All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
271 chapters
Chapter 111 - Who Was At Fault
Right now, people in the private rooms have also become deeply alarmed and are in a panic state after hearing the loud commotion occurring downstairs.Several of them instantly dropped what they were doing and rushed down with all the speed they could muster.Unfortunately for them, things has pretty much ended by the time they reached the ground floor, so they witnessed nothing apart from the leftover.Right now, everybody was witnessing what was going on in shock and deep curiosity.The security guards rushed towards James' group and started asking them tons of questions.But unfortunately, most of the people within the group right now were still too stunned to react, so nobody could answer the questions.Seeing this, one of the guards, the young guards who had been reporting things to the manager of this place suddenly exclaimed when he saw the terminal on the floor which is presently in utter ruin, then his brain suddenly stopped working for a moment.It only resume
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Chapter 112 - Everybody Are So Dead!
Ruby who had never expected that many people would stand up for them couldn’t help but become teary right now, but she held it in.It wasn't only her, but also James.Although he was not feeling teary, he is quite emotional right now.It was at this moment that a deep voice filled with contempt sounded, followed by a series of clapping sounds.“You guys sure are playing a nice game here…”Everybody couldn’t help but turn to look at the person that had just spoken, it was the chief security officer.“Do you guys think this little game of yours would be able to save your li…..”“Boss… Boss, I’m very sorry for keeping you waiting!!!!!”Everybody suddenly became startled when they heard this unexpected breathless voice that was coupled with hurried footsteps.……..Back several minutes ago.The manager of Stomach Empire was currently busy checking the Restaurant's account book.He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he doesn’t hear the distant commotions entering hi
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Chapter 113 - Myriads Of Emotions
Everybody also in James' group at this moment was completely stunned to death right now, James included.Although none of them knew the identity of this middle-aged man, they all could tell that he must be someone of high caliber within the restaurant, with the way he was dressing.Just as James and his group were feeling stunned and confused, something very shocking occurred next.The security guards and staff of the restaurant that had been gazing at them with contempt and furiousness just now suddenly ran to the back of the middle-aged man.Then they all called with so much fear laced with their voices; “Ma… manager….”The instant the others that don't know whom this middle-aged man is heard how he was addressed, they began to gasp with shock and amazement, before immediately becoming confused.“He is the manager of this place?!”“If he is the manager, shouldn’t he be chastising these people right now instead of bowing before them?”“Wasn’t he supposed to make them pa
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Chapter 114 - She Has Opened Her Eyes
Presently, everyone in James' group was inside a wide and elegant hall.This hall could be said to be a dining hall and also not a dining hall at the same time.With how highly decorated and beautiful this hall is, even someone that doesn’t know the value of wealth would immediately realize how huge of money must have been squandered to set this hall up.Right now, everyone in James' group was staring everywhere with their eyes and mouth agape.James and Ruby were the only ones who were still behaving quite normally right now.This is the place where the manager took them after they left the ground floor.At least, everybody was finally behaving normally at this moment.Earlier, everyone within the group had thrown their composures to the drain the moment they entered the hall.It took them all a long time before they finally returned to their senses.As for the manager right now, he had already run off immediately after taking James, Ruby, and the others to the hall.
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Chapter 115 - The Feast
**** Back inside the private grand hall within Stomach Empire.Even though the stomachs of most of them has long been making protests, everybody sat in utter silence.All sorts of cuisines and dishes had already been brought to them, but most of them were still feeling very uncomfortable, so they only watched quietly with their throats going up and down.Knowing that James and Ruby were the stars of the day, and without them launching the meal, they couldn’t do anything, many of the people present began to curse at them in their minds.To be honest, it wasn’t that James wasn't hungry. In fact, he is very hungry right now, but because there is something more important currently weighing heavily on his mind, he sat unmoving.‘How would I explain things to my brother?’ his face is currently tightly furrowed as he thought in his mind.He knew very well how shocked his brothers had been because of everything, even till now.James had been glancing at his brothers from time t
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Chapter 116 - The Old Granny's Misfortune
Inside the manager’s office of Stomach Empire. At this moment, the middle-aged man is currently seated on his chair, gazing at the screen before him As if his consciousness has left his body, the middle-aged man's face is completely blank right now and devoid of life.If not for his eyes still staring intently at a blank computer screen right now, one would have thought he is dead.The middle-aged man just finished making a video call with the restaurant's higher up, and the reason why he isn’t in his right mind at this moment was nothing more than the things the person he called told him.‘What could be the identity of that boy?’The middle-aged man continued thinking over and over again, but he couldn’t find an answer to the question.According to what the person he just called said, the card James used is a very special one, and there are only two such cards in the world.The man had become completely stunned and confused the moment he heard this, that he wasn’t ab
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Chapter 117 - The First Task
The first thing James did after reaching the hospital was to run to Shalom's ward.All along, every nurse and doctor he met on the way kept dodging him as if he was a sort of plague.Honestly, it wasn’t because they were scared of James nor because James is a plague, rather it was because of what they did, the attention James is currently getting from the director, and because they don’t know how they would interact with him.The moment James entered the ward, he was met with a beautiful lady who is seated on the bed with her back against the headboard.Although she is currently looking extremely weak, James could tell at a glance with the way she is seated that although this particular lady couldn't move even a single finger from her body, she is now healthy.She looked so healthy that if a person that saw her some days ago is to see her now, they definitely would become hell-bent on arguing that the two they saw weren’t the same person.Right now, apart from Shalom, th
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Chapter 118 - Sarah's Regret
Hearing James' question, the old man suddenly became startled, then he raised his head to glance at James' face. What he saw was a face that contained a slight smile.‘Yes, why would he take someone as old as me as his student?’Seeing the old man's pondering look, James began to gaggle within his mind.Honestly, James already knew well that he would definitely accept the old man because he couldn’t bare to lose his amazing skill, he still wishes to put the system on a rollercoaster ride which was what he is currently doing.“Yes, firstly, I would love to know your identity, your skills, and so. Also, with your age, sir, why would I take you as a student?”“Oh….”The old man finally released a little sigh of relief when he heard James break down his questions.He had thought deeper into James' question previously.……While James was currently interviewing his future student, right now, the school's platform is on fire.A wild and intense fire.Not long ago, it was
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Chapter 119 - The reward's Origin
‘What the hell is that though!’James suddenly became dumbfounded after hearing the name of his reward which sounded very creepy to him.‘Would I use to take people's lives?’[What does the host think?]‘I wou… would use the skill to… to kill people?!!’James' eyes abruptly widen in alarm when he thought of this, then his heart began to tremble in his chest.‘Why in the good world would I take people's life?!’‘Also, why would I be given a reward like this, are you a murderer?!’[The system isn’t a murderer, and the reward was given randomly. The host should blame his luck for getting such a reward from the billions of rewards present in the system's database.]The system responded so naturally while feeling curious as to why James wouldn’t want to learn as the one he got.James began to think of various things in his mind, but at the end of the day, he concluded that never in his life would he use a skill like this.It should be known that James couldn’t even kill an ordin
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Chapter 120 - The Old Granny's Doomsday
An hour ago, after the old granny was questioned by the gangsters, they roughly apprehended and took her to their den.There, they gave the poor old granny all sorts of torture they could, trying to make her confess James' location.They chained her arms to two different poles that were several meters away from each other, then they tied her legs together making the old granny form a T shape.After that, they wiped the hell out of the old granny with a thick belt every time they questioned her and she doesn’t speak.Eventually, they turned the poor granny upside down, making her legs become raised and her head point at the floor.Not pitying the old granny at all, the heartless gangsters gave her all sorts of tortures again.They used wood on her, they used a knife on her, they used a wooden pole on her, but the old granny wouldn’t say a single word.Although her entire body had become laced with all sorts of gory and deep wounds that were gushing out dark and thick blood
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