All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
271 chapters
Chapter 81 - The Popes From The Twelve Great Orders
*My angel, here you are!!”This is the voice James heard the moment he entered the ward in which the old granny's granddaughter was admitted yesterday.The old granny's face is completely painted with joy and goodwill right now.Also, it could be seen glowing with so much enthusiasm to the extent that James almost thought he is seeing someone else.“Good afternoon Grandma.”“Good afternoon… thank you so much for yesterday,” the old granny bowed gently to James, but James immediately rushed to her to help her up. He seems to have understood human nature by now, and one thing is common with them, and that is; they would always bow to people that help them.“Please come in angel.”Smiling brightly at the old granny while he held a basket filled with varieties of fruits in his hand, James did as offered.“This is for you grandma.”“Wow!!! Thank you so much, angel.”She received the basket from James and cradled it in her arms as if the basket of fruits is some kind of treasur
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Chapter 82 - The Shocked Old Man (Bonus Chapter)
Had James been here at this moment, he would have become utterly confused as to what these people were talking about.Although the king's vitality has really been drained away by something he doesn’t know, it definitely wasn’t because of some evil spirit or whatnot.Inside the hall is completely quiet at this moment, as everybody waited to see what the king wanted to do while the old man addressed as the uncle could be seen currently smiling viciously to himself without doing anything right now.The King couldn’t help but suddenly release a slow sigh which could be heard by everybody present due to how quiet the hall is.“You want to test me, right?”“Yes your highness.”“We hope your highness would forgive us for the rudeness.”“We are only doing the mission assigned to us by our great twelve gods, to purge away evil from the world.”Hearing this, the King only watched for a while with nobody seeing his face to know what he was thinking, then he nodded slowly which ins
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Chapter 83 - Life-Savers
Back inside the director's office.The instant the hospital director saw the content in the box James was holding, he felt frost crawling over his skin.Although he is a doctor himself, he knew how bad this acupuncture of a thing is since he has once tried it back then just so he could understand how it works, and to be honest, the memory is absolutely anything but good.The director couldn’t help but swallow his spit hard before forcefully making up his mind to sacrifice his old and pitiful life for the sake of this nation, while the fact is, he was only doing all he could to get rid of the heart-rending pain he always feels in his sleep.In fact, the sleep this elderly man had last night could be said to be one of the worst since like forever.It wasn’t because he does not take his powerful sleeping pills, but rather, it seems their work has started to diminish in his body.The pain he always felt with his subconscious mind since he had begun taking his sleeping pills bac
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Chapter 84 - Finished The Director's Treatement
“Hum… when would you start?”The elderly man who has long been waiting in fear for the pain that would come couldn’t help but finally voice out his voice when nothing occurred.Not even a tiny touch of a needle on his skin.He started thinking that perhaps something had gone wrong, but he was too scared of opening his eyes, scared that it would be at the moment he opened his eyes that James would do the deed, and he wouldn’t know how to react by then.To be honest, it wasn’t that this old man had never been in pain before which caused all this fear.In fact, he had been under a blade before back when an operation was performed on him, but then, he had been given some injection which had numbed all the cells in his body so he doesn't feel even the slightest pain then, but now that James would be stabbing countless needles into his body while he's still fully awake and not given any pain relief, it makes him completely nervous.James who has long finished putting all the needles t
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Chapter 85 - Blood Rush
Inside an apartment, Sarah who just returned from the battle she put herself through yesterday could be seen cringing fearfully on her bed at this moment.Since yesterday morning when she had gone to Lean's place, he just released her this morning after countless sessions of sex without giving her a single moment of rest.Perhaps, he might not even have released her in the first place if not that she was about to give up and die.Lean f*cked her to the extent that her two holes were completely torn apart.He f*cked the hell out of her to the situation that she almost wept out blood.Not only that, Lean even busted her a$$hole, the one she has been keeping for years because of the pain it would cause her.In fact, Gabs had asked and pleaded several times for her to give him only for her to turn him down every time. She kept telling him that she would use it as a surprise for him someday which is probably on their wedding night.Lean had directly and straightly busted it w
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Chapter 86 - Why Does Sir Said I Must Be Joking?
James couldn’t help but be drawn to the single quiet and different voice that sounded within the crazy and tempting voices of the ladies that did nothing but disdain him the last time he was here.He immediately waved happily toward the owner of the voice, before finally letting out a sigh of relief.“Why is she here?!!!”“Didn’t she just excuse herself that she needed to use the restroom now?”“How dare she returns at this time?!”“She is just too much…”“How dare she do this to me?!”All the sales attendants started hissing and murmuring in outrage when they saw the owner of the quiet voice.It was the shy girl with huge glasses in her eyes that attended to James the last time he was there.Having finally regained himself, James began weaving his way through the crowd of crazy ladies to the girl with the huge glass.He couldn’t help but look at her from her head to toe slowly.Although the glasses she was wearing is still completely the same without a tinge of diff
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Chapter 87 - The Senior Sales Staff
With a confident smile on his face, the man at the entrance swaggered inside. To be honest, it wasn’t long since he got here.It just happened to be when James was talking indirectly about the houses in the catalogs being junk.The man had almost flamed up then. But he made sure to check James well enough in case he wasn’t some sort of important person, but when he saw the garbage he was wearing, he immediately got mad.It must be known that even he who is a senior sales staff got his position after being able to sell buildings that amounted to half a billion dollars, and here is someone speaking about a billion dollars house not being to his taste.The man had initially thought he had met many arrogant people since he started as an ordinary sales attendant till he reach this position, but right now, he realized that all those people are in fact, definitely not arrogant, but this poor person here is.“Mister Is asking me why I said he was joking?”His head lifted high
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Chapter 88 - Sarah's Badluck Begins
The middle-aged man who is so engrossed in reading the files in his hand instantly became startled when he heard this.He couldn’t help but look up with a start.“Sharon, hadn’t I told you times without numbers to stop addressing me as such, as long as s we are at work?” The middle-aged man sighed helplessly when he saw that it was his daughter.If this information was to be known to others at this moment, they would definitely be shocked to their core.Not only that, but they would absolutely also find it hard to believe that this shy girl they’ve always been bullying since she started working here is actually their CEO's daughter and that her position is several times higher than theirs.Yep, that’s true.This girl, Sharon is the only child of the CEO of this world-known estate management company.“But Father, nobody is here, right?” The girl couldn’t help but sulk unhappily.Looking at her right now, she resembles a completely different person.The middle-aged man sighed aga
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Chapter 89 - Another World
James' mouth is fully wide open at this moment as he glanced around in complete fascination.It has been like this for him since he and Sharon, the sales attendant drove here.It was as if the two had entered an entirely different world.It looks nothing but like a place in a sci-fi movie.Many buildings were suspended slightly above the ground.It wasn’t that they were floating though. Some pillars were holding them below which could only be seen after one checked well.The buildings were also very tall, beautiful, and extremely artistic.It was as if they were all just taken from the painting of a master artist directly. James couldn’t believe that a place like this actually exist in the real world.There were beautiful waterfalls everywhere you looks.Not only this but otherworldly 3D projection everywhere that displays animations of dragons every few seconds.These life-like projections could be seen flying slightly above the buildings.There were many sorts o
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Chapter 90 - I Will Take This Villa
Never had this person thought he would be seeing James and this little attendant here.Right now, he is soo shocked to his core.But the shock is only little compared to the anger he was feeling right now.‘How dare this lowly attendant bring a pauper here?’That’s right.The reason for Ren's anger and shock at this is that he couldn’t believe that Sharon would actually dare to take James there.“You, how dare you bring a nobody here, hun?” Ren, the senior sales staff who had looked down on James earlier questioned Sharon furiously.He wasn't mad because Sharon would be demoted.In fact, he wouldn’t blink an eye if any of the ordinary or all of them get fired for no reason The reason behind his anger was nothing but the fact that Sharon dared to do what no one has tried before.He felt that it was nothing but a smack in the face for them, the high-level sales staff.“I… I…”“What Do You Mean By That, Hun?! Can You Speak Like A Human Being?”He glared at Sharon as if
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