Date with Rose (1)

Saving Rose from that almost desperate situation, while 'sacrificing' myself, I arrived at a secluded place near a River where I gave her an Elixr with a heavy heart in front of her eyes so she could see that I was giving her an Elixr.

Which made her more in my Debt.

After which I bandaged her and let her rest.

After she fell asleep I also treated myself, and looked at my Soul's condition, which was once again on the bad side.

Although not much this time, thankfully.

A few days passed like that, and I was just continuously changing place because Drake was desperately searching for Rose.

The said Rose this time was like a little girl under my care, dependent on me for, peeing, shitting, eating, and running away from Drake.

Under such a situation, while she slowly got healed under the elixr's effect, the feeling between us also warmed up quite a bit.

The first thing she asked after regaining enough strength was the reason why I was doing this much for her, why I was saving her.

The sam
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