All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
185 chapters
Mia's secret.
'Looks like my plan worked as I imagined it to.'My face got a smirk as I discreetly saw Mia walk toward the counter without making any comments about me to Sylvia, or directly confronting me, but I quickly covered it up so no one could see.Mia may have done an excellent job of hiding behind that plant and some people might get fooled by her, but for me it was child's prank because I knew in advance that she would arrive early today and my System had already discovered her after I entered the restaurant, so her cover was already been blown before I arrived.However, this minor event gave me some hope that my next plan would be very successful. Mia never said anything about me or stopped me from purchasing her lunch, so she obviously trusted me enough.However, I couldn't keep doing this any longer, as a problem occured today.When I was leaving for the lunch earlier like usual, there was one student who was keeping an eye on me and tried to left at the same time as me, and that Juli
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First encounter with Julie
[WARNING!! WARNING!!][The host soul is incompatible with the Law.][The host suffered from Recoil][Safety procedures are being enforced][Connection severed][Creating stability in soul]"Ugh..."When I slowly opened my eyes, an unfamiliar white ceiling with a dozen red System warning notifications greeted my sight.'Uhh.. Where am i?'I had to pause for a second before I could gather my thoughts and realize that I was at the Academy's hospital."Noah!"While holding my hands, someone called my name.These little, warm, and gentle hands; this voice.I turned to face the source and saw that I had been right in my guess.She was there, sitting just beside me, with a tired face, untidy hair, worried-looking golden eyes, yet she was still as stunning as ever."Ah! Sylvia""How do you feel right now? I'll call the doctor immediately."She tried to get up.'No, don't,'Before she could stand up, however, I quickly stopped her and caught her hands.I tried to move my body a little and ever
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Jimmy is a Tsundere?
Although I expected her to be strong, I never considered that she would be hiding her potential in this manner. In addition, her stats were nearly similar to mine.The resources and support from the Royal family may have contributed to her strength, but to think that she didn't even reveal her potential, which would have garnered her even more support in the struggle with her brother for the throne.However, the truth is that I would have made the same choice if I had been in her position.It was a little bit surprising to see her today as I never expected my first meeting with her to be in such a stressful environment with Sylvia by my side.And, to think that she must now have verified the relationship between Sylvia and me, and did she realize that I was aware of her surveillance on me?Hmmm... I gave my thoughts some serious consideration as my mind calculated the repercussions of her learning the unexpected information about us."Noah!"Sylvia called out to me whe she noticed
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Proposal to Mia
Nothing in the world goes as planned.Of course, on a bigger scale, everything appears to be going as planned.However, it is not possible to carry out all of the plans as intended.There are numerous variables.Sometimes it's just terrible luck, other times it's incorrect assumptions, and the plan goes astray.These variables can be dealt with on the go.Results, however, may differ based on this ad hoc.“Noah Blackstorm”Julie murmured.The meeting with this person came as a complete surprise to Julie, who originally thought that he might be like others—a little cunning but ultimately amenable to her approach and plan.However, reality often deviated significantly from expectations.Furthermore, Noah was very different from how she had imagined him.But, it doesn't really matter because Julie had something in mind for him at their next meeting—she'll gradually demonstrate the disparity in their positions before luring him into her faction, ultimately turning him into a pawn for her.
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Before Auction (1)
Getting the confirmation from Mia about my proposal, I didn't keep her there for very long, and after a short chat, I headed to the dorms, where Sylvia was waiting for me, so we could return home.It's been a week since I last saw my aunt Alice. Even though Sylvia usually video calls her whenever she misses her, but we weren't able to talk to her much because we were so busy with our training.And similarly its been a whole week, since I last saw my mother, too.Days would pass by too quickly when I used to go on subjugation missions as a porter, and even though I would be worried about her and used to miss her even then, but this Academy's week felt more lonely for some reason without her, and I was missing her too much."I miss you Maa...."A small breeze gently touched my face and caused my hair to wave in the air, making me suddenly emotional and my eyes a little nummy.I really wanted to hear my mother's voice once again.But I soon cleared my thoughts, and controlled my emotions
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Before Auction (2)
Sylvia raised her head and curiously looked at me in response to the unexpected mention."God?""Yes, just like in any religion, there is a God.""Hmmm..."Was my inquiry really so difficult, I wondered as she appeared to be really contemplating something.Suddenly, Sylvia's demeanour became happier.She said cheerfully, "Actually, I do believe in God, and my God is you."She pointed at me.My brows twitched, and I was on the verge of face-palming myself, but I restrained my hands.For some reason, I truly believe that Sylvia was becoming more daring about expressing her feelings.It's not that I dislike it, but for the moment, it was necessary to take things a little more seriously."*Cough* Sylvia be serious.""But I'm being serious."I was confused by Sylvia's change in attitude as her smile disappeared, and she didn't wait for me to ask questions before continuing."A wife's husband is like her God. A girl's life after marriage is one of selfless service and intense devotion to h
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Wheels of fate are turning
Sylvia and Noah enjoyed their weekend with Alice. It was another wild night between Noah and Sylvia, which woke up Alice in the middle of the night causing her to doubt her ears and blush in shame, after hearing her daughter making such lewd noises and hearing what kind of play she was having because Noah forgot to put up the silence barrier around him. And with that, finally came Sunday.Noah was glad to finally see his mother after a week, though he did saw her yesterday but because it was late, he didn't got to spend much time with her.So, he talked to his mother for hours while simply sitting next to her, sharing his experiences at the Academy, including how he made new friends and had fun.He was like a child longing for his mother's love, and watching him like that from outside the room Sylvia wanted to hug him hard but she controlled herself and let him have his time with her.Though Noah did feel at ease spending time with his mother, the thought of his mother being unable
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Promise with Amanda
Girls take way too long to get ready, regardless of the situation or setting, while we males, need just five minutes to get ready, like any other normal person should.And I am sure that many men would relate to my current predicament."How much time would you need to get dressed, Sylvia?""Just 10 minutes, not much." From the kitchen, Sylvia shouted."But you haven't even showered.""I mean, um, 30 minutes,"My eyebrows twiched at that shameless lie, since when did this girl got so shameless.Despite her assurances that she will be ready in 30 minutes, I knew it would take at least an hour and a half for her to get ready.taking a bath, deciding on the dress, donning it, doing makeup, and everything else.Who could claim that this girl once used to dress up like a boy, had boy-cut hair, and didn't wear a drop of makeup on her face.Time has indeed changed."Oh dear lord, where is my innocent Sylvia.""Did you say anything?"Sylvia walked out of the kitchen while rubbing her wet hands
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Auction (1)
After talking with Rudger, and taking some things from him that I specially ordered for today as an extra precaution, It didn't take me long to get back to the Academy, but contrary to what I had anticipated, Sylvia was still applying makeup when I got to my room.She was still not ready even after I made a trip back and forth, and took almost two hours in total, to Rudger's residence."Sylvia, get ready as soon as possible; if not, I'll leave you behind.""What..? No, you can't, I worked so hard on getting ready."Sylvia stopped applying lipstick to her lips, and hurriedly responded with her hands still holding the lipstick, but I chose to ignore her and immediately went to the bathroom to wash my face, and get ready.Fortunately, Sylvia had finished everything by the time I was ready. She may have sped up her work after observing my serious demeanour.She looked breathtakingly beautiful, I thought that the time she invested was completely worthwhile.Maybe I was a bit too harsh on he
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Auction (2)
"Hey, what is it, tell me?"Sylvia knew I was quite susceptible to her ploys, so she shook my hand and talked in her adorable puppy voice as she often did when she wanted something.In contrast to her expectations, the situation this time wasn't serious, and I only wanted to tease her a little, so I just shook my index finger from left to right in front of her."Nah-ah""Gimme that catalogue."Sylvia pounced on me and attempted to take the book out of my hand, but I quickly climbed to my feet because I was aware of her strategies, and Sylvia fell onto a vacant sofa."HAHAHAHAHA, Bleh."I proceeded to tease her while sticking out my tongue.It's truly a lot of fun."Y-you, Noah! You said it wasn't in the catalogue, so why are you hiding it?""Because you're attempting to take it, and are you absolutely certain you want to know what the product is?"While openly grinning, I challenged Sylvia, obviously conveying the message, 'If Sylvia is really brave enough to see what I was speaking a
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