All Chapters of Rebirth of the Dark Hero: Chapter 41
- Chapter 50
185 chapters
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
“You shouldn’t trust him—” The sentinel eventually unwrapped his hand and leg from around Vandread, which were both curled around Vandread at the time. The fact that the sentinel would resort to doing that at the very least was the thing that Vandread expected the least. It would have been much simpler for the sentinel to simply take advantage of the opportunity and flee. And yet, all he did was whisper something that would haunt Vandread for the rest of his life. The sentinel resorted in this one action in the belief that it would be enough to bring about Vandread's downfall.The sentinel completely withdrew himself from Vandread, and the next thing that Vandread saw was the sentinel freely tossing himself backwards and falling into the dark depths of the dimensional path.An expression of shock and disbelief spread across Vandread's face. The horror he was witnessing left him physically trembling, and he instinctively reached out to grab the sentinel. Unfortunately, it was alread
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
Just as Vandread arrived back in Dizencia inside the sphere that Lennox had created, the exact same holographic screen that he had seen back in Lennox’s core appeared in front of his eyes once more.It seemed as though the holographic screen was also a component of the system, as it was the one responsible for confirming Vandread's entry. And the holographic screen eventually vanished after it had completed the verification process for Vandread's identification in a successful manner.‘Master, welcome back to Dizencia.’ Lennox abruptly made a remark right after.Vandread was able to get a good look at the vast landscape of the world that had tricked him in the past as the sphere that contained him floated thro
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
"What in the world are you talking about, Lennox?" Vandread hurried over to inquire after being taken aback by Lennox's peculiar question.And so Vandread reasoned that this must have something to do with the time they had such a terrible misunderstanding on the dimensional path. Vandread had the thought cross his mind that it was possible that even an artificial intelligence system like Lennox could have the capacity to experience regret.At some point, Vandread came to the conclusion that he wanted to believe that what he had told Lennox back on the dimensional path could be something that Lennox had been holding onto up to this point. Despite the fact that it appeared to be the case, Vandread had no intention of simply asking for Lennox's forgiveness at any point. After all, it was Lennox's side that had the question mark over Vandread the majority of the time. Vandread needed only to keep his mind on the task at hand and have faith in himself, regardless of the number of times L
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
“Why bother with the clothes I'm wearing? It’s not like I need to get dressed before entering any battle, right?” Lennox's patience started to wear thin as Vandread's mockery continued to annoy him. The way that Vandread talked about it would irritate anyone who heard it, but since it was Lennox, Vandread had no choice but to be thankful that the system would quickly forget about everything in an instant.However, his comments would be pointless, especially after he saw the tattered clothes that he was wearing. His clothes were in a state of disrepair. After his battle with the sentinel in the dimensional path, the pristine breath cut his pants above his knees, and his upper shirt was torn and soiled with stains of both dirt and blood. In terms of his appearance, Vandread appeared to be in a state of complete disarray. Aside from that, his current state gives him an extremely unpleasant appearance. If he returned to Dizencia and continued to look the same during his first quest th
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
“Like what sort of changes are you even talking about?” Vandread asked. Because he was extremely interested in what Lennox was saying to him, his brows furrowed in concentration. ‘In the early five years after the queen ascended the throne, she immediately invested in the enhancement of military powers. She even upgraded the guards' weaponry and also the kingdom’s fortress against a possible foray.’ “If you say that these all happened after I died, then this could only mean that Dizencia is being cautious over neighboring threats. But who among the neighboring kingdoms of Dizencia would possess such power to intimidate Camilla to this length?” ‘It was said that there were rumors of an uprising coming from one of the neighboring kingdoms. But according to my system data, it would appear that Baltarick, which is located in the southern part across the capital borders, was the actual perpetrator behind the false rumors.' “Baltarick? Hold on. Throughout the centuries, this kingdom was
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
Vandread extended his hand and examined the material it was made from. To top it all off, he couldn't believe he was wearing a piece of clothing that was made out of his most recent adversary’s spirit energy. "So what you're saying is that I'm going to have to start depending on my foes' spirit energies by stealing from them?" ‘Master, you might look at this circumstance as an opportunity to develop your own skills and abilities as well as your spirit energy. By achieving victory over your adversaries, you earn the right to consume all of the spirit energies that they possess. It was the same thing that the queen, the priestess, and that mage had done to you, isn't that right?' It was then that Vandread grew silent. The truth was that he un
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
“Fine. If you think that that is the best way for me, then so be it.” Vandread finally responded, but his tone was one of defeat. After Vandread made the decision to concur with Lennox, there was a brief pause before the surface of the sphere began to glow brightly. Because the concentration of the light that encircled Vandread had reached such a high level, he was no longer able to see through the sphere. At that very moment, Vandread started to experience some anxiety about the situation because Lennox had not informed him of what was going on or what this situation could possibly be.“Hey, Lennox! What in the world is going on here?” Vandread yelled.His voice was also beginning to exhibit signs of trembling, which he was only attempting to conceal by speaking quickly. The sudden shaking of the sphere caused him to feel even more uneasy than he already did, and this feeling was only getting worse. Vandread awaited Lennox's response during this time; however, Lennox continued to
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
It appeared to be a woman in her thirties who was carrying her infant child on her chest. She had long, dark, wavy hair that hung in a tangled mess around her shoulders. Her hair was covered in sticky sweat, probably from the long hours of labor. But in spite of the difficulty, it was very obvious from the look in her eyes that she was happy to see her young boy in her arms. and her brown almond eyes gave off this impression. After all, it took her nine months to carry the child inside her womb, and then she had to go through hours of additional pain just to give birth to him. The wonderful moment between the mother and her newborn child was suddenly interrupted when someone barged into the room. It was a man who was still catching his breath who entered the room. The man was wearing a smile of excitement upon laying his eyes on the woman, who carried a child in her arms. He could no longer contain his thrill upon seeing the baby boy silently sleeping in his mother’s chest that he
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
Because the couple was so shaken up by what happened, they decided to seek the counsel of a traditional healer. However, each time the parents showed their son to the healer, the baby boy's eyes eventually returned to their natural brown color. This occurred no matter how many times the parents brought their son to the healer.The couple started to worry that their son's sudden change in eye color could be a sign of a more serious underlying health condition that could affect him in the long run. The fact that they could no longer think of a way to find out what could have caused it and how they could possibly get rid of it added more to their anxiety than the fact that they couldn't think of any other way.However, as the days continued to pass, they became aware that the color of their son's eyes was not the only thing that caused them to be concerned about him. It was also his speedy growth. The couple had no clue how their son could have grown up in front of their very eyes in
Rebirth of the Dark Hero/Amedrianne
CHAPTER 50MAD VISIONThe monstrous being stood right in front of Vandread, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.The only thing that he could recall from that moment was hearing a low growl coming from a distance, but he was unsure how it had gotten there so quickly. It wasn't until this very second that it dawned on him that he was, in fact, inside the lair of the ogre. This wasn't the first time that Vandread had ever set foot in this location; in fact, he'd been here before. He first came here a few days after his birth, when his father and mother were traveling this route with him in order to get to their new home.However, seeing himself in this predicament caused Vandread to have a sudden mad vision to a previous time when he fought an ogre that was nearly the same size as the one that is currently confronting him.However, much to Vandread's astonishment, he had never once come across an ogre in all of his years on this world. Not until today, when he was actually put i