All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
271 chapters
Chapter 171 - The Traumatized Gangster
Lean continued walking for a long time, tracing back the path that brought them here.Thirty minutes or so later, Lean finally walked out of the thick bush which is as quiet as quietness could be.The moment he got to the main road, he saw a Sedan which was parked by the side of the road.The Sedan was completely painted black from the top to the wheels, the windows included.Lean glanced once at the plate number behind the Sedan, then he walked towards it.Without saying a single word, he opened the door to the back seat and entered.“Welcome back, young Lord,” the driver, an old man whose hair is completely grey greeted emotionlessly.“When did you arrive?!” Not replying to the old man's greeting, Lean questioned back.As if he was already expecting the question, the old man doesn't hesitate or think at all. “After the master told me about Young Lord's condition, I took the fastest aircraft that belongs to the family and flew down here as fast as I could, then after get
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Chapter 172 - The Stink
“Di… did this little girl just called the devil her little brother?!”The hearts of the gangsters began to pound with so much fear.It looks kinda funny how these guys, as scary as they looked could be scared of James to this extent.These gangsters are the ones invited by Gabs some weeks ago to deal with James but instead, got beaten up by him.Poor them, only God knows where and how the middle-aged man knew them that has to invite them not for anybody else, but the source of their fear and nightmare.This is what they call a coincidence.Right at this moment, the middle-aged man could be seen still waiting patiently for the whacking to begin, especially when he saw what Ella did.He had thought it would instantly fuel the anger within the gangsters more, how would he know that not only does it not fuel any anger but almost scared their hearts out of their chests?He continued waiting for the pummeling to begin with a smile on his face, but after waiting for a while and he do
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Chapter 173 - Reporting James
The moment James smelt this stomach-upsetting odor, he covered his nose with his hand and was about to start searching when he heard a loud gaggle beside him, then he turned in that direction, only to see Emma currently laughing herself off hysterically as if she just saw the funniest thing in her entire life.“That… that… hahaha haha look… hahaha”James immediately became confused as he couldn’t understand what caused the crazy laughter, so he traced where Emma was pointing, then he became dumbfounded.Right now, the gangsters have become stuck in their tracks, and their mouth has widened.It wasn’t because of this that James became dumbfounded but because of what he saw a step further from the gangsters.Currently, a liquid substance could be seen trickling down from the helm of the middle-aged man's trousers, forming a puddle below him.James’ lips instantly twitched, then he felt that the man looked quite pitiful and immediately glanced at Ayra.But the moment he saw t
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Chapter 174 - Giving A Gift
A thick frown instantly appeared on the middle-aged man's face as he heard this.“What the heck do you mean by that, hun?!” he questioned angrily. “How dare you say I’ve offended someone when he was clearly the one that OFFENDED ME HERE!!!”The moment this roar sounded, everybody began to hear forceful breathing from within the phone.The ladies instantly exchanged gazes while the gangsters also did the same.“SAY SOMETHING WILL YOU?!” The middle-aged man roared, then the voice within the phone finally sounded, but this time around, like a zombie that has lost his soul.“Un… uncle, I think you… you’ve hit your legs with a huge boulder this time around!”“The middle-aged man, “_”Everybody else apart from James, “_”Just as the middle-aged man wanted to ask what his niece meant, the voice continued.“That… that person has already bought all the shares of the company, so… so, he is the president right now and the sole owner of the company now.”“Hun?” The middle-aged man
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Chapter 175 - Giving A Gift And Leavung
The moment this below sounded, it was as if an irrevocable order from the heaven was given.All the gangsters instantly stopped in their tracks, and they began to shiver as deep fear crept into their bodies.‘Will… will he go back on his words?!’They all suddenly felt like crying.Slowly, they turned to look back, their legs shaking deeply on the ground.Seeing this, James' mouth couldn’t help but twitch severally.‘How dare this spineless dude even call themselves gangster?!’He shook his head and then pointed at the middle-aged man on the floor.“Take the useless piece of trash with you!!!”The moment they heard this, the gangsters released sighs of relief.It suddenly felt as if something heavy was lifted off their heads. “Ye… yes, sir.” They bowed respectfully when suddenly, the boss pushed two of his boys to the front.As if they had been betrayed, the gangsters that were pushed to the front immediately glanced back with pitiful expressions on their faces, but u
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Chapter 176 - Unreasonable Emma
Inside the car, Emma suddenly questioned James coldly. “What do you mean?!” James became quite confused, but he couldn't be that bothered about Emma, so he only questioned her dismissively.“Don’t you dare play ignorance game on me, don’t you dare!”Like a housewife who was asking her husband where he had been since morning, Emma placed her hands on her waist and glared ferociously at James.Fiona who was seated at the back instantly lost everything that was previously on her mind when she saw this, then she began to watch the do speechlessly.But the moment James who was driving felt Emma's mood which he knew well which was everything but ordinary, he sighed helplessly to himself.He couldn’t even understand why she was being this ridiculous again, then he opened his mouth with frustration.“As you can see, she’s now one of the shareholders of my company,” James said after a while which only got Ella more irritated.“How dare you play word game with me, how dare you?”Ja
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Chapter 177 - The Life-Threatening Situation
James instantly became even more confused when he felt Emma's reaction to his response.He couldn’t understand what was shocking about his announcement at all.“Yeah, was it bad?!”As if she was seeing James for the first time in her life, or that he resembles a cute pet she couldn't wait to have for herself, Emma continued gaping at James.She wanted to say something, but unfortunately, her mouth refused to form anything.Her mind began to rumble with extreme shock.Even when James told them he owns some shares in McDonald's, She hadn’t been this shockedPerhaps, it might be because James specifically told them that he only own a few shares, and by the time they realized that he own everything they weren’t shocked anymore.To be honest, although TFK wasn’t the best brand, since it only stood within the top twenty. The main reason why Emma and Fiona were reacting this much was that, coincidence or fate, TFK was their most beloved brand.They both two don’t like something
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Chapter 178 - James Has A Sister?
James, Shalom, and London immediately became startled when they heard this scream, and it was this scream that made Shalom finally leave James' bosom, then she glanced behind him and her eyes instantly furrowed when she saw the ladies behind him.She didn’t know previously that James has visitors which was why she acted the way she ahad acted.It must be known that Shalom doesn’t like strangers at all, and in fact, she doesn’t speak to anybody when unnecessary apart from James, Regina, and London.Taking back several steps, Her face became expressionless, then she watched what was going on.As for James, he instantly looked relieved before suddenly giving Emma a helpless look.“What was that for? Why did you scream my name like that?!” He questioned, feeling a strong headache coming, but his question seems to only fuel Emma’s anger even more because the instant she heard James, she started glaring hatefully at him with eyes filled with killing intent.Her breathing beca
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Chapter 179 - A Call From Home
Not thinking much about it, James removed his cell phone from his pocket, the checked the caller's ID.The moment he saw it, his eyes widen, and he became thunderstruck, unable to react for a long time, until the ringing was about to stop.Breathing in deeply, James pressed slowly the answer button slowly with a shaky finger, then he placed the phone to his ear.Just as he was about to speak, he heard a nervous voice on the phone. “He… hello. Ple… please is this James?!”James became dumbfounded when he heard the voice, then he became taken to the past, more than four years ago exactly, a wide grin instantly formed on his face.Thankfully, James was quickly able to extract himself from that.“Ronald?! Ronald! Is that you?!”His voice was filled to the brim with amazement even himself, but he still sounded very clear.“James! James!! Of cause it’s me, it’s me!!”James heard the voice which was filled with nervousness just now became utterly excited.This happiness also
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Chapter 180 - Stunned To Their Core By Dragon's Estate
Both Emma and Shalom became startled when they heard what James said. “Sleep at his place?!” The two of them seated in the back seat couldn’t help but exchange gazes, then Emma instantly saw the deep unwillingness on Fiona's face, while Fiona saw the thick excitement written and painted all over Emma's face. “Hum... is that good?” Fiona breathed in silently and directly ignored the strong excitement all over Emma's face, questioning James uncertainly. “Yes, yes, it is, please.” A thick frown instantly appeared on Fiona's face when she felt the pleading aura radiating from James' body. Finally, she made up her mind. “James,” she suddenly called gently, making James turn around. “Is something the matter?!” Fiona who has no choice finally decided to ask gently, then James' thought for a bit before he eventually decided to brief them a bit since he would be needing their help anyways. “Actually, actually, I just received a piece of really ba
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