All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
271 chapters
Chapter 251 - Knowing How To Find Her Mother
“Wow! To think you are this wealthy!” Once in Dragon estate, both Ruby who had been there before and May became amazed. For Ruby, although she had been there last night and had left there this morning, last night, she had been so completely out of it that she didn’t even notice anything whatsoever until she woke up this morning, but this morning also, she had been filled to the brim with concern for May which had caused her to not notice anything. But now, the more she sees, the brighter her eyes shined and the more amazed she became, the same as May. When James saw the two beauties like this, he became filled with pride and showed them around the place. “I’ve once heard before about the heaven and earth differences between the Dragon estate and the normal world, it is truly a heaven on earth…” Ruby commented subconsciously as her eyes continued alternating between the dragon-cloud-filled sky and the glowing ground. After a moment, the group of three arrived at James’ villa, whi
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Chapter 252 - Almost Got Caught
Thanks to the system’s help which allowed them to know everything about the weird things they took from Ruby’s mansion, the diary, and stacks of books Ruby was able to find out that there was a way to get to where her mother was taken even though they don’t know the particular place as of yet, it was still a great progress.Once they got this far, James and May quickly called it a night before Ruby could continue checking.“Have you forgotten that we’re going to the capital city in a few days from now? Don’t you think it would be easy to know where to go from there instead of racking our brains now and giving ourselves unnecessary troubles?”“But what if mother was already killed before we got the…”“No, I agree with James on this.” May quickly interrupted Ruby’s words before she could finish.“With the things you said you heard from the people who abducted Aunty, I’m very certain nothing would happen to her for the time being. Also, we can’t just rush off there, right? We
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Chapter 253 - The Shameless Brothers
After not going to school the previous day due to everything that occurred that day, the craziness within Dee University’s students had calmed down greatly. Perhaps, what happened the previous day could also be said to have a positive result, as it was due to the failure of not seeing James and Ruby in school that caused all the people who had planned to question them gradually rethink things and give up. But… some people definitely have no intention of giving up, even if ten years pass. “Third brother, you didn’t come to school yesterday so that you would not fulfill your promise to us, right?” As soon as it was launch break, before James could think of what to do, three young men, two of whom only seemed to be older than James by one and two years walked into James’ classroom, taking James by surprise. He doesn’t even need to raise his head to realize the owner of the voice that had just spoken. “Second brother, I wouldn’t do something like that, you know.” “No, second brother
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Chapter 254 - James' Confusion & Shock
Amongst the welcome gifts was a necklace with a few diamonds embedded in it which absolutely cost several thousands of dollars, a set of bangles cast from an authentic jade, and a small picture frame that contained James and Ruby.“Er!!!”James was stupefied the moment he saw the frame, and all the shock he had felt about the other expensive gifts disappeared.‘When and where did they get that picture of me? Also, when have I ever taken a picture with Ruby before?’It wasn’t only James that was shocked right now, but everybody in the classroom, especially Ruby and May.“Wow!!! Wasn’t that the clothes he wore on the class rep’s birthday? I didn’t know they both took a picture together?”“Oh!!?”James’ eyes abruptly widened the moment he heard this, then he started studying the picture which contained a handsome young man dressed from head to toe in black, standing beside an extraordinarily and gorgeously beautiful goddess, who was dressed in a blue evening gown and has her
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Chapter 255 - The Embarrassed James
“Hahaha, how could that have even been possible?”Inside a fabulous and elegant private dining room, four men and two women were seated round a table of feast, and right now, the two women were laughing happily at something they just heard.“Of course, it was real. How I wish you guys had been there to witness the third brother then. He was like a big fool, hahaha!!!”The first brother laughed excitedly, resembling the big fool he was talking about.As for James, he had been about to die from embarrassment since they entered the private dining room earlier, but what could he do other than shamelessly eat his meal and listen to his greatest embarrassment being discussed and made fun of?“Oh, James!!! To think you had those sorts of periods in your life! I always took you for an ever-serious guy! Hahaha!”It was May who had lost most of her composure that laughed this.Ruby was still trying to do everything to maintain her composure and not to put James in an awkward position, bu
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Chapter 256 - Three Additional Members
“Third brother, you sure you don’t have a vacant room for your first brother? I wouldn’t mind even if it was very little and not furnished?”“Fuck you first brother! What do you mean by having a vacant room for you?”“My best brother, this second brother does not mind even if it’s the garage, as long as I get to enter the house and show off to girls that I live here, I would be okay.”“Duh… look at you all. Third brother, you know that this brother is the youngest and deserves to be taken care of the most, even by you, right? That bed of yours is too large, I say, what if I move in with you and we share it?”“Shameless, third brother, don’t mind him.”“Third brother, remember how we were back in the day, Don’t let these two shameless strangers get between us.”*Immediately they were done discussing the huge changes in his brothers which weren’t really changes, as that was who they had been all their lives, from wealthy families, it was time for the three brothers to return to
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Chapter 257 - The Mission That Spoiled James’ Fun
“Mother, is this the backwater two where that stupid Emma is now?”Within a street in Port City, a beautiful little loli who was dressed in a cute gown and holding a little doll, appearing to be very curious about everything suddenly raised her head and gazed seriously at an elegant woman beside her, whose hand she was holding as they transverse the street of the city.“Yes, daughter. This is where the stupid Emma is.”“Yah!!!” The little girl immediately became obviously excited and instantly became cute, garnering all sorts of heart-filled gazes from most of the ladies passing by.“Am I going to be allowed to play with her to my heart's content?”After the little girl was done expressing her joy, she gazed hopefully at her mother again.But in response, her beautiful mother gave her a knowing smile.“Of course…”“Yah!! Mother is the best!!”The little girl once again started jumping about excitedly.“That was if you hadn’t said anything to your father.”“Hun?”The little
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Chapter 258 - The Ugly Creatures In Human Skins
“Have you seen Emma?”“No, big sister Fiona. I haven’t seen her in a while now.”“Oh… where could this little girl have gone again?”“Perhaps, she has gone into hiding to stuff herself with snacks again.”Inside the manager's office within McDonald’s restaurant which had become several times larger than it had been in the past, Fiona, Shalom, and the initial manager there could be seen now.The previous manager was working on some paperwork on the desk while Shalom was typing something into a laptop before her when Fiona entered to ask about Emma’s whereabouts.But since that was how Emma constantly disappeared, running off into hiding to fill herself with snacks, especially every time there were tons of workloads available to do, Fiona shook her head helplessly and decided not to bother about her again.“Please help me tell her to come meet me in the kitchen whenever she returns, there is something serious we need to discuss.”“Yes, big sister Fiona.” The two ladies uttered r
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Chapter 259 - The Epic Battle & Duping The Poor Policewoman
The battle was so intense that it lasted for over two hours.Although James refused to admit it to himself, ever since he became powerful, even before he became powerful and only had a few tricks off his sleeves, he had never met an enemy or opponent he wasn’t able to handle or finish with just a single attack before.Apart from the disgusting opponent being very powerful, its life was quite hard, like a cockroach.No matter how much James beat it away or attacked it, it just wouldn’t die and rather rush back at him at full speed again and again.At first, James was completely influenced by his death god’s aura, attacking with everything he had due to anger when he realized what was about to happen to Shalom. But soon, he realized to his shock how crazily difficult the opponent this time around was.‘System, what the hell is this thing?’James asked this when the fight was still so intense, but the system only told him to quickly finish the enemy soon, or else, it would only bec
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Chapter 260 - Settled
For the first time since James knew Emma, he finally learned about her background and the story behind why she was living with Fiona.“Does Fiona know about this?”Still within the building’s fallen debris, James whose emotion was extremely dull right now couldn’t help but ask.But in response, Emma whose eyes had already turned crimson red, and whose face still had the result of having been crying, shook her head.“No. For some reason, I completely forgot about the memories of everything I’ve experienced after escaping, until today.”James’ frown intensified once he heard this.It wasn’t difficult for him to understand that Emma’s memories had clearly been tampered with.“Those demons.”Sharon who had likewise heard Emma’s stories couldn’t help but abruptly grit her teeth against each other, her eyes flashing ferociously with killing intent.She had thought she knew most of all the evil things that had happened or could happen in this world, but eating human beings' bo
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