All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
271 chapters
Chapter 191 - Kicking A Metal plate
At this moment, save from Blade who could be seen trashing badly and whimpering on the ground, the place has turned utterly quiet.Everybody's mouth at this moment was ganging as they stared with their eyes wide open at the duo below the base.They couldn’t believe what they just witnessed, a nameless person coming to their base and trashing their men.It just looked like nothing but a dream to them.They watched for a long moment and still weren’t able to react.While they were watching, James who felt not even a single thing about what he just did lifted his leg and started walking to the base.He doesn’t give a single fuck about the muscular man currently trashing heavily on the ground like someone suffering from epilepsy.This finally made some of the guys In the fortress return to their senses.“Guys, it seems like there is someone that wants to fight us today who doesn’t know what was good for him…” One of the guys suddenly put his colleagues to notice.“Yeah, it se
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Chapter 192 - The Alarm
Every one of them immediately felt like crying, but they couldn’t.At this moment, the intensity at which their hearts was pounding has become so loud and clear, that they had started forming synchronized bass beats.Poor boys.With their hearts in their throats, they turned back slowly, then instantly, they saw James' expressionless face.“Ma… master, plea….please let us go!!”Someone very smart within the crowd couldn’t help but unexpectedly apologize fearfully and respectfully to James.Hearing this, the remaining security men returned to their senses and immediately joined this person to ask for forgiveness.“Ye… yes, plea… please forgive us, master, we weren’t involved in the first place!!”“Yes… Yes, master, those three bastards deserved what they got!!! Please let us go!!!”Hearing all this, James only watched expressionlessly while the grown-up men continued to beg him.Snoots has even appeared in the noses of several of the men, but James wasn’t moved at al
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Chapter 193 - Waking Up
At the moment, the entire Ado Village has turned chaoticEverybody including the young and old could be seen running around helter skitter as the sound and vibration of war filled everywhere.They were all scared to death right now because they thought Jimoh and his men were preparing to storm another person's house again since this was how they had been operating since they started their behavior.The entire villagers could only start praying within themselves to not be the unlucky ones that would be attacked.But after listening extremely nervously for a long time, everybody gradually realized through the screams, roars, tremors, and vibrations that it doesn’t look like Jimoh was the one planning an invasion, rather, he was the one being invaded.……… Presently, inside Fabian's house, the husband and wife duo who had stayed awake through the night before finally falling asleep before dawn suddenly woke up with a start when they heard the noise and tremors coming from
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Chapter 194 - Filling Everybody With Fear
Filled to the brim with nervousness, Dave began to mutter prayers to himself hysterically for both James and his wife as he rushed forward without looking at where he was really going.The prayer he was saying for his wife was that she wouldn’t be a victim of evil, while the prayer he was saying for James was that he wouldn’t be harmed and be able to escape without getting hurt.Although he doesn’t have any hope left within him that James would be able to survive the present ordeal, he still prayed with everything he has to heaven.The closer Dave got closer to the place, the louder the scream he heard became.In no time, his eardrums were already about to burst with the roars of commotion entering them.With his heart about you burst out of his chest, Dave added more strength to his feet and ran with everything he could before he finally got to the location after several more minutes.“THE SAVIOR IS ONE OF US!!!”This was what Dave met coming out of the villagers that flooded
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Chapter 195 - The Courageous Jimoh
Presently, all the previous fear within Jimoh had disappeared completely and could no longer be felt.He could be seen now gazing gloatingly at James as James continued sending his men flying one after the other, then he recalled what his boss said to him the other time which was exactly what he wanted.Earlier, before his boss picked up the call, Jimoh had thought he would want to come to check things himself, but thankfully for him, his boss doesn’t speak of anything like that.What his boss said was for him to hide himself and make sure to keep himself safe and sound for the time being, that he would send over some security personnel to come put everything to order.‘How dare you bastard try to cause issues for me?!!’ Jimoh mocked coldly Inside his mind.If before, he was said to be scared to death, right now, he was filled to the brim with courage.With that, Jimoh suddenly cried out ferociously, startling everybody, James included“YOU BASTARD, THERE IS STILL TIM
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Chapter 196 - The Return Of A Hero
At this moment, the mouths of everybody behind James' could be seen hanging open.Before now, they were still wondering when they offended the devil before them within themselves, never had they thought that it was actually their boss that went beyond his power to seek for the demon’s anger.Slowly, every one of them couldn’t help but turn their heads in unison to glare ferociously at the sissy they call boss, but knowing they couldn’t do a single thing to him, they remained still.As for Jimoh, he didn’t notice the gaze being given to him by his minions right now, because his heart was currently at the top of his throat, and the sweat that had long dried rushed back again with full force.He started racking his brain forcefully to remember when he had ever touched anybody that resembles a young master or had an aura of someone important with them.But no matter how much he thinks or tried his best to remember, he had never touched anybody he wasn’t certain he could destroy
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Chapter 197 - The Evil Village's Chief
The engine's roar had begun from several distances away, then surrounding the village from the outer section, they approached its center, leaving not a single blind spot behind uncovered.Nobody needed to be told that the sound they were hearing belongs to aircraft.Had this sound been heard in the past, when Jimoh and his men had not invaded the village, all the children would have jumped out of their respective homes by now. Running and screaming hysterically with joy after the choppers because things like that were only seen once in every blue moon in the village.In fact, only a few of the village’s citizens had seen an aircraft from a close view before, so because of this, they were always excited to their core every time they saw one flying in the past.Unfortunately for them, that was now in the past that felt too luxurious for everybody to remember.Presently, the place has turned completely quiet as everybody watched with paled faces as the choppers flying aimles
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Chapter 198 - The Evil Village's Chief 2
“My Lord, we… we are very sorry for making your esteem self stress yourself. We… we deserved to be killed and fed to your Highness’s dogs!!” The men hurriedly uttered docilely and respectfully, acting exactly like how the slaves of the stone age behaved. Poor them, these men were not slaves from the beginning and were in fact, citizens of Ado village, but because of their bad luck, the village’s Chief fancied their wives, so he abducted them and enslaved them, the husbands because it gave him a sort of unexplainable joy.Upon hearing what his slaves uttered, the old man’s face became filled to the brim with disgust, then he spat again.“You disgusting things wanted to be fed to my dogs?!”The men immediately shivered when they heard this, then they swallowed hard.Just as they were thinking with the speed of light within themselves the sort of response they should give, the old man continued disdainfully.“You all are unworthy of the favor…”Hearing this, the men immediately
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Chapter 199 - Who Is The Teacher?!
At this moment, everybody has become petrified to their core.Nobody was expecting this sudden change of event at all.This included the people within the choppers and the ones below.What they just heard came too suddenly for them and made everyone apart from James turn utterly confused.As for James, what he was feeling right now was an intense shock.Of cause, he also heard the voice that just sounded from within the chopper.But that wasn’t the reason behind his shock.What really flabbergasted James right now was that he actually knew the owner of the urgent voice that just sounded, and he couldn’t understand what the person could be doing in his village.While he was busy thinking things, trying to comprehend and understand what the owner of the voice was doing in the Village, the choppers slowly and steadily landed several meters behind the crowd.As for Jimoh who was still being grasped tightly in James' captive, he was already about to freeze to death at this moment
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Chapter 200 - The Hypocrites
At this moment, apart from the cops that were still busy looking around in case of hidden threats and the old man who was still rushing forward, the entire place is completely motionless.The hearts of everybody in the crowd were thundering hysterically in their chests as they watched the old man who was almost reaching them.But contrary to their expectation and hidden wishes, the old man doesn't stop nor slow down after reaching them at all. Rather, he instantly wheezed passed them and rushed toward the staircase that led to Jimoh's base.Tge moment everybody saw this, a scary thought hit them very hard.‘Was… was he truly the teacher?!’Everybody began to tremble again, but this time, with a fear that was several times more than the earlier one.Everybody knew exactly what it means for Jimoh to be an influential person’s teacher, and that was; including the rats and dogs within the Village, all would be doomed.This was especially so for them that supported James.Just
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