All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
271 chapters
Chapter 91 - Ren's Amazing Plan
No matter how much Sharon had expected that James would buy one of the villas here, never had she imagined he would be buying one of the biggest ones.Although she doesn’t know the actual price of this particular villa as of yet because it is restricted information for her due to her position.It is one of the company's policies.They had believed the ordinary sales attendant would never be able to make a sale, but rather cause unnecessary troubles in the estate.Still, with the little knowledge Sharon have of Dragon Estate, she knew well that the average villas here are worth several billion dollars at least.So she was already expecting that this gigantic villa which is at least three times larger than the average villa would be over a hundred billion dollars.“Is there a problem with me buying this Villa?” James couldn’t help but scratch his head and ask when he saw how dumbfounded Sharon has been ever since he told her he would be taking this particular villa.“No… n
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Chapter 92 - The Furious Roar
A few moments ago.The moment Sharon and James entered the shared office, what entered their eyes were Sharon's colleagues that were busy gossiping about something.The ladies also noticed the duo at the same time the duo noticed them, and they instantly stopped whatever they were saying.At the same minute, their eyes became filled with mockery.They were probably thinking that she had returned without achieving anything good.Their eyes weren’t only filled with mocker, but also excitement and sarcasm.With full focus and complete silence, they watched the duo while straining their ears to hear what Sharon would say.The moment Sharon saw all these, the world-drowning excitement which had filled her since James told her he would be buying the villa immediately reduced.Thankfully, her mood instantly recovered after she remembered how much this group of ladies abhorred and detested her.‘Whatever, I will soon see the expression that would soon appears on your faces after hear
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Chapter 93 - The Ridiculous Price
The moment that everybody heard this deep and majestic voice, they couldn’t help but turn their heads in silence toward where it originated.All the attendants immediately stood up with shock plastered on their faces.“Good afternoon, sir chairman,” they all greeted with bowed heads, but deep inside their minds right now, a huge storm is already wreaking havoc.They all heard clearly what their CEO said just now, and each of them knew who he was addressing.Since none of them were that dumb, they instantly realized what was going on.And as they had expected, they saw their chairman walking respectfully toward James with a sheepish smile on his face. “I’m very sorry for keeping the respectable sir waiting, please forgive my rudeness” the middle-aged man bowed slightly, while James also stood up from his seated position.“It’s nothing, sir, don’t mention it. Also, I haven’t even waited that long.”James smiled in a friendly way at the middle-aged man.“My name is Wooden
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Chapter 94 - Paying For The Villa
Some moments ago, after the Wooden Curbs the CEO of the real estate company told James the amount of the villa James was interested in, in the capital city, within the conference hall of Stomach Empire, all the higher-ups suddenly received an urgent notification to transfer more than half a trillion dollars into an account.At first, they had been skeptical about this, thinking the people that sent the messages were scammers, or some playful kid that doesn’t know what was good for them, so they ignored it.Who would have known that moments later, one of the scary men who came some days ago to represent their new chairman would come?When the higher-ups saw this person, they had been so scared and speechless, and fortunately for them, the person have no interest in them whatsoever.The person only repassed the. the information they’ve ignored, telling them to carry it out with immediate effect.finished giving this order, the person stood up and left without saying another wo
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Chapter 95 - Leaving The Real Estate Management Company
“Thank you very much for your patronage sir.”Although the CEO's attitude was respectful before, right now, it had become so respectful that he is now literally acting timidly around James.Knowing how wealthy this little bro that shouldn’t be older than his daughter is, the chairman knew better to shower him with respect him.To be honest, this man doesn't in any way think that the money James had used to buy the villa belongs to him. It doesn't even go near his mind even a bit.What he had thought was that the money James used belonged to his family.Although this conclusion was almost as scary as the money belonging to James, still, it sounded and looked more believable.In fact, it isn’t this middle-aged man alone. There is almost no way anybody would even have believed in the fact that the money James had used to buy the villa solely belongs to him.That’s just as scary as it was.Not knowing that the huge changes in this middle-aged man were because he was scared o
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Chapter 96 - System, Is That You?
Still not knowing who James was, the lady subconsciously nodded her head in response to his question.“Sir… sir, about the other day, I…. I don’t know how I… I deserve such a great gift sir, but I would like to say a big thanks to you, sir.”“Oh- that, it’s nothing, you shouldn’t talk about it.”James waved his hand dismissively, but deep inside, James is currently feeling deeply curious as to why the girl wasn’t working at her workstation anymore, but.Still, he couldn’t just ask and put his nose in what doesn’t concern him, right?London Ward looked at James' face for a while, not knowing how to react before suddenly, she remembered that she seemed to be ignoring her duty again.This was the reason why she was fired yesterday.Because she kept daydreaming of James' face yesterday and kept seeing it on all the customers' faces all day long that she literally lost control of herself every single moment and wouldn’t react for a long time.Different customers instantly lo
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Chapter 97 - Sarah's Karma
“You…. You…. How can you two be together, how?” Right now, in front of Dee university’s girls' hostel, Sarah could be seen currently weeping out hot tears from her already crimson eyes, and thick snorts could be seen falling from her two nostrils. “I…. I trusted you and took you as my best friend. Is this how you would pay me back?...” Her voice trembled. Several hours ago, after the people from the law firm had gone to Sarah to give her a notice of packing, Sarah had done all she could to make them revoke the order. She even went so far as to lie about her name and told the two men that they were at the wrong apartment. But unfortunately, it doesn't work at all. After seeing that her lie doesn’t work, Sarah threatened the men with Gabs, threatening them that Gabs would make them regret it if he ever finds out what they were doing, and as expected, it also doesn’t work. Without any ounce of pity in them for her, the men had left after giving her the notice, then since then, Sarah
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Chapter 98 - The System's Upgrade
Inside a hospital that is quite close to Dee university, five people could be seen standing patiently at the front of a particular patient's ward at this moment, the expression on their faces very serious.It was at this moment that the door to the patient’s ward was opened and a female doctor exited.The first thing these five people at the door noticed was the blush on this doctor's face.Also, she seemed to be giving Gabs sort kind of looks.She went directly to his front.“Are you the patient's boyfriend or husband?”Just as Gabs was about to deny both, one of the girls that have been acting like police officers since they got here beat him to it, admitting that Gabs is the patient's boyfriend in his stead.“Nice. I would like to see you alone, about your girlfriend.”The doctor took in a deep breath as she remembered what she just witnessed from the patient.She couldn’t help but give Gabs a glance that speaks volumes again.‘How could this ugly and fat boy caus
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Chapter 99 - The Trending News
Right now, the school's platform has already descended into complete chaos as the two posts of Sarah continue to trend.Everybody began to speak a lot of bad things about her.«She deserves it,» some people that have zero pities for her were saying, while the people who sympathized with her began to speak of how pitiful she looked.It wasn’t only the school's platform that was in chaos right now, but inside the boys' and girls' hostels also.“Bro, have you seen the news that is currently circulating on the school's platform?”Inside a particular hostel room, a guy who has been busy with his phone since he woke up from his siesta suddenly asked his roommate who was busy playing some video games on his phone.“Nah bro, I dun have the time for gossip today… what else could it be other than about the queen's birthday we are attending today?”The bro who was still busy flicking furiously away on his phone replied dismissively.A wide grin instantly appeared on the face of th
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Chapter 100 - Sharon's Identities Were Announced
Back in the real estate company.Right now, the place was currently bustling with a crowd of people coming in one after the other.Each of these people that came in all has one thing in common, and that is, they were all filled with arrogance at this moment, and their heads were all lifted very high.It was as if they looked down on everybody in the world.Unfortunately for all of these people coming in, the people they were trying to show off to right now don't even care about them at all or give a single damn.It was as if they couldn’t see the people coming in at all, they continued staring blankly into the space, their minds completely filled to the brim.Although most of the people coming in were immediately filled with disgust and madness the moment they realized that these people they had deemed lowly to them had dared to ignore them as if they couldn’t see them.Awfully enough, for now, each of them has something extremely important to attend to than these people. Or el
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