All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
271 chapters
Chapter 141 - James The Teacher
After everything was done, James eventually took Shalom to her class. All along, Shalom was just smiling like crazy, as if she had received a great gift from someone.She does not even notice the crowds of people that gathered around them to her and James' destination.After James reached her class block, he promised to come to check on her during the lunch period.But before he left, he gave the girl his credit card in case she needed anything very urgently.It was after then that James ultimately left, rushing to his classroom.He was already pretty certain now that he was already late for class, but what could he do?Thankfully, most of the students of Dee university were in their classrooms at this moment, and a strong notification was already made, so James reached his classroom unhindered.The first thing he noticed upon entering was the dead silence that permeated the place.Without caring to know why, he let out a little sigh of relief; ‘the teacher is not here yet.’Just as
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Chapter 142 - Lecturer James!
After a lot of shocks and all, James eventually stood up and walked to the front of the class. Right now, he is feeling extremely grateful in his heart for receiving the skill he does on Friday, or else he felt he would definitely be making a huge disgrace on himself this morning. Seeing as James walked out, the Principal and Jessica both gave James thoughtful gazes while the entire class instantly become filled to the brim with so much enthusiasm. While that was happening, Jessica suddenly took a pen from her little notepad which was on the desk and pointed it at James before pressing the top once, then she hung it on her breast pocket. After all this, she finally returns her attention to James. Not knowing a thing, James waited patiently for the crowd's excitement to die down before he suddenly took in a deep breath. This deep breath wasn’t an ordinary one at all, because the instantly James heaved it in, the aura he was emitting instantly changed. Unknown to him, he directly
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Chapter 143 - The Two Beauties
At this point, the class had become utterly quiet as everybody, both young and old could be seen gazing in the same direction with the same expression painted on their faces.They were presently waiting patiently for James' response.Although James knew this, he doesn’t see any harm in thinking through things.According to what the principal shared happily after he asked, this competition would take place in the capital city where he had never been before.He had said the competition was a once in every four years event, and that only the top colleges in the world always attend it.According to the principal, Dee University had never qualified for this competition before because they do not have any students worthy of it.When James and his classmates heard this, they had been shocked to their core.They all could understand according to how the principal had narrated the competition that it definitely was an important place of pride for every school.Inch by inch, James
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Chapter 144 - Lean Got Himself Played At
Lean had arrived a while ago but had chosen not to go to James' class because someone had snitched that the vice principal was in there.It wasn’t that Lean was scared of the Vice Chancellor, rather, he just wasn’t in the mood for a thing like that as of yet, so he waited till the vice chancellor left before rushing there.The first thing Lean saw the moment he entered the classroom almost made him butcher someone.He saw James amid two beauties.Not just any beauties, but the one he had been courting for a while now and the one he was just about to start courting.If not because he felt he should rather be a nice guy here, he would have lounged at James and tried beating the hell out of him, which would have probably led to his demise.…..Presently, everybody could be seen ogling at Lean as if he was a big dumbo.‘Brilliant than James?!’They all were feeling as if they had just heard the funniest joke in their lives and would have burst out laughing already if not beca
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Chapter 145 - Lean's Fear
“Hum… James, can I follow you?!”James suddenly stopped on his track when he heard this and slowly turned around.At this moment, James was on his way to go check on Shalom, he hadn’t expected that Jessica the newcomer would want to tag along.Seeing the shock on James' face, Jessica instantly realized that she seemed to have acted way too forward.She suddenly gave James an awkward smile.“Hun, actually, actually, you know I just arrived here for the first time, so… so, I don’t know anywhere yet.”James instantly thought for a while about what he just heard, then he nodded his head when he realized that there seemed to be nothing against what Jessica just said.Seeing this, a wide grin appeared on Jessica's face as she exclaimed excitedly.“Was that a yes, hun?!”Scratching his head in embarrassment, James nodded again.Right now, Ruby and May had long become dumbfounded, especially Ruby who was still standing behind James.Never had she expected that Jessica would beg to
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Chapter 146 - She's My Sister
Presently, Lean could be seen gazing fearfully at Jessica, not knowing what to say. ‘What are these two doing here?!’ He screamed inside his mind, but nobody heard him. Poor Lean. After realizing that he had faced Regina with no chance of escape, he had instantly thought of giving her an excuse before rushing off, never had he expected that Jessica would arrive, and even more had he not expected that she would actually say what she said. He began to pray in his mind that Regina hadn’t heard what Jessica just uttered, but it seems that luck wasn’t on his side at all. “Wait… are… are you the super brilliant person?!” An extraordinarily beautiful lady suddenly uttered exaggeratedly, causing Lean to flinch unconsciously. He hurriedly waved his hand in a denied manner. “No… no of cause not… I… I'm too dumb, so how could I be a super brilliant person?!” “Oh…” Regina nodded in understanding, almost making Lean sigh in relief if not for what she did next. She suddenly turned to Jessi
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Chapter 147 - The Unexpected Warning
After James, Shalom, Jessica, and Regina left the art class, they walked to the school's cafeteria to have a nice filling launch. All along, Jessica was the one doing most of the talking. She chattered nonstop from when they left the classroom till they finished their cafeteria, had their launch, and walked both Shalom and Regina back to their class. Well, it wasn’t exactly a bad thing though, as thanks to that, the launch was everything but boring. It wasn’t only this. Throughout the launch, James was the envy of all the boys that saw him, and they all felt like killing themselves when they saw this huge margin between themselves and James. All alone, he has four world-wrecking beauties to himself. If they had known that throughout the launch, Rex Magnus was not comfortable at all and had prayed for everything to end quickly, they would have spat out blood. He hadn’t said a single word from the beginning till the end despite Jessica's never-ending chatter. She had acted over-
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Chapter 148 - The First Assassination Attempt
After Fiona spoke, Ella instantly became embarrassed and refused to speak again, making Fiona take over.“Hope you don’t mind that?”“of cause not, boss.”“aish… you must be kidding me, right? How dare I still be your boss?!”“Hum… don’t worry about that, I will still call you boss no matter what.”“O… okay then.”Then an awkward silence descended over the phone between the duo, but James could hear some commotion going on underneath as if hundreds of people were cramping in a house.“Boss, is business doing great now?”The moment Fiona heard this question, she immediately returned to her senses and a wide grin appeared on her face.“Yes… yes, I have you to thank for this, James. Because if not for you, my… my business might have already folded up?”James couldn’t help but smile slightly at where he was standing when he heard this.He was really excited when Fiona said her business is booming well now.“Please don’t thank me, boss, you are the one who did the work and
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Chapter 149 - Making James Awkward
Ever since several days ago, Ruby had been feeling some strange changes in her mother, but she thought it was only an illusion that wasn’t real at all because ever since she knew her mother, the only thing she ever received from her was pure coldness and an emotionless personality.She had questioned herself times without numbers whether her mother had given birth to her or adopted her.She never played with her in the past nor cared about her. She also never interact with her unless when necessary, but some days ago, her mother had started doing those things which she was extremely scared of believing in case it turned out not to be real.It began on the evening she returned from Stomach Empire.On that evening, she had met her mother outside waiting for something.At first, she had been scared shitlessly to her core that she had hoped to disappear miraculously with fear which she knew wasn’t possible.That day, she would have tried to escape her mother's view if not because
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Chapter 150 - The Blinding Beauty
The moment everybody saw the person that exited, it was as if everything in the world apart from the girl instantly disappeared.The beauty she was radiating was so much that it almost blinded them all, James included.This shock doesn't even exclude the manager who was already in his middle age.With their mouths and eyes completely wide open, they gape at the angel-like beauty in their front.….At this moment, Shalom who doesn’t feel anything unusual is currently feeling extremely excited about her new dresses, especially the one currently on her.“James, do you like my dress?” She abruptly spun her body around to show James her beautiful dress which was currently wrapping her body tightly and beautifully.It was as if this dress was personally and specially tailor-made for her by the best tailors in the world.Seeing this, Glean and his friends instantly felt two trails of a warm thick liquid substance flowing down their noses, but they do not care right now as their
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