All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
271 chapters
Chapter 231 - A Week Later
After returning to Port City and settling what needed to be settled, things pretty much returned to normal.James enrolled Ronald into Dee University, while Emma and Fiona resumed their work, with business booming even more than in the past, the opposite of what the competitor wished to achieve.With James, Fiona informed him of their departure from Dragon Estate, which James refused to Emma's excitement.And with the addition of Ronald, James’ villa became lively, but not crowded in the least.Being someone from the Village who had never been to the city before, the first day of Ronald in Dragon Estate was really a day to remember.Ronald was totally amazed to the extent that he couldn’t react for more than a day when he first sighted the otherworldly look of heaven.After that, he started acting as if he was in some sort of sacred place, making sure not to leave a single speck of dirt anywhere and to always leave everything he touches in complete orderliness.Well, that wa
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Chapter 232 - The Figure's Identity
…….(A particular day four years ago.)It was one of the memories James would never forget in his life.Being a new student who has absolutely no one, James was only strolling around casually on one faithful day when he came across this place.Further ahead was a river that has beautiful scenery around it.This was what pulled James toward the river back then, especially when he saw the huge moon that hung over the sky that evening.The moon cast its light on the river and its surrounding then, which made it into a sight he couldn’t look or move away from.It was when James got there he suddenly saw the figure.It was a back that looked so lonely.The person stood there, looking pitiful as if she would fall at any moment.Although James doesn’t know what she was passing through, he knew it definitely shouldn’t be ordinary.The back looked like that of someone carrying the entire world on her head.That was the first time James felt a tug of a string on his heart.He had be
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Chapter 233 - Was It You?
Still inside the woods at the back of the school.Two people were currently gazing into each other's eyes blankly, each person with their thought.Unlike then, when she covered her face, Ruby's face was completely out to see right now, with no covering whatsoever.Standing under the moonlight, she resembles a goddess, especially with the present look on her face.It contains a bit of embarrassment, love-struck, and nervousness.“Was it you?”Ruby's heart suddenly thundered when she heard this.Of course, she knew what James was asking her, but she doesn’t know whether to reply or not.To be honest, right now, Ruby wants nothing more than to jump into James' arms, but thinking of the past few days, she hesitated greatly.‘What if he has already fallen in love with that girl?’‘What if he hates me because of it?’‘Wouldn’t it make him know how broken I am?’Many thoughts began to swirl in her head, which made her remain silent and unable to utter a single word.She just con
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Chapter 234 - Getting Caught
Still inside the wood at the back of the school.Not knowing that people are already searching for them, Ruby and James were presently utterly lost in their little worlds.Right now, the duo was completely drenched from head to toe, but they don’t seem to notice at all, rather, they were cuddled into each other as they reminisce the past.Both seated on the fallen dried leaves and twigs, Ruby’s head could be seen laid on James’ shoulder, her face filled to the brim with happiness.“Yes, it was me,” she responded for the umpteenth time that night.“Wow!” James exclaimed unconsciously again, his face filled to the brim with confusion, and… and, a massive amount of love.He tried not to ask, but after a while, his curiosity got over him.“But why? Why did you… did you…”The question got stuck in his throat as he reached the point of asking, but Ruby who knew what he was going to ask smiled slightly.“Why was I going to get myself killed was what you were going to ask, righ
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Chapter 235 - The Jealous Duo
The moment Ruby saw Jessica, a bright smile appeared on her face even before she could control herself.Then like a little girl who was trying to show off that she has ended up getting what she and the other party were fighting each other to get, her hand snacked toward James’, to James' shock, she interlocked their hands together.Although this movement was small and should have gone unnoticed, the two ladies were still gaping at them right now, so they naturally saw what just transpired.In the next moment, both Jessica and May became dumbfounded, then before they could react and as if they were sharing the same mind, both Jessica and May covered their mouths with one hand while pointing at both Ruby and James with the other.“You… you… you two.”They both stuttered as if they just saw the most shocking scene in their life.“How… how is this possible?”Jessica added.Seeing them like this, Ruby became filled to the brim with pride and she pushed her chest forward as
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Chapter 236 - The Chaos caused By The News
Throughout the rest of that evening, although nobody told nobody about what happened, the gossip about James and Ruby becoming a couple didn’t stop in their classroom.In fact, nobody in the class needed to be told, as all it took was a single glance at the duo of James and Ruby as soon as they entered.Everybody was shocked to their core at first glance, that they completely forgot about the lecturer who was teaching them.Then immediately after, they began to jubilate on Ruby’s behalf, gossiping and celebrating about how lucky she is.Apart from that, the ladies became filled to the brim with envy and more than half of them immediately began to cry, bemoaning about the huge loss.But after a while, they realized that it was only a great beauty, the like of Ruby does James deserve.While at that, someone posted on the school platform to share the good news, and in the blink of an eye, the school platform that initially only has a few people making fun of each other becam
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Chapter 237 - The Day Arriving Faster Than Expected
In the meantime while James was going home and Ruby was been driven by May.In a mansion located in Port City.Initially, the place was extremely silent and fully lit as it usually was in the past.But the only thing that has changed now was that Ruby’s mother, along with the maid could be seen working tirelessly in the huge kitchen located in the huge villa.“Please check that pudding if it’s done.”The elegant woman, Ruby’s mother could be heard saying to the maid while tasting one of the things she was cooking.Upon hearing what she said, the maid quickly forced herself to return to her senses, then giving the elegant woman one last gaze filled to the brim with disbelief, she quickly went to do the task assigned to her.But while she was going, she couldn’t help but recall her master of the past and compare her to the current one.“Wow!”She sighed inaudibly to herself with her eyes shining brightly.“I love the mood in the house now much more than the creepy and dark
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Chapter 238 - Fiona And Emma’s Fear
Without knowing anything nor having a single idea about anything whatsoever, James could be seen driving his supercar in absolute silence at the moment.Gazing gently at him, Shalom shook her head for the umpteenth time that night.To her, it was as though Alex has gone crazy as he had just been smiling foolishly to himself since he entered the car.‘Was it because of the girlfriend he got or something else?’With nothing but confusion, she thought to herself.But the more she thought, the more headache she felt, giving her no other choice but to forcefully move her mind to other things.With that, James’ daydreaming or was it nightdreaming? And Shalom thinking about life and school, the duo finally reached Dragon Estate.Only God knew how James got to his destination as it was as Shalom had thought.His mind hadn’t even been on the road or the fact that he was driving at all, and everything he had done from the beginning till now was all instinctively.Back to Shalom, s
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Chapter 239 - The Fight For Escape
Presently, Ruby could be seen standing dumbfounded with her mouth and eyes wide open as she gaped at the weird-looking people surrounding her mother.Looking at her mother sobbing so badly, her heart thundered greatly in her chest to the extent that one would think it was trying to escape from it.Behind her, and currently trying to stay in front of her was May whose face was so pale right now.She was not only filled to the brim with fear but her body was covered completely with visible goosebumps that one would think she had been thrown into a refrigerator hours ago.‘Who are these people?’May’s heart also trembled in her chest, but she dared not speak, as it wasn’t in her place to do so.But If anything at the moment, it was regret.She was filled with regret for listening to Ruby’s urge to return home.‘I should have called to confirm!’‘I should have known that something was wrong!’‘Now, it looks like I’ve placed her life in jeopardy.’Just as she was busily th
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Chapter 240 - Escaping
“Bastard! Even if it was just a single strand of hair that was touched on my daughter, I will fight it to the end of the world with you!”With her eyes completely red and her body oozing out strong killing intents that made most of the people in the kitchen shiver, Ruby’s mother threatened ferociously.Poor thing.Some moments ago, after she realized that some people had been sent after her daughter, Ruby’s mother did everything in her capacity to save her daughter, alas, it was all for nothing.Had it been in the past, when she was still very powerful, it would have been a piece of cake for her to settle everybody with just a single attack, but right now, she was only slightly better than an ordinary mortal.Just as she finished roaring this thunderously, she abruptly pushed out a palm and sent one of the remaining people surrounding her flying, but before she could even think of escaping at all, five different attacks already hit her from all sides, sending her also flyin
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