All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
271 chapters
Chapter 241 - The System Frustrating James to Death
“Fourth Bro, when are you celebrating this huge, good news for us?” James, who was cooped up in his room and hadn’t even reacted to any of Emma’s shouts could be seen on the phone right now, and from the phone, three excited voices could be heard speaking in unison. “Fourth bro, you are a bad boy. How did you achieve this huge feat!” “Fourth bro, how could you have left out your bros when it comes to such shocking news? You could have at least given us a heads-up in the first place so that I could use it to show off to those frogs in my class.” One after the other, James’ three brothers continued to thunder in his ears, even more excited than he was himself. It was not long ago, when he was still busily thinking about how he would face Fiona that he received the call, which instantly made him forget all the complicated thoughts that previously filled him. After a while, he finally had the opportunity to speak. “Okay… okay. How about I take you and my girlfriend out this week?”
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Chapter 242 - Found
“Where the fuck is that shitty blood?”Presently, all the area near Ruby’s house has been dissected and checked inch by inch, but no, neither May nor Ruby has been found at all.They’d been into this since more than twenty minutes ago, and thanks to the fact that they are cultivators, nothing around their area of observation was able to go beyond their notice. Also, they were able to search a large area in a short time.It was also mainly because of these two reasons that they were frustrated when they didn’t see who they were searching for. “I refuse to believe that shitty blood common mortal was able to leave this place that fast. She must still be around and was only able to dodge our search,” the elder Garri shook his head furiously but the expression on his face already shows how extraordinarily furious he is right now. “Continue searching.” He spat, to the others’ helplessness. But when the old woman in the group heard this, she gave Ruby’s mother who was still unconscious a
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Chapter 243 - James’ Arrival
Several moments ago, after Ruby successfully escaped with May, she started finding ways to get off the estate ground so that she could rush to the police station to file a report. Alas, she quickly became weak. That’s right. It must be known that Ruby was just an ordinary mortal who had never cultivated before, so, apart from being emotionally stressed and damaged right now, she was already physically weak, not even when she was carrying May.Soon, she realized that she definitely wouldn’t be able to make it out of the woods if care wasn't taken, especially when she started hearing the approaching footsteps behind her.She quickly found the best spot to hide and hid there. She was almost out of her wit when the group of people stopped near her hiding place. She thought she had been found out and had almost given up hope, but due to some reasons that weren’t known to her, she wasn’t found, but that doesn’t mean she was happy or relieved, no. Rather, she became even sadder and scare
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Chapter 244 - The Three’s Doom 
Of all the things which James had thought and expected, he had never imagined that he would meet someone he knew at a place like this, not at this time of the day, and at that; not his quiet and gentle girlfriend. He was shocked and couldn’t react for a while. His brain was busily thinking of many things at once, such as if he was sleeping, having a nightmare, if it was an illusion or many things, but the truth was already obviously present in his eyes. At the same time James was feeling and experiencing all this, Ruby was feeling and experiencing the same thing. She was the one who called James to attention and made him notice her. But before then, she had simply been confused as to what was going on when she felt the shock and fear of the people who were meant to apprehend her. It was this curiosity that led her to raise her head, which was when she saw James. But even then, she still thought she was only seeing things and refused to believe that James was truly there.
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Chapter 245 - The Unfortunate Policemen 
“Yes, I’m really here,” James said softly to Ruby, his heart clenching hard in his chest. Then gently, he crouched before her. “What happened?” He asked, but in response, Ruby suddenly went dumbfounded for a moment. “I... I don’t know,” her voice shook. “Mo... mother... my mother, she... she... she... she...” Unknowingly, tears started gushing out of her eyes, making James feel something extremely heavy rising from within his chest. “Shus...” James tried shushing her, to tell her that everything is okay now, that he was now with her, but doesn't know how to say those, not with her current attitude. It was as if she had lost it completely right now, well... because she had really already lost it completely. “My... my maid, she... she, something has also happened to her, also, also... May, May... boohoo!” With that, she suddenly broke out and began to cry really hard, making James become lost for words to say and become utterly confused. ‘What really happened?’ Fo
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Chapter 246 - A False Alarm
“This bitch!” With his legs not leaving the pedals at all, James growled darkly as he checked the fast-approaching vehicle behind him through his rear mirror. Well... it’s not that he could care more right now as he has something important to do. If it had not been that he could now mostly control his impulse and rashness, he would have already dealt heavily with Sharon. “I need to do something about this girl With this, Alex pressed the pump to the limit and no longer give a single fuck about breaking any rule whatsoever again. Very soon, he lost the vehicle tailing him to eat the dust, making Sharon frustrated to the core. “This bastard!” She suddenly shouted in the car when she realized that she could no longer see any traces of the car before her again. Without thinking anymore, she took out her radio and alerted all the cops available that a hardened criminal was currently on the loose, and that they should do everything they have to stop him. Poor James. Wi
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Chapter 247- The Police Department Apology
Having no idea that he had placed the entire police department in a difficult situation right now, James carefully treated both May and Jewel completely, and it was only after he was done does he got out of the screen.“Are there any nurses on duty?”He asked his second student who quickly responded respectfully. “Yes, teacher. There are several of them.”“Perfect then,” James wiped the beads of sweat that had appeared on his face and continued. “Could you send two of them to help me find some dresses for those ladies and to take care of them?”“I’m on it, teacher?”Although the two students were definitely curious about what had happened, they have no intention whatsoever to ask, so the second student quickly rushed off to carry off the task assigned to them by James and James finally glanced at his first student who was currently standing respectfully by the side.“How about what I ask you to learn, any progress?”“Teacher,” the old man quickly raised his head, his face
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Chapter 248 - Ruby Waking Up
“Hush!!! It’s okay, it’s okay… nothing is going to touch you,” ignoring Sharon’s words, James rushed into the screen and hugged Ruby tightly, then he started doing everything he could to calm her down.After a while, she eventually calmed down and laid her head on James’ shoulder as tears continuously cascade down her eyes.“My mother is gone,” her voice trembled as she said.But just then, as if she just recalled something very important, she sat up straight and abruptly faced James nervously.“May, where is May, she…”“She’s okay and currently receiving treatment in the bed next to yours.”“I…”Once again, tears fell from Ruby’s eyes as she recalled the condition in which May had been before she lost consciousness.“Can… can I see her?”Gazing at her gently for a few seconds, James nodded his head and carefully helped Ruby up before taking her gently to May’s bed.Watching the duo from the start, Sharon finally doesn’t know what to say again at the moment.Everything she
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Chapter 249 - James’ Choice
Seeing the concerned look of the good-hearted Fiona, James finally became slightly relieved, then he made a yes sound and invited Ruby inside for a seat.“Could I speak with you for a moment?”James abruptly asked Fiona who immediately nodded her head, then with James in the lead, the duo walked into one room.As for Emma, she continued glaring at Ruby for a moment before suddenly, she became curious about what James was going to say to Fiona which instantly prompted her to go eavesdrop.“She just experienced something very tragic tonight which was why I brought her here, Hope you don’t mind?”This was what Emma heard the moment she neared where James and Fiona were standing.*Gazing at James’ face softly for a moment, Fiona nodded her head, and finally, she couldn’t refrain from asking the question on her mind again.“Is she really your girlfriend?”Although James already knew that this question would pop out sooner or later, he still became tensed as soon as he heard
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Chapter 250 - Investigation
Very early the next day, James woke up and together with Ruby, they went to the hospital to check on May. For some reason, Jewel had already regained a chunk of her normal brightness that morning, which James immediately knew as Fiona’s doing. Upon getting to the hospital, Ruby became utterly excited and relieved upon learning that May had regained her consciousness. Without waiting for James, she rushed to the new private ward where May had been moved. By the time James got there, Ruby was already describing to May everything that occurred since she lost consciousness the previous night. “How did you know?” May suddenly glanced at James with an expression that James had never seen on her face before. It contained gratefulness, dullness or so did James’ thought. It also contained a tinge of fear as if the recollection of what she experienced last night was a frightening nightmare. Immediately she heard the question that hadn’t crossed her mind at all before, Ruby also glanced
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