All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
271 chapters
Chapter 121 - The Gangster's Stronghold
Upon getting to his destination, James realized that it wasn’t any sort of hidden spot. Rather, it was the den of gangsters as they could be seen spread in the street, living their daily livesEmotionlessly, James walked towards a particular four-story building that looks quite gigantic.“Who do you search for?”The moment James reached the building's entrance, he was met by two gangsters who stood there like security guards and currently staring at James.Right now, one of the could be seen gazing at James with contempt while the other one was staring at him thoughtfully.‘How dare this little brat gives me such a face?!’He waited for James' response, but unfortunately, they wouldn’t be getting anything as right now, James' furiousness is already at a point he wasn’t able to control anymore.Right now, he is only forcefully controlling himself from latching out for the old granny's sake.While the first gangster is still waiting impatiently for James' response to his ques
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Chapter 122 - Fear-Stricken
Presently, it's already completely dark outside and everybody that went to stomach empire was already going back home after they’ve fully enjoyed themselves.Even James' brothers that were still feeling a tinge of sadness because their brothers had hidden a huge secrete for them had also enjoyed themselves to the fullest.Every one of them, well… except Ruby could swear that today is the best day of their lives.They were all treated like kings and queens.If not that they didn't wish to overdo things, they would have chosen to stay there forever, but that would be too much.Even though this, every one of them had become sad when Ruby told them it was time to leave, they had instantly lost their composures.Before they left, they had asked for plastic bags they could use to pack the excess food they weren’t able to finish.“Second brother, first brother, are you like… hum… mad at the third brother?!”Right now, inside a taxi, James' fourth brother could be seen curren
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Chapter 123 - Massacre
“You Old fellows, I think we've gotten a lead to the person that bought the stomach empire.”Inside a grandiosely built hall within the capital city, where some elders had previously met over the ruckus of Stomach empire's buyer.Right now, these same elders were seated again, but at this moment, with shock and not the fear painted heavily on them some days ago.The leader was the one that just spoke.“Leader, where does this person leads to?”One of the remaining old fellows who couldn’t hold his mouth anymore asked.Hearing the question, everybody also paid all their attention to the leader, waiting for his response.“A few hours ago, I received a piece of news that a platinum card was discovered in Port City.”A little frown instantly formed on the face of this old man.‘Okay, how does an ordinary platinum card lead to the mysterious buyer?!’To ordinary people, platinum cards were like the highest level of authority, but to these old fellows, the card doesn't mean s
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Chapter 124 - End Of The Massacre
Inside a wide and grand office at the top of the gangster's building.The don's skin is completely pale right now, and he could be seen currently gazing fearfully at a computer's screen on the desk before him.“Devil…. This person is the devil…”He could be heard muttering incoherently to himself presently as he trembles like someone whose soul had left his body completely.Never had he imagined a scene like the one he is currently seeing in his life despite having been in this game since he was a kid.For a single person to continue taking human's life as if they were flowers.“This devil mustn’t see me…”As if he suddenly gained strength from somewhere, the middle-aged man abruptly stood up on his shaky legs before stumbling nervously towards the entrance to escape. …….“This… This… This, who is this person?!”Right now, the four men gabbed in black robes that covered their entire bodies could also be seen currently gaping with panic at the devil before them.Perhap
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Chapter 125 - The Great Storm Brewing In The Shadow
[Last night at 7:25 pm a lone person caused a seven-hundred and thirty-eight men massacre at xx locations. But before our police reached the location, the person that caused this great massacre had disappeared completely and not the slightest trace of his could be found…. The video of this person would be played to you shortly, please report to any police station near you in case you know him… this person can’t be left alone among human beings.]Inside a beautiful apartment, at this moment, five men could be seen currently standing in front of a television as they watched with their hearts beating wildly in their chests.Although they already had the idea of what would be shown next, a small trust and belief could still be found in their hearts as they watched with unblinking eyes.Back on the television, immediately after the lady reading the news finished, her picture directly disappeared and a creepy video began.If one doesn't know that what was playing had happened in real li
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Chapter 126 - A Beast
“Uncle, are you leaving already?”At this moment, Lola, her father, and James could be seen outside the fairy-like house.Lola is currently gazing at James pitifully as if he had wronged her.Seeing this, although James is still completely out of it right now and still couldn’t forgive himself yet for what he did last night even though he knew well that he wasn’t at fault, he still flashed Lola a gentle smile before patting her head gently.“Don’t worry, I will come to visit you soon.”The moment the little girl Lola heard James, she instinctively knew he was lying and that she might now even see him anymore for a long time to come, she chooses to remain silent.“You can go inside first, I will escort your uncle further to the front.”Hearing this, the little girl immediately became sad, so she began to do all she could to convince her father to let her stay, but unfortunately, it didn't work at all, so she could helplessly and sadly do as she was ordered.“Sorry for that, gre
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Chapter 127 - The Secretly Wealthy James
The place bustling with noise a few seconds ago has now turned utterly quiet.Of cause, everybody has already realized who the James mentioned by the driver is at this moment with the great commotions he had been causing for days in a row now, especially the one he had caused last night.At this moment, every one of them was wondering within their minds who James is and what his identity was because they were now completely certain he wasn’t just some nobody and broke fella.Last night, after those that went to stomach empire had returned, they had narrated the thrilling and unforgettable things they had experienced there, all thanks to James, and everybody that hadn’t gone or had left had become filled to the brim with unforgivable regret.They had blamed themselves to the fullest, before imagining and wondering where James had gotten the card from.But right at this instant, seeing the package said to belong to James, everybody instantly realized that he wasn’t in any wa
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Chapter 128 - $400,000 For James' Life
Presently inside a hospital ward, Sarah who had waited for James' arrival all through last night without seeing the slightest trace of him could be seen grieving unhappily on her bed.She had tried all she could to get in contact with the nurse that had helped her call James, but all the nurses had told her that the nurse had ended her duty since last night.Helplessly, she could only lay on her bed and pout, finding many reasons within herself to justify why James did not come.After sulking for hours like a little kid whose favorite Christmas present was cheated away from her, Sarah became bored and decided to check the school's platform.The moment she got there, she realized that the whole platform is on fire, a thick and intense fire that could burn the entire school down.Filled to the brim with curiosity, Sarah clicked on the topmost section and she saw it.Before she could even think, her brain directly stopped working.“Ja… James got a present of an over 300 mill
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Chapter 129 - The Crazy Students
“You going out again?”James had already taken a cold shower and changed into one of the clothes he had in the past.Throughout all this, his brothers had only been watching him as they already knew what he was about to do, but the fourth brother still couldn’t help but ask when he saw him finished dressing up.Upon hearing the question, James abruptly glanced at everybody before slowly nodding his head.“Aren't you going to celebrate your new car for us?”James' mouth instantly twitched when he heard this.He had thought the reason his brothers were looking strangely at him previously and why his fourth brother questioned him was because they don’t want him to go out.He hadn’t thought even slightly that it was because they were thinking of celebrating the car he doesn’t even know how to drive yet.After asking the previous question, the three's eyes suddenly brighten as they waited impatiently for James' response.Helplessly, James could only sigh before abruptly rememberin
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Chapter 130 - The Adamant Lean
When James realized after a while that this bunch of crazy people wouldn’t stop screaming ear-bursting words, he finally had no choice but to try his luck escaping.Who would have thought they wouldn’t still let him off?The moment the crowd saw him taking to his heels, they rushed after him like flies while continuing their nonstop screaming.Scared and helpless to his core, James ran even harder to the school's exit while his friends and the crowd followed behind.James' brothers have long laughed their asses off.They laughed to the extent that hot tears had fallen down their faces and their stomach had almost busted apart.This wasn’t all though.The system was even worst than everybody.Having returned to its previous shameless self, its laughter was like metals cracking against each other in James' head nonstop continuously.It mocked James' to the extent that James felt like he would cut his head off and throw it away.This scene right now looked quite scary and
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