FfffgffffIn the neighborhood Kingdom of Sith, this mighty kingdom battles with their rivalry which is Kingdom Nivea. These two kingdoms are separated by the large ocean known to be dangerous and cursed, the ocean of Atlan. The kingdom of Sith is known for its strong warriors and Vikings, as well as the great ships are known on the seas. Their strength has grown so much that even if they were only a tiny kingdom, their fleet would have rivaled the most powerful kingdoms. This rivalry has driven many kings, queens, and princes into madness, wanting to rule together. It was decided long ago that the people from each nation should unite under one banner, to show their might against the other country. However, some of the nations refused to cooperate and fight each other, thus creating a war that began. The kingdom of Sith is ruled by King Irek, a ruthless leader and considered a beast. But he's an angel to his little daughter, Princess Adira who adores him, and he loves her dearly bac
Last Updated : 2022-09-10 Read more