All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
271 chapters
Chapter 61 - Are You A God?!
Still stunned by what they were witnessing, the gangsters gazed with their eyes wide open as if they were seeing the dumbest person in the world. They watched as James rushed towards them fearlessly, thinking that something must have gone wrong with him in the head. “Is this dude crazy?” One of the gangsters muttered to himself speechlessly. “I think so,” Another added. “Whatever. Since he is seeking his demise, we should also give it to him happily.” Finished saying this, all the gangsters instantly raised their knives, waiting for James to collide and crash himself into them. Right at this moment, none of them cared at all that this fight is a cheat on its own and that they had outnumbered them by a huge figure. “Guy's, don’t kill him, okay? He is meant for the boss to deal with.” “Sure….” “There would not even be any joy in killing him just like that anyways.” As if they could already see James taken down, the gangsters began to ridicule within themselves while waiting p
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Chapter 62 - Grandma, Are You Okay?!
James who wasn’t expecting this at all couldn’t help but become stupefied when he heard the old granny and saw her expression.“Eh?!!!!!”“Thank you angel, thank you so much, thank you for coming to my rescue,”The old granny began to give her gratitude over and over again as if her life depended on it.It took James a while before he could finally react.“Grandma, it’s okay, it’s really okay. Also…. I’m no angel at all I’m just a normal human like you…”Not believing this at all, the old granny instantly smiled widely.“I know. I know that you don’t want to tell me the truth, but it’s alright, I won’t ask anymore.”James became dumbfounded again. He wasn’t expecting the old granny to come to the conclusions she came to.[The host shouldn’t be bothered by this, he would be wayyyy better than the winged fellows if he did well in the future!!!]The system's voice surprisingly sounded very serious, making James wonder what it was talking about, but he knew that the syste
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Chapter 63 - You Will Be Healed Very Soon, Honey
“WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT BRAT YOU SAID DID MEN LIKE THIS?!”Back where James beat up the gangsters, a great commotion is happening right now.Thankfully, James and the old granny have already left, or else, they would have been completely drowned by this commotion that is presently occurring.When the gangster who realizes that James was doing something to his mate earlier escaped, he ran with all his effort back to their underground headquarter.He went there to report to their overall boss.Although he only explained everything vividly.What he said was that a boy who has barely grown his armpit hair obstructed them from doing their job.The don at first was completely furious, furious that his men had been beaten up by some unknown kid to the extent that it was only one of them that was able to escape, but after a while, he decided to go there himself first before settling the case with his men later.He then called at least half of his men, including the escapee to
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Chapter 64 - The Heavenly Scent
[Ding… Few minutes left before the weakness hit the host]James who had completely forgotten instantly become stunned when he heard this.He looked out through the taxi and saw realized that they still hadn’t gotten to the old granny's house yet.‘System, please could you do something to expand the time, please?’Helplessly, James could only resort to begging the system.[No, the system could not help the host, but the host could help himself.]James that was just about to become disappointed when he heard the first part of the system's words suddenly became startled.‘You said I could help myself, how?’ Knowing that this isn’t the time for him to break down, James questioned urgently.He still needed to take the taxi to the old granny, and he would also still take her granddaughter to the hospital.[The host could give anything that has to do with what he needs, then he shall receive.]James immediately became enlightened and a thoughtful expression appeared on his
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Chapter 65 - SHE IS SAVED!!!
“Doctor, is there like something we need to know?”James was currently gazing intently at the face of a middle-aged man before him who was cladded in a white overall.James and the old granny just brought the girl that had almost turned into a skeleton to one of the best hospitals in town.The nurses and several of the hospital personnel had been completely terrified after seeing the condition in which the patient brought in was.They then rushed Shalom, the girl into the emergency room while alarming the doctor.The doctor then came and went into the room in which the patient was taken.He stayed there for more than thirty minutes before coming out, his face filled with thousands of thoughts that doesn't look good no matter how or where it was being looked from.Since then, he had been sighing over and over again, probably wanting to say something but not knowing out to say it.When the middle-aged man that still couldn’t extract himself from the life-threatening condi
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Chapter 66 - Hope My Granddaughter Is Okay?
“Grandma, everything is going to be alright, so don’t stress yourself much, okay?”James stared gently at the worried old granny, then he said softly to her.“Are you sure?! please are you sure that my granddaughter is going to be alright?”The old granny who still found this pretty much unable to believe couldn’t put her mind to rest yet, so she questioned anxiously.James doesn't feel irritated or disgruntled by this in the least, he continued smiling gently at the old granny.“Didn’t you say I’m your angel sent by God, would an angel lie?”This finally seemed to get the old granny's palpitating heart to calm down a bit.Her eyes stayed on James' face for a while, watching if there is anything she could pick out to judge the situation.Then a huge relief washed over her after a while that she saw nothing negative.She released a deep sigh, then closed her heavy and red eyes for a few seconds.When she finally does open them, the previous exhaustion that filled them
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Chapter 67 - SILENCE!!!
“Madam… why don’t you ask him?”Doctor Kedan who was attending to them couldn’t help but question angrily.He still couldn’t believe what he just witnessed.Everybody was also busy watching the scene interestingly at this moment, while James still couldn’t understand what was going on.“Angel, he said I should ask you?”The old granny glanced at James expressionlessly.She has also heard the accusation pushed onto James earlier, but she doesn’t want to believe it.Not even that, she's currently forcing herself so much not to believe the accusation.She waited patiently for James to say something, for him to deny the accusation, but he did not.It wasn’t that James doesn’t know how to deny the accusation, it was just that he has become too dumbfounded to react.“Can’t you talk?”“You better talk right now or we call the security on you?”“No… no, there is no need of giving this beast opportunity to talk, we should call the security guards right now.”Seeing that James woul
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Chapter 68 - How Dare I What?!
“Babe, do you miss me already?!”In a room painted completely pink, a melodious voice said to her phone amidst peals of laughter.“Duh!!! Who misses you?”“You of cause, May.”“Tah…”This person who was currently speaking to someone on her phone is a beautiful girl who was lying on her pink bed.The beautiful girl wore a tank top and bum shorts.She was currently lying on her stomach, and her two beautiful fairy legs that were presently swinging were raised.Right now, Ruby was laughing happily and freely on her phone, without any care in the world.This is the only place she could show her true self without any pretense or fear, in her room where there is no one to judge her, where there is no one who would scare her.This is how she has been since God knows when.Every time she's with her mother, she would look dull and scared, while every time she's with outsiders or people she wasn’t that familiar with, she would act elegantly, but once she is alone in her room, she wou
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Chapter 69 - The Roulette
Everybody in could be seen gaping with their eyes wide open at the only bed in the ward right now.They almost couldn’t believe their ears, especially the old granny.She is the most flabbergasted one of everybody present at this moment.She has been the only one with her granddaughter for all these years, since the day she got infected with the strange disease till it became this severe.From when she was still very conscious till now which is almost three years now.Her heart began to palpitate in her chest, and fierce goosebumps began to crawl all over her skin.James was the only one in the room right now who could still smile.He couldn’t help but watch every face in the room playfully.“Doctor Kedan, Doctor Meka, and Doctor Scont, please begin running tests on the patient,” the director who has completely forgotten what he was about to say earlier couldn’t help but command urgently.“Yes sir.”The three doctors called, and two men and a woman suddenly rushed for
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Chapter 70 - Young Brother, We Are Very Sorry!
‘WHY CANT YOU JUST MOVE A TINY BIT MORE, PLEASE TELL ME WHY?!!’James glared with hatred visible in his eyes at the roulette before him, unable to accept the reality of what he was seeing.If not that a tiny part of his consciousness was currently telling him not to startle everybody right now, James would have cried out.He felt so sad that he couldn’t help but tightly shut his eyes, unable to take in the great reward that almost just became his just now.‘Close.’Just as the screen began to clear up, a change suddenly happens to the needle that just stopped all movement.As if a strange force suddenly collided with it, it finally got the single and final push it needed, then ‘tap,’ it entered the triangular shape next to it.(Ding…)Poor James, he doesn’t notice this because his eyes were presently tightly shut, so he instinctively wanted to cover his ears tightly so as not to hear the system announce the dumb and stupid reward he got.But unfortunately for him, he kne
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