All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
271 chapters
Chapter 71 - Shock
“Why is the third brother hanging and not picking up the call?!”Inside James' hostel room, the fourth brother could be seen currently staring at his cell phone blankly.“Oh… maybe he is busy with something,” James' second brother replied dismissively.“Why was he supposed to be busy now of all times?!” The first brother couldn’t help but sulk with fake annoyance written on his face.Two of the brothers were presently gaping excitedly at a computer's screen with so much enthusiasm, and unable to look away.“Brothers, would we still go if the third brother doesn't want to go?”The second brother couldn’t help but ask.“Of cause yes, this is a party thrown by the second prettiest person we are talking about here!!!”“Yah!!!”“Nah!!!”…….. “Calm down dude, just calm down a bit… hahaha”Inside a mansion, a fat dude with bruises covering his face could be seen currently speaking on his phone playfully with someone at this moment.“Boss, how do you want me to calm
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Chapter 72 - Are You Sure?
James couldn’t help but glance at the elderly man's face, then at the old granny's.After a while, he sighed gently and decided to do as suggested.Seeing that James heeded his advice, the elder man couldn’t help but smile slightly, then he realized that might be the best or only time for him to seek what he wanted “Young brother, could I have a word or two with you if you don’t mind?”James raised an eye at the elderly man, feeling perplexed as to what he wanted to speak with him about. He watched the elderly man's face for a while, thinking he would be able to get a thing or two from it, but unfortunately, the elder man's wrinkled face is as serene as a face could be, and gave nothing away.Not a single thing.“I don’t mind.”“Great!!” As if he was already getting impatient for James to answer him, the elderly man instantly exclaimed happily, then he flashed James his whole teeth.“Please young brother, let’s go talk about this elsewhere, we don’t want to disturb t
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Chapter 73 - Acupuncture?
James only smiled at this, feeling proud of himself. ‘This skill is really great,’ he thought happily.‘Although it was said to only be an acupuncture technique, it allows the user to see clearly what is wrong with the patient, and where the things went wrong in their body is.’The elderly man could no longer control himself right now as he realized that James knew clearly that something is going on with his body.To be honest, as James had said, it has not been like this with him before, but only began a few days ago.When it just started, he would go 24 hours without feeling sleepy at all, not even for a second. When he finally does feel it and decided to sleep, a great pain would suddenly begins to inflict him from his inside to the extent that he would feel as if his soul would vanish at any moment.The first time he felt it, the elderly man had been so terrified out of his wit then, and he had thought he would be saying goodbye to life that night, fortunately, he did
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Chapter 74 - Please Let Me Rest
In a deep and dark corner, a figure gabbed in a black robe from head to toe could be seen currently lurking about and busy patiently watching a person who sat a few distances away from him.Right now, this figure was filled to the brim with killing intent as he watched this person unblinkingly.This figure has been following James since James to the hospital this evening.All along, the figure had hidden himself well so as not to be discovered and his focus had never for once left the hospital entrance.he had been searching for the perfect opportunity to kidnap James and go deliver him to his boss.He would have executed the task the moment James left the hospital not long ago, but unfortunately for him, James was always in the midst of crowds, but right now, the figure knew deeply in his heart that his opportunity is almost finally here.‘Almost time, the future thought in relief.’Just as this thought came across this figure's mind, he suddenly felt a cold aura rush
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Chapter 75 - The Four Bothers
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!”Lean unexpectedly screamed furiously, scaring the shit out of Sarah.Sarah who was still on the bed couldn’t help but suddenly gape at Lean fearfully, then she began to tremble unconsciously when she saw the expression on his face.Unknowingly, Lean's eyes has turned to deep red and were shooting out strong killing intent.“WHICH BASTARD WAS IT THAT RELEASED THIS NEWS, HUN… WHICH BASTARD?”Not giving a single fuck about his composure that he always loves and makes sure to keep, Lean howled in anger.His hand shivering in outrage, Lean swiped through his phone, reading the two posts that followed each other at the top of the forum.“I must kill the person that released this news.” He swore harshly.There were only two reasons why Lean was completely furious at this moment about the release of the news telling the whole school that someone gifted Rubby a platinum card.Although the person put it there that the card was fake, even Lean himself isn't su
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Chapter 76 - Not This Type Of People Again!!
James thought for a while after hearing this question being asked by his brother.To be honest, his schedules were already tight and fully packed for tomorrow.He still needs to visit the old granny and her granddaughter, he needs to go search for the tools he would use to treat that pitiful old director, also, he still needs to go buy a house for himself, but could he harden his heart to ignore something like this and refuse his brothers?Frankly speaking, James knew well in his heart that whether directly or indirectly, Ruby was fighting for his reputation, so he couldn’t bare not to go there himself.He sighed softly and suddenly raised his head, only to be met by three pairs of bright eyes staring intently at him.“What?”He scratched his chin and questioned uncomfortably.“Are you going or not?”The trio questioned together this time around, their eyes boring threateningly at James as if telling him; ‘try telling us you aren’t going'.“Of… of cause, I’m going.”“
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Chapter 77 - I Can Help You
The voice was filled with so much pain and unwillingness.It was as if whatever the owner of the voice was asking for is equal to his life.“I’m telling you sire, there is no more of this medicine,” an emotionless voice suddenly sounded so quietly that James wouldn't have heard it had he not been straining his ears.“Sir, sir please, you can’t do this to me, please…. I heard that you clearly have this particular medicine,” the owner of the voice was literally choking on his voice at this moment, and James could already imagine the person’s face right now.James suddenly began to sympathize with the person.‘What he wants must have been very important to him,’ James sighed pitifully and decided to leave since he knew that what he was searching for is not here in the first place.He also knows that if he doesn't leave right now, he might not be able to control himself anymore and get involved in what he wasn’t supposed to involve himself with.“Mister,” James called the at
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Chapter 78 - This Person Must Be A God!!!
The two men suddenly stopped a bit when they heard James' question.They almost couldn’t believe their ears.“You would be using the acupuncture needles on him?”The elderly man stared at James in shock. He couldn't even react for a long time.Still scratching his head embarrassingly, James replied, feeling confused as to why that is a thing.Even the man who was clocked from head to toe in black couldn’t help but instantly lose all the hope he had managed to build because of James.To be honest, he has already tried several means to restore his vitality before today, and amongst all these means is the several uncountable acupuncture treatment he has received from different influential doctors.In fact, he has already lost count of how many times his entire body has been poked with all sorts of needles, just so he could get what he wants, but unfortunately, he could even say that things only get worse each time.Now that he also heard that James would be using the same
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Chapter 79 - Your Royal Highness!!!
He just couldn’t help but find this anything but believable.How many years has it been already since he had this sort of feeling last?5 years?10 years?15 years?He couldn’t remember anymore.It felt somehow strange to him.To be honest, it wasn't always like this for this person whose vitality was almost completely drained before now.And in fact, he was once a vigorous man whose body was filled with life energy.Everything started some years ago, the thing that leads to his greatest fear and nightmare, but now, it has changed completely.Although this man doesn't know at this moment till when this life energy in him would disappear again, he knew one thing, and that is, it definitely would be enough for him to quickly achieve his aim.Just thinking of this alone is sending world-drowning excitement into the man right now.In fact, he would have already begun hopping around and screaming in joy right now if not that he was scared of disturbing James' treatment.Jam
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Chapter 80 - Unknowingly Saving A King's Life
‘Why would they address this person as highness?' With a thoughtful expression on his face, James mulled."And these people….. Why are they this… aggressive?!’At this moment, he couldn't wrap his brain around what he was witnessing anymore.A moment ago, the old man was yelling at him to apologize, now again, some security men like those that followed behind important personnel were even gazing at him threateningly.“Stay put… The both of you should stay put this very moment!!”The two men who were still glaring aggressively at James instantly flinched in shock, and also fearfully when they heard this cold voice.Their faces immediately became completely serious while doing as they were told, but inside their minds right now, it was completely in disorder.At first, they had thought that James was doing something to their lord which was why the exalted one would kneel before him, but right now….It just felt so unbelievable.They couldn’t help but wonder how disrupt the
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