All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 181 - Chapter 185
185 chapters
Lora got saved
Sitting in despair all alone on her chair, Lora felt the pain of losing her beloved again, which at this time was hundreds of times more sharp and painful than what she felt from the experience of her future self. She thought of the happy times spent with her loved one, now a distant memory."Why! Why is this happening to me again? Why did he have to die?"She roared alone, her painful cry echoing throughout the soundproof room.With tears streaming down her face, she could not understand why life was so cruel.Lora felt that there was nothing more left for her to do in this world."Where are you, Alvin? Where are you? Are you really dead? I don't believe it! I don't believe that guy. Please let me know where you are! Please come back to me."Like a madwoman, she cried her heart out, denying that her lover was dead and denying what Noah told her. Desperate and heartbroken, she kept calling out to him, pleading with him to come back to her.Sadly, the reality was in front of her, and n
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The bloody plot
As soon as the light particles hit Noah, his eyes rolled backward for a split second, followed by the system's resistance to the light particles, but because it was just an automatic defence mechanism with only a few seconds to deal with the situation and the system itself was not powerful enough, its interference had no effect on the particles, which were absorbed into Noah's soul without wasting any seconds.The sudden situation startled Noah, who had no time to react and could only passively accept what was coming towards him.Even though Noah was shocked by the sudden influx of light particles, he could not do anything to resist their power, and he simply allowed himself to be overcome.[Warning!]Since the system couldn't do anything else, it kept showing red warning messages even though it couldn't do anything else.which, in addition to the splitting headache brought on by the light particles, almost made Noah unconscious due to pain.Despite all the warnings and pain, Noah was
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The plans about everyone
Noah couldn't help but let out a curse, though in a lower voice this time so as not to wake up Sylvia.He was rendered speechless by the mere thought of this bloody plot, and for a split second he once again felt as if someone was deliberately plotting against him; this feeling has only grown stronger since gaining Regressor's memory.Noah knew he was being paranoid, but the feeling of being plotted lingered in the back of his mind, even after denying it many times.However, he knew for a fact that the plotting wasn't harmful but was actually in his favour, which made Noah all the more suspicious about the cause and effect of these things.Being the type of person Noah is, once something gets in his mind, it's difficult for him to let it out.So, with the thought of someone plotting against him in his mind, he started thinking deeply about these things.* * * * * * * * * * * * *Noah POV: For example, if my assumptions were right, then it all started when I got regressor's everything
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Alvin is in front of you
Evening had arrived, but the sun was still a good distance away from the horizon, where it would set.The sun's bright light, mixed with a little orange-red hue, fell upon the green trees of the wilderness and cast a long black shadow of those trees on the ground.Noah sat on a branch of one of these trees, dressed in cameo military pants and a black T-shirt, waiting for Lora.After getting the confirmation from Rudger that Lora agreed to meet him here, he quickly got ready, left the dormitory, and secretly waited for Lora outside the academy's gates. When he saw Laura taking a taxi alone, he also left in another taxi that he had already booked on the way there.And the reason he came here in the wilderness earlier than her was because he tipped the driver to follow Lora's car, and only when they both were some distance away from the east boundary gate did he order the driver to drive at full speed, overtaking Lora's car and reaching here ahead of her.This was all done by him to conf
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Be my slave
"Why did you do it?"A question like a slap on the face, making her beware of the reality and the consequences of things she did in the future.Lora understood what Noah was implying here and what he wanted to ask her.However, looking at his indifferent gaze that was ready to rip her apart, and that wild, uncontrollable anger in his voice, hidden behind his calm face, she felt her heart beating loudly with fear.Her heart was beating so loudly that she could hear it beating outside her body.Still, she wasn't sure who Noah was, and she wasn't going to be sure until she got a good explanation, so she gritted her teeth and pretended not to know."What? I don't understand what you're talking about.""Why did you do it? Why did you betray me?"However, what she got in return was the same answer, this time much clearer in context, but in a more chilling voice, giving her palpitations all of a sudden.She understood after hearing those sharp, sword-like words piercing her heart and questio
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