All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
271 chapters
CHAPTER 221 - The Rewards
Seeing the shocked gazes gaping at him and not wanting to proceed to give the exact detail about how he got his car, James could only nod his head casually to Ronald’s question, but never had he thought that this response of his would Immediately set off fireworks in the head of the entire villagers.“Wow!!! Cousin, where did you find such a huge amount of money?!”“Do you perhaps hit that thing called jackpot?!.... No… no, I heard that not even a jackpot would provide this sort of huge amount of money for someone. Did you rob a bank?!”Ronald began to ask James tons of questions with a face extremely funny to behold.It wasn’t only Ronald that was busy speculating right at this moment, but everybody in the village.‘How many years has it been since he left for the city, is this how wealth could be easily gained there?!’‘Is it that true that as long as one focuses on their studies and study hard, they would naturally be extremely wealthy?!”‘Why hadn’t I believed this
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Chapter 222 - Suspect?
Right now, the entire McDonald's has ensued with a huge uproar.All the employees could be seen running about, screaming hysterically while the customers were busily gaping with amazement as they bring out their phones to film what was going on.At least twenty police officers could be seen walking inside right now, and with the expressions on their faces, it is easier to tell that these officers weren’t there for a joke.“Where are the people in charge of this place?” The person that looked like the leader questioned coldly, looking emotionlessly at the employees staring fearfully at him.Everybody couldn’t help but start imagining what’s going on right now.Thankfully, the restaurant security officers are still in their common sense.They stepped forward vigilantly.“Great officers, please what’s the meaning of all these?”Hearing what the person said, the leader of the operation instantly glared at the Chief Security Officer.“Of course, we are here for your bosses, what
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Chapter 223 - Getting Arrested
Not knowing that her greatest fear has already been realized, that the person she feared the most in this world already know her destination, Emma is currently still glaring ferociously at the force's leader, as if the other party is a fool or a dumbo.“How could you say we kidnapped a man and tortured him?”With Emma's little hands on her tiny waist, she questioned angrily in what the crowd found extremely cute.“With how pretty and harmless I and my sisters look, how could you accuse us of victimizing people?”Seeing how courageous and cute she looks, everybody, both the ones present and the ones watching the live videos at this moment except for a person couldn’t help but nod their head at her words.Some people even started muttering behind their breaths.“What stupid law, how could such a ridiculous accusation be made?”“Are the police so blind now that they couldn’t even justify what was wrong from right?”“They even dared to accuse this little girl of being part of
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Chapter 224 - Attention Diverted As The Ladies Were Arrested
Finally, some cops members ran to the ladies and became silent, their faces turning awkward.They don’t know what to do next.Had Fiona and her group been men or some ugly ladies, the officers would have instantly happily apprehended them rudely, but as it is, even if they want to do that, they felt like they dared not.Understanding what was going on, Fiona glanced at them coldly before speaking.“You can lead the way, we will follow you.”The officers instantly became relieved when they heard this, but they knew that they must seek permission from their boss first.Just as the boss was about to allow this, the middle-aged man beside him cried out. “Don't allow these people to follow you, you don’t know them the way I do… I'm telling you now, they would run away!!!!”Hearing this, everybody's heart skipped again, and the officers, as if there had been some spell controlling them before, their hearts thundered and the spell disappeared.The leader glanced at the few femal
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Chapter 225 - A Commotion
Everybody immediately forgot their initial aim of being here in the first place as they stared with their mouths open.“Which rich person is this showing off his wealth?” Someone muttered to himself under his breath.They watched as the vehicles which were led by a supercar car entered, wondering who the people might be or who they might be looking for.It is only two people at this moment that knew the identity of the wealthy person, and the two are Shalom and Fiona.Looking at the two's faces. Although their hands were still restrained with handcuffs, the grin on their faces could not be hidden at all.Fiona was smiling in relief while Shalom wo doesn’t seem to care much at the beginning currently showing off her pearly teeth with so much joy.To be honest, she missed James so much, so the moment she sighted his car, she wanted to run to him and throw herself into his arms, but she doesn’t.She stood still in her position, watching with pure excitement.“Which s
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Chapter 226 - The Stupified Crowd
Hearing what the man in the wheelchair just said, everybody first went quiet, then their eyes and mouth became extremely wide open as if they just heard the most ridiculous thing in their lives.It wasn’t only the people present, but the people watching the live videos right now included.They couldn’t help but find it very difficult to believe that this handsome person could be so black-hearted to order someone’s limbs to be amputated.Just as the ladies within the crowd were about to ask the man in the wheelchair if he had seen wrong, they heard a tiny voice calling out gently“Brother! you are back.”Looking at the person who just spoke, everybody realized that there is no need for confirming anything again from the man in the wheelchair, as the truth is already right before them all to see, so they instantly shook their heads.‘All these wealthy people with their evil hearts,’ someone thought to himself as he watched the scene.Hearing Shalom calling out to him, J
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Chapter 227 - The Scared Cops
“I’m unfollowing that person, how dare she stop the video at the climax?”“Fuck this person!!! I hate her!!”"Damn it!! Fuck! Fuck!""How could this person be this wicked? How does she want me to live the rest of my life now, not knowing the conclusion of the interesting movie?!!!"Everywhere, people started sending curses and hateful words to the video makers, but that’s pretty much all they could do, it’s only one particular little girl alone in a room that seemed to be able to do a thing at this moment.Right now, the girl could be seen acting like an adult.Unlike earlier, she is currently seating cross-legged, her right-hand elbow on her leg, and the palm of that hand below her jaw.A thoughtful look could be seen plastered on her face as she stared at the blank iPod.She seemed not to be concerned at all by this, and rather look like someone who was too busily lost in her thought to notice the already stopped videos.Suddenly, after being in this position for a while, the
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Chapter 228 - Resolve
"Sir, I’m very sorry, sir, for the inconvenience caused by me and my men.”The police director could be seen bowing to James over and over again at this moment.Poor him.He was just in his office the other time going through some moment of meditation when he received the hospital director's call.When he saw the call, his heart skipped a bit despite not knowing what had gone wrong.And as he had expected, the moment he connected the call, what entered his ears was furious roars that almost roasted and busted his eardrums.But the shock he felt then wasn’t up to the one he experienced the instant he understood what happened.He literally jumped to his feet like a person who received an electric shock of a very high voltage.Then like someone who was being chased for his life, he ran with the speed of light, startling everyone in the station, running over to the scene to the extent that he broke the transport rules.Thankfully, nobody apart from the higher-ups could arrest him
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Chapter 229 - The Frustrated James
Looking at Emma who is currently gazing thoughtfully at James with her hand on her chin, James realized he has gotten himself in some sort of scheme.Helplessly, he could only shake his head and decided to leave her be for now.He glanced at Fiona who instantly shifted her gaze away from his, but he doesn’t notice this.“Bo…” James abruptly stopped himself from finishing this as he remembered their discussion on that night.“Fiona.”Hearing this, the heart of Fiona who was presently sulking at James trembled slightly.Then instantly, a great joy and sweetness blossom in her mind as she heard her name which sounded so deep, nice, and… and….Suddenly, she shook her head frantically. Blaming herself for thinking what she shouldn’t be thinking.“Yes,” she responded before turning her gaze back at James, but upon seeing his eyes that are still staring softly into hers, her heart skipped a bit, but she held the gaze, not wanting to give anything away.By this time, James al
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Chapter 230 - Final Resolve
Seeing the current look of James, everybody began to pity him.His mouth was trembling slowly as he watched the unreasonable Emma speechlessly, not knowing what to make of her.“Are you going to give me my car or not?” Without having any intention of giving in or pitying James, Emma questioned again, but unfortunately for her, James still doesn’t know what to say.To be honest, it wasn’t that he couldn’t give Emma the car.Worst come to worst, he would just go buy another one, but the matter is that he has already fallen in love with this particular car, and he couldn’t bare to give it away, so here he is.Completely tired of her nagging, James could only glance around for help, but it seems that everybody is scared of this little girl or they don't want to get involved.Suddenly, James looked at Emma, then his brain clicked.Before he could think, a wide grin slowly crept over his face.Seeing this, Emma's heart skipped a bit.‘Why does that smile look scary?’ She thought dr
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