All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
271 chapters
Chapter 181 - Ronald's News
‘Could these people that have lost their minds still have time for that?!’ James thought to himself Helplessly, then he finally walked over to Fiona and shake her gently to wake her up. “Hun… hun?!” Startled awake by this shake, as James intended, Fiona started gazing around, looking completely lost, then she saw James and an embarrassed smile appeared on her face.Seeing this, James nodded his head gently, then he walked over to Emma, the one who was mostly out of it.At first, James shook her gently, but as time passed, when he realized that she wouldn't regain herself, he proceeded to shake her widely.But unfortunately, no matter how much he shoot her, Emma wouldn't wake up. She completely lost that if one doesn't know better, one would have been scared to the core.As if her mind has flown out of her body, she continued exclaiming at everything she sees. The sky, the beautiful road, the floating villas, and all.In no time, James became helple
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Chapter 182 - James' Background 1
According to the stories told by James' Aunty, his parent had died when he was 1.5 years old, so he had not even a single memory of them. It was his Aunty and her husband who took care of him as if he was their child since he was a toddler till he left the village. They gave him everything a child could ever ask for without feeling stingy at all. It was only these two and their son, Ronald that stood by him all through, loving him with everything they have. As for the rest of the family, they hated and abhors him to the bone. In fact, they hated and despised James more than anything could ever be. They had never spoken normal words to him before. Every time they had something to say to him, it was always through curses and bullies. Also, he had never heard them call him by his name before, other than bastard. Well… before he knew the truth, James was always hurt and filled to the brim with miseries because of this, but after he knew the truth
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Chapter 183 - Leaving For The Village
James’ face became blank for a moment, then he abruptly scratch his head again in embarrassment. “I’m… I'm sorry for that.”“It's nothing, just don’t address me like a stranger and an elderly person, okay?”James' gaze stayed on her face for a while when he heard her, then he eventually nodded his head gently.“Okay, Fiona.”Hearing this, a huge smile boomed on Fiona's face. “That's good.” She paused for a few seconds before finally returning to normal.“So… are you going already?!”James also paused when he heard this, the expression on his face changing slightly, then he sighed suddenly, looking slightly lost in the space. “Yes, Fiona. The issue at home is very urgent.”"Oh..." Fiona nodded her head softly, then the gaze she was giving James became pitiful.‘Nothing indeed comes for free, everything has its responsibility.’Just as she was about to wish James a safe trip and that he should be careful, she saw an awkward
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Chapter 184 - The Situation In The Village
“Hehehehe,” Someone in front of the pleading woman suddenly gaggled mockingly. “You don’t want us to demolish this dilapidated building, you say?!”“Yes… yes, please don’t demolish it,” the woman pleaded tearfully, but the man before her with a budging stomach as if there was a huge drum of water in it only continued smiling playfully.“Then I dare you to stop us, hahaha”“Hahaha…”“See, this poor woman wants to stop us!!”Everyone behind the middle-aged man began to cackle at the woman with strong sarcasm.Suddenly, a furious roar entered everybody’s ears. “HOW DARE YOU MAKE FUN OF MY MOTHER YOU BASTARDS?! HOW DARE YOU?!!”Without being told, everyone that heard the voice immediately realized how furious the owner of the voice is, but alas.The moment everybody heard this, some of them became filled with pity for the owner of the voice.‘He's done for today.’‘Aish… he shouldn’t have said anything!’As for the woman, she suddenly trembled with fear, then she screa
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Chapter 185 - The Situation In The Village 2
Even before Jimoh completed his words, Ronald’s mother already fell to her knees and started crying buckets.“PLEASE, PLEASE!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!"Of cause, she would plead because she and everybody in the village knew this devil's reputation.“Mother, please don’t kneel for this beast!”Ronald couldn’t help but rush over to her mother and try his best to lift her, but no matter how much he tried, his mother wouldn’t bulge and she even kept pushing his hands off her, as if telling him to leave her alone.Poor her.Jimoh wasn’t furious at all when he heard Ronald calling him a beast, in fact, he loved it like that.“You heard that, right? I’m a beast, so let me act as one!”Finished saying this, Jimoh glanced at the dude who couldn’t wait to tear Ronald apart and nodded once at him.This was what the dude had been waiting for because the moment he saw it, a wide grin that looked demonic covered his face.As for Ronald’s mother.Knowing that there was nothing else s
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Chapter 186 - Anger
"What a pitiful family!!!”“Yes, it is so pitiful…we could only pray now that the little boy would not become bedridden for the rest of his life after this !”“Sigh… will a day ever come when our village will become free from this demon?!”“I’m sure the day would definitely come!!”These are the things James has been hearing since he set his feet into the village.Without being need to be told, James realized the moment he saw the situation and felt the atmospheric condition within the Village that it was being terrorized.He began to boil furiously within himself, but he controlled himself as much as he could.He could still remember clearly how lively everywhere was before he left four years ago, but now, it looked utterly dark and mournful. James continued walking through the village whose several houses were already razed to the ground.As for the people he passes by, they didn’t even have the time to notice him, the foreigner as they were too engrossed in their miseries
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Chapter 187 - The Truth
Upon entering, James realized that nothing much has changed, that everything, or most of the things remained as they used to be.Everywhere is still spotlessly clean as was in his brain. But right now, this wasn’t what was on his mind.Nervously, he continued trotting three steps behind his Aunt Sally.As for Sally, she and her husband doesn’t stop at all rather, they took James further inside the house, toward the room that used to belong to both him and their son.Although James was walking behind the husband and wife, he immediately felt the thick mournful, and sad emotion that suddenly descended upon them. Dragging her husband behind her, Aunty Sally suddenly stopped for two seconds by the door before slowly and tremblingly, she pushed the door open.After that, not looking back at all, she dragged her husband inside while James followed.The first thing that James noticed upon entering the room was the thick medicinal and herbal smell that permeated and rushed into
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Chapter 188 - Ronald's Treatment
Thankfully, James was still sane enough to not let the killing intent touch any of the trio within the room, but both Aunty Sally and her husband felt it.The furiousness and killing intent that busted out of James actually materialized into the real world and turned into a heavy, dark, and oppressive wind.This scared both Aunty Sally and her husband to death.The two abruptly glanced at each other in the eyes, seeing the deep shock within, then they swallowed hard.This instantly took them both back to twenty-two years ago, to a particular man.Their hearts began to pound hysterically within their chests, and their mouths became wide open.Unknowingly, all the hatred which Dave had developed for James previously went down the drain.As for James, not knowing what the two behind him were thinking, his eyes were currently crimson red and he has lost every bit of focus he has on the world.Right at this moment, the only thing within James' eyes and brain were all the
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Chapter 189 - The Stronghold
presently, James could be seen standing emotionlessly and unmoving several steps before a gigantic fortress which could be seen armed to the teeth.Although James could see the men walking from time to time above this gigantic fortress, he wasn’t the least scared at all.This fortress he was standing before is like a tightly sealed and enclosed container that not even the tiniest ant could pass through unchecked, and it is the base of the people terrorizing the village.Gazing at this building that resembles a well-guarded king’s villa, it stood out of place within the Village that mostly contains olden, dilapidated, and run-down buildings.Right now, apart from taking revenge for Ronald, James has another motive for being here. Just as he was about to get there the other time, the system issued an unexpected mission for him, and this mission was for him to take down the base and everybody within it that was terrorizing the village no matter what.Still gazing emotionles
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Chapter 190 - The Broken Blade
The voice that came out of James' mouth sounded surprisingly quiet and utterly casual, making Blade turn blank for a moment before he quickly returned to his senses when he saw that James was about to pass another side.“Hoho!!! Hahaha!!!”He mocked angrily, then he decided not to speak anymore and deal with James once and for all, feeling that James doesn’t know what was good for him.Poor Blade who is soon going to break.He treated James like he was one of those kids he has been able to treat anyhow he wants ever since he arrived.Laughing coldly, the dude suddenly unclasped the belt holding his trouser, then with one drag, the belt could be seen in his hand.Still laughing with coldness radiating from his eyes, the dude warped from one end of the belt to the half around his palm, then he finally stopped.“On behalf of your parent and yourself, I shall give you twenty strokes of this belt.”Hearing this, a bit of frown finally appeared on James' face for the first ti
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