All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
185 chapters
Shadow (1)
Late night, Tuesday."hmm…I never would've thought of finding myself in this place on just the second day of the Academy."The black market.The market of the underworld that was like a twilight zone where good and evil met each other without interfering in each other's work, it was like a separate world where laws & morals, and criminals & slayers could co-exist.That was my current location.**********Reaching the dorms, I hurriedly left for the Black market after telling Sylvia that I would only be returning late at night.When Sylvia questioned whether I was going somewhere dangerous, I simply told her the truth that I was going to a black market to buy some essential items which I would show her later. She agreed and didn't press the matter further; instead, she told me to look after myself and eat dinner on time. It was quite heart warming to hear her.I then rode in a private cab all the way to the outskirts of the capital city, where I promptly got off in the Eastern slum di
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Shadow (2)
It was a simple room with plain white walls, a brown wooden ceiling with LED lights, with only two sofas facing each other, and a table in the middle of them having some snacks on top of it.~Crunch!I took a chocolate ball out of the wrapper and put one in my mouth as I waited and recalled the future of the man Roflan from my memories and how it affected humanity.But before recalling the future about Roflan, the imminent danger upon the humanity came into my mind so I thought of recalling everything from the beginning.*************The reason why, despite losing so much due to the unexpected apocalypse, mankind was able to defend themselves against the monsters and why they were able to acquire five continents.It was because, monsters were simply "monsters", without the same level of intelligence as humans, they were just the dumb beings that solely listened to their instincts.However, they had their own advantages, like their larger population and higher birth rate than human, a
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Shadow (3)
"Yes, Mr. Roflan, it is exactly what you heard. I want to purchase you."Even Roflan, who had dealt with a wide variety of situations in his life, was taken aback by the man sitting in front of him. He couldn't help but doubt his ears."I'm sorry, Mr....""Noah Blackstorm"Once more, Roflan's eyes widened in shock, which couldn't escape from Noah's notice, as he grinned behind his white mask because his goals had been achieved when Roflan realised that he was actually using his true name.Roflan recognised that the name given by the person in front of him was his actual name, and not a pseudonym used to conceal his identity.'Is he acting so careless on purpose? or did he not care whether or not others knew who he was?'Roflan was baffled by what the person in front of him was thinking, but he wasn't the kind of man to be persuaded only by a person's name, so he swiftly pushed the further ideas out of his head for the time being."Yes, Mr. Noah... I'm married, I only like women, and I'
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Amanda Wilford
"Have you finished everything without any problems?"I inquired of Roflan, who had just arrived beneath the flyover connecting Highway -23 to the Slums."They wouldn't doubt me for the time being because I sometimes had to depart immediately after receiving an order.""Did they question the order?""They did, but I said you wanted some girls' information and some special drugs immediately, which is a typical request I receive a lot, so it went very smoothly."Hearing his words I nodded my head in understanding, but commanded the System in my head.'System, scan the area for any people hiding in our vicinity.'It was never a bad thing to double check.[ No followers detected ]I removed my mask after confirming that there were no bugs in the shadows on our tail, and Roflan was taken aback by my sudden action."There's no need to hide your face when we're going to work together." I assured him in a nonchalant tone, because maintaining a certain level of trust was necessary between us.R
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Saving Amanda Wilford
I carefully began removing her clothes after patting her head and letting her body relax."Please bear with me, alright."It was a necessary procedure for the treatment as the supply of mana cannot be misaligned or deviate even slightly from the said amount. A few seconds later, she was completely naked in front of me.She had a gorgeous body that evokes not only lust but also feelings of love and a desire to protect this fragile body.But I didn't think something like this about her. Yes, she was beautiful, but to me she was just a patient who needed to be healed at all costs. Despite the beauty of her body, due to weakness even her bones could be traced through the skin.When I took off her clothes and my hands touched her skin, I could feel her body trembled a bit.But I didn't point it our nor show it on my face.Getting naked in front of a boy who was about her age may have been awkward for her, as up until this point, even all of her doctors had been only women.I also didn't
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Amanda's POV
A day.How much can happen in a single day? Or even a half-day, what can it change?The answer was 'anything'One's life can be turned completely around and from, I want to die, to, I want to live. Anything can happen.The life when there was no hope and you could sense your death approaching with each passing day.It was the life of Amanda Wilford, A life of misery.Everything changed in the span of a single day.No,It wasn't even a day; those were only hours, hours that amounted to maybe a quarter of a day at most.****************It was the same usual day and the same usual people, when Rudger, her father came into her hospital room.She was glad to see him again because he was the only person in this filthy world who truly cared for her. However, this time something was off; his aura didn't seem as gloomy, worn out, helpless, or stressed as usual.This time, his mana had a glimmer of hope, albeit a small one.Nobody was aware of it, but the illness [Manadime] not only gave Aman
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Amanda POV (2)
It ached to move the body, but that wasn't the issue to her; what mattered was that she could now finally move her body.She could move it if she chose to as the long-lost sensation and control over her body had returned. It simply needs some time to recuperate and heal to properly control.She did, however still gently and strugglingly turn her head to gaze at the man peacefully sleeping next to her.The innocent expression he maintained on his face was the same when he was comforting her during the treatment. And although it was still a little too much for her to move around with this body that hadn't fully recovered, she wanted to touch and caress his face like he did to her.Amanda didn't let this stop her, though, as she made a small movement with her hand and eventually managed to contact him after some difficulty.Now that her hands were on top of his, Amanda delicately savoured the sensation of his rough yet smooth palms entwining with her own.Her heart and body, which had ne
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Changes after a few days
Despite the fact that it had been a few hours, Amanda was unable to fall asleep at all. She was ecstatic that she had been successfully treated, and everything seemed surreal to her.But even if it was a dream, she didn't wanted to wake up from it and wanted to just stay in it forever as she still remembered the smile on her father's face after he confirmed that she was free from the disease.~Rustle!At that moment, the bedsheet moved a little bit, and Noah, who was peacefully asleep next to her, slowly opened his eyes.Amanda's brown eyes, which were wide open in surprise and were flowing with life and emotions as opposed to before when they were just lifeless, were the first thing his dark eyes encountered.Noah suddenly remembered why he was there, and he gave Amanda a gentle smile, and got out of bed as she got tensed up in surprise.The fact that he had come here to treat her but got collapsed instead, and was lying next to the patient itself caused his lips to almost twitch, bu
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Mia's plight
As Sylvia and Noah started talking to each other and Jimmy was concentrating on his own food, Mia also got lost in thought.She was going through a strange thing these days.Someone would always place her order before she arrived at the academy restaurant for lunch after she finished her bow class in the noon.It all began on the first day of the Academy when she initially rejected the idea to go to the dining hall because she had no money for lunch.And when shen got the lunch from those seniors, she thought that it was only for one day that someone gave it to her, but then she went again on the next day to only join her friends in the hall, and decided to use her excuse of diet to stay away from food, as she thought it would be suspicious of her and she would be left alone if she didn't even joined her friends at lunch.Strangely enough, though, the mysterious boy did it again—he paid for the food and placed the order for her.Most importantly, he kept his name a secret from her.Ye
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The Culprit is Noah
Next day."That is what a bow means. You shouldn't always have to depend on the material of the arrows you shoot. Make use of your mana to direct your arrows. Relax your body and mind; a silent, accurate, and surprise strike is more lethal than one fired without hands or legs, which the enemy could simply avoid or deflect."The bow instructor, Mr. Dones, finally positioned himself behind the desk, stopped walking, and put down the book he was reading."Everyone got my words clearly?"He spoke in a stern voice and cast a left-to-right glance across the students in front of him."Yes Sir..."The students replied loudly, speaking in unison."Well then, there is no homework for today. Just get ready for the practical class on Monday, and rest up tomorrow since it is Sunday and there are no classes.""Oh Yes!"When they heard that there was no homework, the students cheered and began chatting with each other.~Slam!"Silence"Everyone stopped speaking as soon as Dones slammed the desk."In
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