was flushed red, and the longer she stayed in my arms, the hotter her body became.I didn't trust a word of what she said.Willing to like me a little bit more?Fart! As if I were supposed to buy that crap.If she
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Rose's promise
"This.... I... ""Haven't?" At my question full of concern, asked by me in a soft tender voice, she couldn't help but lower her head in shame.Her fist were clenched, she gritted her teeth, but still agreed with my words by nodding her head.The last few days with me although made her mind & body relaxed, but she was clear in her mind that there was not much she could do at this point about Drake.He was just that far away from her, no matter in strength, background, source, etc. Especially now that he knew of her existence and was on guard against her.Actually, Rose understood her situation better than me."I have no place to go back, everyone around me is dead, I don't even know what to do." Her voice was very pitiful and low in volume, as if she was murmuring to herself, and grieving alone.But how could I not hear her voice with my superhuman senses while sitting so close to her.Nevertheless, my motive wasn't to comfort her, rather it was to make her face the reality."So you'
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Catching up with everything
It was Saturday afternoon by the time I settled Rose in my house and explained many things to her, like the existence of the Shadow Guild that we had annexed; I also gave her Mina's and Rudger's numbers after telling who held what position in our group, what can be expected from them, when to contact them, etc.By the time I left for the academy, Sylvia's classes were already over, and after contacting her, I found that she was already in the family residential area, in our house with Luna, Amanda, and Aunt Alice.Therefore, without wasting any more time, I moved straight towards our house."Noah!" "Hello, aunt Alice.""Welcome back, dear.""Papa, I missed you.""Haww! I missed you too, my dear."As soon as Aunt Alice opened the main door and we greeted each other, Luna came running into my arms, while Sylvia also hugged me from the side."Where's Amanda?" Noticing the absence of that one little demon, I asked, and it was Aunt Alice who replied to me."Oh, she's sleeping after stayin
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Confronting Lora (1)
"What's going to be interesting?" Sylvia asked, raising her head and curiously looking at me.In response to her cute actions, I gently tapped her nose and spoke."Hehe! You remember that guy we fought after the auction? The organisation he belonged to is the same one that tried to assassinate Chain Lord.""For real?"Her voice got a little loud. because of the surprise, and I nodded to her."Yes, by the way, do you know what happened to the teams of those two Julies and her brother, who went on chain mountain to suppress the monsters?""Killed! Very few of them were able to survive, but that too only after getting seriously injured.""Tsk tsk tsk..." Hearing the end of those two teams, which was somewhat similar to what I had expected, I pulled Sylvia tightly in my arms and looked up at the ceiling in contemplation.'If things are exactly what I am assuming, then after Chain Lord was assassinated, his strength must have fell to an all-time low, as he suffered seriously.''And those
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Confronting Lora (2)
Lora was obviously taken aback by my straightforward behaviour, but she quickly regained her composure and gestured for me to follow her."Can we talk somewhere in private?""Where do you want to talk?""Nowhere special... What about that cafe near the dormitory?""Can."After some consideration, I decided to agree and talk at the cafe because I also wanted to see what new medicine this b*tch was planning to sell this time. And of course these things were better discussed in private, as there were already enough rumours spreading about me, and I didn't want more of them.Although every time I look at her, my blood boils, but after nearly two months of noticing her almost daily, I have indeed developed some mental tolerance.Following Lora, we boarded a minibus and got off near the dormitory buildings. We then went to the cafe closest to them and found a corner seat with a side window.As all students had just finished their lunch and were going back to their dormitories, the cafe was
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Confronting Lora (3)
|--------------------------|[ Status ]Name - Lora StifflerAge - 18 yearsRace - HumanSTR - E+AGL - E+CON - E+MAG - E+Current overall rank: E+Maximum Talent Rank: SProfession - swordsmanship ( 2⭐ )Superpowers - [Desired Sharpness] [Lover's diary]**Click for a more detailed analysis**|--------------------------|"Impossible!"Looking at that unbelievable status, Noah stood up in shock, his mouth and eyes wide open in disbelief. He couldn't believe his eyes"How?"He couldn't help but ask himself over and over, but no matter how hard he tried to think, he wasn't able to find an appropriate answer for the information that was in front of him.However, unaware of Noah's inner turmoil, Lora was startled by his sudden aggressive behaviour, as she thought that he was really mad at her for telling lies, and she involuntarily shrieked back in fear from his suffocating aura that was directed towards her, ready to rip her apart on a moment's notice.Then, as if remembering something,
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Confronting Laura (4)
This time she couldn't hold on anymore, and without a care about face, she suddenly lashed out at him."Don't you dare lie to me, Noah Blackstorm, I will fight you to death here."Tears streamed down her face as she spoke, her voice shakingHer eyes got blooshot as she threatened him, but her heart was pounding rapidly because of the sudden shocking news.However, she couldn't believe it, and she doesn't want to believe it. Nevertheless, the truth remained the same. Her heart sank as she realized that what he said was true, and she felt the full weight of it all."It's what you heard; he's dead; otherwise, why do you think I'll be looking after his mother?"Noah's words were like a bolt of thunder that fell on Lora's head, shaking her whole world. She felt a wave of sadness wash over her as the reality of the situation sunk in.Her legs got tired, and she slumped down on her seat in grief and disbelief."No, no, it can't be; it can't be; it's impossible! How can he die? It's impossib
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Noah's Judgement
'I told you about his death and other things, and you only cried and went mad, but as soon as I told you the location of his death, you coughed up blood and fell unconscious?'What kind of bloody play was this? Noah had no idea. Lora's strange response baffled Noah, who was unable to make sense of it.And for the time being, it wasn't the right time to think deeply about it, because no matter what grudges Noah had with Lora, at the end of the day, she was sitting with him here in the cafe, and as a good student, it was his responsibility to help her.That's why, as soon as Lora's body felt unconscious, Noah rushed up to her and helped her sit on the chair as he splashed some water from the water jug on another table.When the waitress saw that Lora was in trouble, she also ran over to help them."What happened here?"Lora slowly opened her eyes as the waitress asked, and Noah described the situation to the waitress, who finally felt relieved and then advised Lora to go to the hospital
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Lora's POV
In a well furnished modern room with minimalistic decoration and furniture, a girl was sitting on a chair, blankly staring out of the floor-to-ceiling window in a daze. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts, perhaps pondering some deep issue that had been troubling her.No one knows what was going on inside her head.But this sadness inside her consciousness was drowning her whole body, making her suffocate every second. She was trying to be calm and peaceful, but deep down inside her there was an abyss of despair, loneliness, and emptiness that had been gnawing away at her.Her heart was heavy and her soul was hurting, and there was nothing that could be done to help her.You guessed it right.She was Lora, who came back to her dorm a few minutes later after Noah left.Lying on the chair as if there was no strength left in her body, she didn't know how much she had cursed this fate, and no matter how much she tried to stop her tears, they just wouldn't stop.In this moment of immense
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