All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
271 chapters
Chapter 21 - Do I Need To Beat You?
“Do you think, he would come out?” Some of the people within the crowd outside began to question themselves, their eyes starting unblinkingly towards James' classroom. Just as they were busy guessing, they saw a malnourished-looking young man strolling out from the classroom with a calm face, following behind were two people that looks like bodyguards. And behind this two were all the students in the classroom. The moment everybody from the classroom, excluding Gabs underlying saw how bustling the outside us, they couldn’t help but pause a bit, due to shock. Apart from James, his fellows' classmates' mouths were wide open at this moment, and fear could also be seen visible on their faces when they saw the men behind Gabs. To be honest, James also flinched a bit when he saw these men. His heart began to pound heavily in his chest. It must be known that James was a gentle and quiet young boy who could hardly say a word, not to talk of fighting. ‘System…. If what you said does
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Chapter 22 - Time To Work, Guys!
“Brothers, I got this, okay?” James is literally begging his brothers with his eyes at this moment, unfortunately, they do not notice, or rather, they pretended not to notice. The trio stood guard in front of James, and stared threatening at the enemies before them with eyes screaming; “Come forward if you dare.” It looks so funny at this moment, as the four, James included are like ordinary ants trying to intercept a huge boulder. Most of the crowd's eyes have begun to tear up at this moment, due to the bond and love they are witnessing. Many of them began to question themselves in their mind at this instant if they could do this thing they are witnessing. They began to question if they could do what James' friends were doing for him, were they in their shoes, or if they could have people stand up for them to this extent, were they in James' shoes. Many of them instantly knew the answer to their questions, without even asking them yet. The clear and correct answer is NO! A c
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Chapter 23 - Unexpected Change In Situation
Everybody couldn’t help but turn their heads in unison to search for the source of the voice that just spoke. The moment they saw the owner of the voice, everybody apart from James and his classmates couldn’t help but become dumbfounded ‘As expected of the second most beautiful person in the school.’ They all sighed in their minds as they stared dreamily at Ruby. The boys were feeling drawn to her beauty while the girls were enjoying her beauty. The place became completely quiet at this moment. Even Gabs that was just about to give another command couldn’t help but stare dreamily at her, while the gangsters has their mouths wide open at this moment. “Beautiful!!!!” One of the gangsters muttered unconsciously while his partners nodded affirmatively. “What is going on here?” Ruby questioned again, still in shock by what she was seeing. She and her friend had never expected to see such a scene in front of their class early this morning. “No wonder I felt that the school was
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Chapter 24 - I'm Just Searching For You, And Here You Are.
A joyous atmosphere could be felt throughout the two classes James has, as everybody was in anticipation of the birthday party they would be attending this evening. The two lecturers that taught the two classes felt this atmosphere and were also affected by it even though they don’t know what caused it. It’s only two people that were not affected by this atmosphere; James and Ruby. James was not affected by this, because he was too busy planning his day to notice, while Ruby was not affected because she was busy lost in her thought, about what transpired between her and James this morning. The moment the classes end, everybody began to plan what time they should gather at the restaurant, while James instantly escaped. ‘I will call Ayra to inform me what time they arrive,’ he thought. James does not notice the two pairs of eyes that were staring at him as he left the classroom filled with people. One was filled with yearning and affection while the other was filled with wi
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Chapter 25 - Beating Everybody At Once
The person stepped forward slowly, towards James. Unlike the previous guy that just rushed forward blindly, this person watched James' movement with full focus, not wanting to miss a thing. Although nobody wants to believe that James knew what he was doing, he'd rather take preventive measures, else, he would be like the previous guy. James only stared at this person motionlessly, his expression unreadable. If anybody could hear what James was thinking at this moment in his heart, they would have spat out thick and heavy blood. Fortunately for them, none of them have the ability. Still in shock, Sarah also continued to stare at James. She felt that there was something she missed just now when James and the previous guys were fighting. Her camera set perfectly, she turned her full focus to its scream, trying to capture everything at once. After staring at James for a minute, the guy suddenly lashed out. He threw his right hand that formed a fist toward James with full
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Chapter 26 - Know Your Enemies First, Then Yourself
James slept off like a dead fella for a while, during which he had so many nightmares, even though it was still noon. “Ngh!!!” James suddenly let out painful mourning, then his eyes snapped open. “Where am I?” He glanced around him curiously, and uncertainly. [Host's willpower is surprisingly so strong, he only lost consciousness for a while, which is very surprising!] A look of understanding finally materialized on his face, as he remembered everything that transpired earlier. He sat up straight, but that took a great toll on him, as he was still too weak. Several times weaker than his normal self. ‘System, you mentioned something about my willpower being strong, what is that?’ [Will power is like a mechanism that makes creatures be able to do something, or things they normally couldn’t, wouldn’t, or weren't supposed to do.] James, ‘_’ He kept quiet for a while, to think it through. ‘Then how was I able to make mine strong?’ The system paused a bit as if thinking of
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Chapter 27 - What Are You Doing?
“Hmmm!!!!!” In a wide lounge, a few people were standing respectfully in front of a handsome dude. This handsome boy sat comfortably on a couch, and on his face contained a playful smile as he stared at the screen of an iPad in his hand. At this moment, nobody could make a sound, scared that they would disturb this handsome dude. These people were Gabs, Sarah, and the gangsters. Sarah was currently staring lustfully at Lean as if she couldn’t wait to consume him whole. ‘HANDSOME AND WEALTHY,’ screamed her mind. She felt that she couldn’t get enough of this person, no matter how much she stared at him. “This person is not ordinary.” Lean suddenly uttered thoughtfully, but not seriously. This did not get the reaction he was expecting, so he glanced up. He could see at this moment that everybody was still staring fearfully, save from the only girl that was busy ogling him into her eyes. He gave Sarah a playful wink, and she instantly blushed. She wasn’t expecting this at al
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Chapter 28 - Could You Bring The Bill?
With her heart pounding in fear and curiosity, Fiona stared helplessly as plate after plate of snacks was brought to their table. In no time, their table became filled with plates, and two extra tables were taken to them, to put the remaining plates of snacks on. “How would we even finish this?” She felt frustrated while muttering to herself. Thankfully, she couldn’t see any fear or confusion on James' face, and what was on his face was a gentle smile, as if he knew what he was doing. This was what gave her a little bit of courage. “Dig in,” James waved to Fiona and Ella who was also busy staring at the table filled with plates in shock. Not minding, James opened a plate and was instantly met with a nice, and rounded doughnut that was heavily covered with chocolate, and grapes. He took hold of his fork, and cut just a small piece, he then gently and elegantly placed it into his mouth. The moment the doughnut entered his mouth, it melted, and James felt a great feeling hit
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Chapter 29 - Did He Just Paid $6,345.5
While waiting for the waiter to bring the bill over, nobody was in the mood to touch their snacks anymore, so they just stared down, each with their thoughts. Fiona was thinking of many things she wanted to do with the money in her account before, but couldn’t do anymore, thanks to James, while Ella was thinking of how to pack these delicious snacks with her when they are going. Only James was busy going through everything he has learned here today while comparing them to Fiona's shop, and bringing out what might be the reason for her loss of customers. “Here is your bill sir and mas.” A long thin paper strip was given respectfully to James by the water that left not long ago. He was still feeling stunned at this moment when he remembered the huge figures in the bill. ‘some people are definitely wealthy than others in this world” the waiter stared at James from head to toe “Also, people should not be judged by their appearance.” James took the bill, and instantly stared a
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Chapter 30 - I'm From A Wealthy Family
"Why have you been staring at me like this….. It’s freaking me out!!!!” James finally had no choice but to voice out helplessly. Since they left the snacks shop, Fiona and Ella have been staring at him silently, as if he was a strange and interesting beast, making James freak out. “James?!....” Fiona suddenly called out, not glancing away from his face. “ Yes, boss….” “ Did you win a lottery?” James instantly became stunned when he heard the question, he was not seeing this coming at all. Ella smiled the moment Fiona asked the question, as that was also the only conclusion she came to. “Yes, so you won the lottery, right? how much?!” She automatically took her assumption as the truth, making James not know what to say. [That’s right, does the host win a lottery?] ‘Not you again, system!!!!’ James felt like just disappearing from here at this moment and going someplace else. He wasn’t expecting this series of questions at all, and they were beyond his expectations. “
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