All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
271 chapters
Chapter 151 - Offending James
Right now, in a corner of the big complex, a figure could be seen pacing around a small.Although he was wearing a face making nobody see his expression, anybody that saw him like this was able to instantly tell how frustrated he was.This person was Lean who had long been waiting outside for James.He has waited for over four hours, but he hadn’t seen a single shadow of him.“Where is that bastard?!”“Had he died inside?!”He began to mutter helplessly to himself, feeling completely frustrated.He was filled with excitement when he got here, thinking to himself that there was no way James would escape his hand now, poor him.After pacing around for a while more, Lean suddenly inserted his hand into his pocket and removed the disposable phone he bought.(Are you certain he hasn’t exited?!’…..Right now, the assassin could be seen seated lazily on his motorbike, still staring unblinkingly at the plaza’s entrance.Unlike Lean who was feeling frustrated and tired, the assassin wa
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Chapter 152 - Coincidence Or Fate
“Some people are falsely claiming to own a villa in the Dragon Estate?”The moment the person’s voice rang out, two military men that were behind him heard and also became stunned.“What did I just hear?!”“How dare someone claim to own a villa here, don’t they know it was a capital offense that could warrant death?!”Unable to control themselves, the few military men instantly rushed toward the car to check who the people falsely claiming things are.Hearing the sudden commotion, everybody in the car was flabbergasted to the core right now.They couldn’t believe what they just heard; ‘Falsely claiming?!’“Hum… sir, what… what do you mean falsely claiming?!”TFK manager questioned nervously, then the security personnel instantly glanced coldly at them and responded with a heavy and threatening voice.“Yes. And I must say, you surely are very bold for that.”Just as he said that, the three military men finally arrived.“Who do you say was… was falsely claim…”The person speaking didn’t
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Chapter 153 - Graduating From The Driving School
Both James and Shalom went very early to school the next day.And apart from Jessica who kept clinging to him as if they’ve known each other since a long time ago, and the top school belle who kept doing everything in her capacity to ignore him when he went to pick Shalom for breakfast and launch, nothing major happened.After school closes, James and Shalom went to a restaurant outside the school to have their dinner, and when they were about return home, Shalom begged James to take her to his clothing store to James' confusion.Unknowingly to him, Shalom and London had turned into good friends yesterday.It was only after several hours that the manager who has unintentionally turned into a driver took them both home.It went on like this for almost two weeks with nothing major happening apart from the fact that James started attending driving school, and he began teaching his student every day before he goes to the driving school.He does these every day.After dropping Sha
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Chapter 154 - The Face-Off
“Try overtaking the taxi the moment we reached a less crowded area,” a raspy voice came out of the person seated on the passenger’s seat, then the driver nodded and kept on following the taxi at the same pace.But as he drives further behind the taxi, the two in the car became confused.The farther they drive, the more confused they became.After a while, they finally couldn’t help but exchange gazes again, an unexpected excitement booming in their eyes.Although they both didn’t say a single word, they understood perfectly well the source of their happiness.It was one thing because James' taxi wasn't driving into the town but toward the highways that were usually less crowded and where crimes could be done unnoticed.‘Even the gods want the bastard dead!’ Lean exclaimed inside his mind happily.“Change of plan… do all you could to overtake the taxi the moment we enter deep into the highway,” Lean ordered with a deep voice that was feigned.Without still saying a word, the dr
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Chapter 155 - Lean's And The Assassin's Intense Fear
The assassin started shivering with deep fear.He knew how high control he has over his throwing technique to the extent that nobody has ever been able to dodge it, so he understood right now that he has kicked a strong boulder with his feet today.‘He's so powerful!’While the assassin was busy shivering in fear, Lean was only currently peering at James with full alert as he watched his movement.He had also been deeply dumbfounded by what just happened because he hadn’t seen it at all, not even blurriness.He thought for a while, then a little smile suddenly appeared on his lips underneath his mask.‘It probably must be because I wasn’t paying any attention.’The more he thought of this, the stronger the smile on his lips became.‘He really does think I would be moved by this, hun?! Too dumb.’Finished thinking of this, all the fear Lean felt just now disappeared, but he decided to watch what would happen first.While the three were doing their thing, the taxi driver wh
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Chapter 156 - The Survivor
He raised his hand slowly, and pointed at him, then Instantly, as if there were strings attached to James' fingers and some of the needles, they flew and surrounded Lean from all sides.The moment Lean saw this, before he could even react, warm liquid was already flowing down from his third leg and forming puddles beneath him.He doesn’t seem to notice this at all, as an extreme fear already hit him.Forgetting that he was still hiding his identity a moment ago, Lean suddenly muttered with a voice laced with so much trepidation.“Ja… James, what… what… what do you think you are doing in?!”He couldn’t control the intensity of his shiver anymore, as he shake heavily like someone who would fall down any moment.Without even giving a single fuck, a slow voice filled with coldness came out from James' mouth.“Lean or whatever you call yourself, I could see how much you want me dead, but why?!”“Ja… Jam… James, why… why would I want you dead, of cause no… not, I have never in
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Chapter 157 - The Torturous Supercar
"You sure this person wasn’t the one you drove here?”At this moment, the tax driver could be seen being questioned by a young man.Although the middle-aged man doesn’t know who this young man is, he could see clearly how he was being respected by everybody present.This person is the leader of the police force that came from the capital city.Beside him right now was the person gabbed in a gown that has a cross engraved on his chest.This young man was currently glancing around curiously, and his face was currently tightly furrowed as he resembles someone in deep thought.“That person just left…”The moment the young police leader heard this, his eyes also instantly became tightly furrowed.Of cause, he knew who this person was talking about, the Death God's apostle, and the reason why they were here in Port City.The young police think deeply for a while before abruptly glancing at the middle-aged driver.“What do you say?”The driver couldn’t help but abruptly shiver
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Chapter 158 - The Excitement Of Knowing How To Drive The Supercar
James suddenly sighed heavily, looking utterly frustrated, then he glanced around him again before glancing at the object called a key in his hand.He repeated this series of actions until he finally saw a slot that seemed to be the one for the key, then James heaved out a deep sigh of relief before he inserted the key inside the slot.The moment the key entered, it was as if a beast that had been sleeping for years was suddenly woken up.The car instantly came alive.At the top of the dashboard, dozens of crocodile-like backs opened, and bluish light that looked invigorating to the eyes lighted from within.Above James, at the top of the supercar, hundreds of tiny lights also abruptly lighted up, resembling stars within the car.After those, James suddenly released a smile when he saw what happened next.All the controllers he had thought never existed began to slide out one after the other.But they weren’t like the typical car controllers he knew of.Everything was so
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Chapter 159 - The Unreasonable Female Police Officer
Presently, Sharon could be seen driving with all she could to catch up with the racing car before her.Right now, she has already forgotten completely the reason why she was here where she left in the first place.Sharon who was demoted to an ordinary traffic unit just got to her post today when she heard about the assassination case that happened earlier.She had initially not wanted to put her nose, but after a while that she wasn’t able to control herself, she came to check for herself what occurred, never had she expected that someone would actually dare to do as he wished in a town that has a law.Without giving a single care about how expensive the car could be, she gave a hot chase after it.This scene looks like that of a police car chasing behind a criminal’s car at this moment It is definitely a sight to behold, but, unfortunately, there was nobody there to witness this scene right now. Why? Because the location was on a highway that is mostly less busy.
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Chapter 160 - Helping Lean
James instantly lost it all when he saw the police officer's, especially when he saw the deep and unimaginable amount of deep fury painted all over her face.With his heart pounding heavily, James watched as stormed toward him before pounding on his window heavily, signifying for him to lower it.And with his hand trembling, James did exactly that.“What?! It’s you again!!!”The police officer exclaimed in shock the moment she saw the driver’s face, then she began to recollect different memories.If before she saw James, her anger was capable of drowning the entire Port City, at this moment, her anger was already so high that it could drown the entire Unity Country.Breathing furiously, she suddenly yanked the door forcefully, then she realized it was locked.Not about to give up, she abruptly invited her hand inside and unlocked it angrily, then she tugged forcefully and the door unfolded.Not waiting for the door to fully open, she roughly apprehended and drag James out.Havin
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