All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
271 chapters
Chapter 261 - The Super Caring Fiona
“You little brat, where have you been? Do you know how worried I’ve been?”As soon as they returned to McDonald’s restaurant, Fiona who was already waiting outside, completely nervous and out of it started bombarding Emma with questions.But in response, the still-excited Emma only jumped out of the car, and in the subsequent moment, she embraced Fiona tightly, making the words that the nervous and angered-filled Fiona was about to say become stuck in her throat. She became stomped.“Big sister Fiona, I thought I wouldn’t be seeing you again!!!”James, “_”Sharon, “_”Subconsciously, the two immediately exchanged gazes and shook their heads helplessly.‘After telling this girl not to talk about her experience with anybody, especially Fiona, with how extra worried she could be…’James massaged his temple as he felt a great headache coming.And as he had expected, as soon as Fiona heard Emma’s words and the tone with which she had spoken, her eyes widened and in the next second
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Chapter 262 - Getting An Airplane As An Appreciation Gift
A little bit later, after Emma and Fiona returned, with Emma now dressed beautifully as if she was going to a husband’s house, or was going out on a date with her newfound crush, a long convoy of expensive and exotic vehicles arrived. At that moment, everybody in the restaurant had been utterly alerted by this arrival of vehicles, and they all had streamed out to witness the big person that had arrived. It was an old man, a business tycoon who was well-known by everybody in the world. Everybody had been utterly amazed and flabbergasted when they knew the old man’s identity, and they had all been tempted to the core to take out their phones and video the person, but they knew they all dared not to do that unless, of course, they aren’t scared for their lives. As for James. At first, he was speechless, wondering why Emma’s father was such a showoff, that he actually brought along such a huge number of vehicles just because he was going to meet his long lost daughter, but when he lea
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Chapter 263 - Leaving For The Capital City
After that day, life resumed a predominantly tranquility for James and his now-huge household. His three brothers still live with him, obviously without feeling bad at all, not even in the least. His girlfriend and May were also still sleeping in his villa in Dragon Estate, and likewise were Fiona and Emma who had now taken her role as James’ little sister very seriously, but in a more sensitive way. Like how a normal person with a happy life lives, everyday, James’ and the guys' meals were always already ready by the time they woke up, and once everybody had their meals, the limousine which hadn’t returned to where it came from since the day it arrived would take them all to their places. In school, James and his girlfriend still sit in their positions beside each other, and because the ladies have now made up their minds not to disturb him again, James’ life in school is now also extremely great, especially since Jessica has been nowhere to be found since the night James and Ruby
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Chapter 264 - A Calm Before The Storm
After what occurred at and near Ruby’s house several weeks ago, the people sent from the twelve great orders in the capital city finally had a lead for the first time to the investigation that had felt like a dead end to them.Before any cops or any third party got there, they were already there to check things by themselves, and since it was a privately owned estate, it didn’t take long for them to bring out all sorts of files concerning Ruby and her household.With the help of the police department's database and crime record, they quickly knew that James had been chased from the place which prompted them to investigate James.From there, two and two became four, and it wasn’t long before they knew that James had been arrested as a suspect for the crime that had initially led them to Port City.With the narrowed-down investigation and a prospective suspect in sight, all sorts of investigations on James began to be carried out, such as how he lived previously, and what sort
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Chapter 265 - A Calm Before The Storm (ii)
Not long later, James’ airplane finally descended, much to the ladies and the guys, apart from James’ unwillingness and unhappiness.Once out of the airplane, there was already a limousine which was sent by Emma’s father waiting for the group to board.Everything was extremely lively due to the incoming competition, and neither James nor his group, including those in the Capital City, knew that right now, there was a strong storm brewing underneath the façade of liveliness.Before James and his group got respectfully invited into the limousine, they were drawn by the lively atmosphere of the airport.The streaming in crowds of people and the nonstop airplanes descending and taking off.At first, James and his group, excluding James’ brothers thought that it was always this lively because of it being the capital city. It wasn't until later, when they discovered the extremely heavy traffic jams did they learned from James’ brothers, who smugly told them that everything was l
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Chapter 266 - A Calm Before The Storm (iii)
No longer after James finished showing in the luxurious bathroom, a maid knocked on his bedroom door to call him for a meal, and that meal was ready.As soon as James got to the dining area, he realized that everybody was already there, waiting for him.With his arrival, the delicacies were served, and everybody ate to their fill and contentment, enjoying themselves to the peak. This included Ruby, whose face still hadn’t eased up when James arrived.Once they had their meals, they were shown around the mansion, and later, they all retired to the gigantic seating room to discuss their next plans.A little while later, Emma’s father arrived, but as soon as Emma and James, even those who hadn’t seen him the last time saw him, they were flabbergasted and confused.If the last time they saw the man, he was merely an Old Man whom nobody would know that it was stress that caused his agedness, now, his face was completely wrinkled and his dressing was entirely messed up.Gazing at
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Chapter 267 - The First Day of Competition
James’ brothers didn’t come back that day. It was until the following morning they returned, each in their luxurious vehicles with their drivers, and dressed handsomely in sleek clothes, shocking not only James but his cousin and the ladies as well.Apart from these new images of them which took a long time for James and the rest to accept and process, their attitudes became those of young masters from influential families.Well… all the images soon came crumbling down as soon as they were all alone. They all reverted to how James knew them, his shameless brothers.These sudden transformations were hard for not just James to comprehend, but everybody who knew his three brothers.“What were all those about?”This was James’ first question as soon as he returned to his senses.“That was why I ran to school in Port City, always wanting me to be who I’m not.”The first brother sighed helplessly, replying to James’ question.“The same was for me… I mean, you couldn’t even imagi
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Chapter 268 - A Disaster Waiting To Strike
The first day of the competition was extremely lively and with zero troubles for James who easily passed all the parts he joined and successfully moved to the higher level.As the competition was designed, everybody was permitted to join each of the parts they wanted, which were categorized into three. The academic, entertainment, and sports.The academic category has to do with school-related courses, debates, and so on, while the entertainment category has to do with acting, and singing; which Shalom and Regina joined and quickly became popular. Comedies, and many more. As for the sports category. It was like its name suggested.It has to do with sports; such as everything balls, running, long jump, and many more.And out of these three categories, it was surprising that James joined all.Well… not that anybody saw anything special about him on the first day, since like him, several others joined the three competition categories.But from the second day of the competit
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Chapter 269 - Shalom’s Revenge
When James and co entered the capital City, they had been unknown to anybody then, and nobody had spared them any glance, but as the competition proceeded, their fames began to soar and spread across the nation, preceding them by far.Now, they couldn’t even walk out again without bringing escorts with them, because otherwise, they would be flooded by the crazy youth fans.It got to an extent when the organizers of the competition had to create a secret pathway for James and the other black horses to pass every day.But that was all there was to it.Apart from going to the competition ground every day and returning home, James and the others have pretty much-become prisoners in the Capital City now, and even thinking about going out as ordinary people with their faces open has become a mere fantasy to them.This included James and Shalom, the biggest black horses.Yes, James was an all-rounder prodigy, which was the main reason behind his popularity, and Shalom, the quiet
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Chapter 270 - The Catastrophe Stopped Before It Stroke
Today being the last day of the competition, all the people who managed to enter the finals gave their best effort, going to extra lengths so that they could win, but no matter how much effort was put in, everybody could not have the championship position at once. That’s not possible.It would only belong to one and a few runners-up.And with not much suspense at all, James took the championship position for the three categories, shocking not just the people there, but the entire world as a whole, especially the Principal of Dee University who had thought James would never reach such a level.Not only that. Except for the two ladies who had been evicted since the second stage of the competition, all the students from Dee University had done extremely well in the competition, making the school which hadn’t been known beyond a few places previously become a world-known school in a short time.The competition was so thrilling that for years to come, it would be relayed to ev
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