All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
271 chapters
Chapter 201 - The Change In Situation
The voice was so fear-inducing that everybody there, irrespective of their age and gender instantly became scared to death.After the cry, James suddenly lunged from the top of the fortress which was quite high, and landed heavily on the ground.His landing was very steady that one would have thought that there had been some sort of high-level magnet which could stick to a normal floor below his shoes if they were in their right senses at this moment.As for Jimoh.The moment he realized that he has been released, he felt something extremely heavy lifted off his head.It was as if he was just released from the claw of a grim reaper.With his body completely covered with sweat, Jimoh immediately wanted to run for his life, but the next moment, he became scared to death.No matter how much he moved his legs, they refused to budge.This wasn’t because of fear, lack of courage, or anything caused by him.Realizing this, Jimoh started shivering all over.As for Rex Magnu
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Chapter 202 - Arresting The Village Chief
Feeling utterly lost at what was going on, the village Chief abruptly found himself flying in their air without any support whatsoever.Everything had only happened like flashes in his eyes, so he couldn't help but still be filled with nothing apart from the fact that he knew he was now flying, and that too, because of how light weighted his body has became and the wind rushing past his nostrils and ears.Instantly, he became utterly shocked, then gazing down, he became horrified to the core.Just as his heart was about to reach his throat and probably fly out of his mouth next, the law of gravity came to pass.It was as if there was a magnet on the ground, the old man suddenly found himself being pulled with full force towards the mother earth.“YEHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”As if he was an injured beast who was about to die, a roar that spread far into the distance escaped his mouth. But unfortunately for him, nobody pitied him at all.Even as he trashed on the floor, fill
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Chapter 203 - Apprehending Jimoh (i)
Presently, Sharon could be seen busily giving James a complicated gaze which was noticed by James noticed, but he decided not to react to it.After a while, she sighed softly to herself.‘So I was really the one at wrong,’ then she gazed at the last person she was investigating with a thoughtful expression on her face.After everything she has heard, she already realized that to these villagers, James was an angel who suddenly arrive to save them from a drowning ship.At first, she thought they had said everything because of fear or threat, but after seeing the deep respect they have for James in their eyes, she realized that they meant everything they said.…...Back to James.While Sharon was busily taking notes of what she was hearing, he was busily being lectured by his Aunty, and his ears were currently about to get filled with her words.“What would I have done if something happened to you, hun?!” With a sour expression on her face, Aunty Sally chastised James
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Chapter 204 - Apprehending Jimoh (ii) & The Fortress Finale (i)
Forcing out coldly from her mouth, Sharon suddenly flashed toward Jimoh as if she suddenly gained an unexpected speed, the out of everybody’s thought and expectation, the beautiful Sharon who looked like a composed maiden threw away her elegance to the drain, shooting out of one her legs and kicking Jimoh like a ball into the distance.Thankfully that the fortress top was quite wide, or else, Jimoh would have fallen to the ground due to the kick, and it would definitely have resorted to his death and his body broken beyond recognition.After flying like a javelin that was thrown by a sportsman with all his strength, Jimoh finally landed with a boom after a while, he finally landed with a boom on the fortress with several bones directly breaking from his body.Instantly, an indignant roar filled to the brim with torturous pain left his mouth, making him sound like a wounded beast who was about to die from the wound.Witnessing all this unfold, the crowd couldn’t even react a
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Chapter 205 - The Fortress Finale ii (The Hero)
Right now, the order which Sharon wanted to give her guys has become stuck in her throat.Of cause, it was because she has now known the enormous identity held by the old man before her.And apart from that, she still held a huge gratitude for the old man because if not for him who spoke on her behalf to her boss, she would have still been stuck to her job as an ordinary traffic officer which she felt sucked so much and was filled with boredom.Because of these two reasons, she couldn’t ignore the old man who was so adamant about protecting James.She understood well that since the old man has willed it, not even the king of their city could go against it, due to the identity he held.Looking pitifully at him, she finally couldn’t help but voice out.“But sir… he… he is a criminal.”The moment Idowu heard this, an intense chill drilled out of his eyes and bored heavily into Sharon’s body.Raising a trembling finger, he pointed angrily and spat forcefully. “How… how da
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Chapter 206 - The Mechanism
“SHAMELESS!!!!” “WHAT A USELESS GROUP OF PEOPLE?!!” “BETRAYALS!!!!” “ANIMALS!!” “HOW COULD YOU BE LIKE THIS?!!!” Aunty Sally's siblings weren’t able to react at all when they saw the crazed expressions on the crowd’s faces. They had never expected something like this at all which startled the good life out of them. Stupid them, they hadn’t read through the emotions and atmosphere Aunty Sally had built within the villagers, so they simply had thought they could still turn everybody’s back on James and his aunty again. Witnessing what was going on, Aunty Sally couldn’t help but shake her head emotionally, but upon thinking of the fact that these people had only been doing everything that jeopardize her family she chose to ignore them. Honestly, if someone was to say she didn’t care, that was a great lie. She does care a lot, and it always affects her that her family does not like her, but thankfully she has realized that these people's attitude towards her family would never ge
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Chapter 207 - This Person Is Too Scary!
Everybody’s footsteps immediately stopped in their tracks the moment they heard this rude voice, then subconsciously, they all turned in the direction of the speaker.As for James, his Aunty, and Uncle Sally, the moment they realized who the speaker is, they became furious.Completely and utterly furious.“Could you guys be still more shameless than this?! Can’t… can’t you all just be a little shameful of yourselves?!”It was Aunty Sally that was already completely fed up from frustration and disappointment that sighed this while pointing extremely frantically at her siblings.When her siblings, especially the man who spoke not long ago felt the deep furiousness in their sister, the man showed an oblivious expression on his face, then he touched his chest.“I, how was I being shameless?”With this, Aunty Sally lost all hope completely.Honestly, who wouldn’t have a tiny hope in them that one day, they would be accepted by their families even if they were hated to death by them
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Chapter 208 - The Punishment
When they felt the crowd's great changes, Aunty Sally's siblings instantly let out secrete sighs of relief, especially the person that caused all this, as he realized he has finally successfully changed everybody’s mind and thought, then with this, he became more daring as he glanced back a James.“Do you see that… everybody already knows your secret and evil agenda!”He spelled it clearly with pride visible on his face and his voice.Instead of becoming angry or speechless at this, James only smiled strangely.But before he could open his mouth to speak, three people already beat him to it.“How could you be this evil… sowing seeds of hatred?!”“Could you just shut up already and go hide your shameless face somewhere?”“Aren't you people overestimating yourselves a little too much… what would my teacher even do with this little village that isn’t worth a shut?!”Although these questions sounded in unison, everybody surprisingly heard loudly and clearly.The three that just
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Chapter 209 - The Secret 1
The first thing Aunty Sally and her husband did upon returning home was to go check on their son, and the moment they saw that he was still sleeping peacefully, they became relieved, but to be honest, there was a ting on concern on their faces because they felt that their son has been sleeping for way too long than normal.Thankfully, James was there to calm them down and explain to them that their son was only sleeping this long because he was getting healed.After then, the remaining traces of concern disappeared and Aunty Sally arranged a place for the skeleton-like men to stay.At this moment, James and Idowu were attending to these men in the room given to them.Right now, the old man; Idowu, James' first student could be seen grinning from ear to ear as he followed the instructions given to him by James.He felt extremely gratified to Jimoh for causing the trouble he caused and calling for him.He also felt extremely thankful that he had chosen to come to check things hi
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Chapter 210 - The Secret 2
The moment Dave's question sounded, the bedroom descended into a deep silence for a long time before finally, Aunty Sally spoke very slowly, softly, and gently, her eyes looking melancholy.“What would come would definitely come one day, and since it's here already, what can I do other than the right thing?’ she sighed emotionally after saying this then her husband swallowed hard.Knowing this isn't good at all, Dave fidgeted for a moment before he finally shuttered.“But… but that… that house was… was already been demolished.”And as he had thought, the moment his wife heard him, she became dumbfounded for a moment before her eyes widen to the fullest with shock and surprise.“The… the house has been de… de… demolished?!”This news was too sudden to her and she had never expected it.“Why… how… when?!’She stuttered, making Dave not know how to respond for a while apart from giving his wife a pitiful, caring, and love-filled gaze.“That was the first thing I noticed that
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