All Chapters of Myriad Returning System: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
271 chapters
CHAPTER 31 - Isn’t That The Manager Of This Place?
“Wow!!! I knew you would never disappoint me,” Fiona said to James happily after James had finished his explanation and analysis. “Never would I have realized that those are the reasons why we Lost all our customers,” she added with a sigh thoughtfully, her eyes looking into the space, while Ella was only sulking as she didn’t learn even a single thing while she was at the big snack shop earlier. James only smiled at this, not taking Fiona's praise nor Ella's sulkiness to heart. “What do you advise we do?” Every bit of Fiona's attention suddenly turned to James as she asked this question. This shop is her life and everything, and she might really die someday if anything was to happen to it. Although she has been acting like nothing bad has happened these past few days, she was bleeding heavily in her heart. Her mind always subconsciously think that the reason she couldn’t make any sales was that her shop's rival was more huge and had high standards compared to hers, but never h
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Chapter 32 - How Dare This Brat Disrupt The Atmosphere
(Ding……)[The host foremost has successfully transferred a business skill and strategies, you have successfully received a packed, would you love to receive?]In the taxi that was taking James to McDonald, he was suddenly awakened from his thought by the system's voice, making him instantly become excited.He began to smile sheepishly to himself.‘Receive!’[Congratulations to the host for successfully receiving the Business World Domination skill, would you like to learn?]James' expression instantly became blank when he heard of the package he just received.The last time he unconsciously taught someone how to fight, he received a fighting skill in return, and now that he taught Fiona how to beat her opponent in the business world, he received something related to it in return.“Business World Domination skill,” he muttered behind his breath to himself, as he entered a deep thought.…….“The birthday celebrant is here.”Nobody knew who just spoke, but the moment everybody
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Chapter 33 - Giving Birthday's Present
Lean drove roughly, at the top of the speed to a huge boutique.The moment they reached the boutique and Gabs got out of the car that was too small for him, he instantly threw up.His stomach was all disordered at this moment thanks to how Lean Drove.His heart still pounding heavily in his chest, Gabs began to curse at Lean over and over again in his mind, He began to wish for Lean to fall into a pool of dog pee on his wedding day after he was fully dressed, and that he would wet his pants while walking the aisle.Lean who does not notice that Gabs has thrown up, and would not even care if he had noticed ran into the boutique.Thankfully the guards at the entrance knew him so well, so they allowed him in respectfully without saying a word.The moment Lean rushed into the huge boutique, he ran with all he could to the manager's office.Without knocking at all, Gabs barged into the office and startled the manager who was currently working on her computer.Raising her
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Chapter 34 - [Host Still Has An Unclaimed Package From The System, Would You Like To Claim It?!...]
Everybody instantly knew who this person is, the one they could never offend, so they all kept their mouth shut as they gasp in surprise.The girls began to daydream while the boys began to envy him.He is tall, handsome, wealthy, and influential, this is the dream of every boy, and the type of boy girls want for themselves.The moment Ruby saw who it was, she felt some unexpected helplessness pop into her body, and she couldn’t help but feel irritated.“Hello my Ruby,” a wide grin formed on Lean's face as he walked inside elegantly, just like a model performing a show.Everybody within the hall was instantly floored when they heard the way Lean addressed Ruby.‘Has she finally been taken?’‘Oh no…. Our goddess is finally taken!’‘What!!! Our prince charming has taken our mentor!’Both the boys and girls immediately became stunned for different reasons.The boys because of Ruby, while the girls because of Lean.Frowning a bit, a fit of sudden anger began to rise
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Chapter 35 - The Scheming Lean
‘Why is this dude smiling?’ Lean questioned curiously in his mind, but at this moment, he already has the perfect plan on how to turn the world against James and elevate his position in his mind.Even thinking of this alone is giving him a great sense of joy he couldn’t explain nor describe.Lean also smiled a bit and released his mind power to see what the crowd would feel about what he is about to do.After doing this, he suddenly changed his expression to look sober, and muttered quietly, but still loud enough that the people near them could hear; “Do you want me to give secretly give you a gift so that you could give her?”Hearing what he just said and seeing his expression, James couldn’t help but remember their last encounter.‘Does he still think this would work against me?’ once bitten twice shy.James shook his head pitifully at the dude, ‘but I should still give him a few moments of joy though.’While James was also making plans in his mind, some people su
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Chapter 36 - This is Fake, Right?
‘He brought a gift, what a joke?’ Everybody thought in their mind as they glared at James.Lean also felt stunned at this moment.He couldn’t help but glance at James from head to toe, but he couldn’t see anything on him, so he thought James only said that to save his face.“Oh…. I never knew you actually brought a gift?” He sounded very serious, while what he was doing was trying to force James' lie into the open.“What sort of gift could he have brought other than cheap products,” some people muttered behind their breath.After what Ruby said just now, nobody wants to speak out or disdain James for not bringing gifts anymore, but their curiosity has already been piqued, so they all watched, waiting for him to show them the so-called gift he brought.The most curious of them at this moment is Ruby who was not expecting that James would actually bring her a birthday present.She began to smile happily to herself, and could no longer wait to receive what James brou
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Chapter 37 - How Dare You Still Lie With Such An Innocent Face?
“What do you think you are doing, hun?”Ruby finally regained herself.She couldn’t help but give Lean a furious glare when she saw him challenging James.She had been too stunned just now when she saw how Lean behaved which was why she couldn’t react, but now that she has returned to her senses, she became completely furious at him.This angry question also finally made Lean realize a bit that he seemed to have overreacted.His heart pounding heavily in his chest, Lean breathed in and out for a while to calm himself down, then he turned to glance at Ruby apologetically that doesn’t reach his eyes, then he let out a forced smile.“I’m sorry, okay…I thought of something ridiculous just now.”Yes, that was exactly what he thought.He knew it is in no way possible for James to get his hand upon this great object.What if James was a bit mysterious?Even he, a member of the Markwood Family dares not have this powerful object he was thinking about, talk less of someone that was o
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Chapter 38 - The Strange Aura From James
James who was still feeling irritated that he couldn’t find the perfect person to throw his frustration at suddenly became excited at this moment when he saw this fat and ugly fellow.Had he seen him earlier before these people began to call him a liar, he would have automatically ignored him, but right now that the fat dude has to make himself to be noticed, James felt that it would only be a waste if does not value the dude's hard work.Although his eyes were still busy staring coldly at Gabs, he has begun to smile happily in his mind and mock the system.‘You see this, hun? I finally found the perfect object… hehehe.’[Good for the host.]The system replied dryly before ignoring James.Hearing this, James also decided to ignore the strange and arrogant system for now.‘Shouldn’t it try its best to make I as its host feel excited and satisfaction all the time?’Right now, Gabs has begun to cower in fear when he saw that James would not look away from him.He slowly be
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Chapter 39 - I'm Looking For My Boss
Lean suddenly felt his heart skip a bit when he saw the grateful smile all over James' face.‘Why would he feel grateful?’ he thought curiously whilst also not wishing to know the answer.“Yes, it is so much real,” he suddenly heard James say lightly, but with much conviction laced in his voice.Lean couldn’t help but unconsciously glance down at the card that was still in his palm.He slowly raised it towards his eye level to study it inch by inch.He does not want to believe it at all, even for a bit, but the courage and boldness in James' eyes at this moment were just too strong that Lean felt it couldn’t be faked.He turned the card around in his palm severally, looking for what to pick out to use against it, but he couldn’t find any.The card looked so much like the real deal.‘As expected of a counterfeited product, it looks so genuine, even its weight.’Lean suddenly threw the card up, then he raised his head to follow its trajectory with his eyes.Just as it
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Chapter 40 - This Person is Scary
Everybody watched with mouth agape as Ayra walked towards Ruby and co, not knowing who her boss was in particular.Ruby and Lean's hearts were already feeling somehow at this moment, as they stared at each other's faces, thinking that the other party is the boss of this beautiful girl is looking for.“Boss,” Ayra called out again beautifully and waved her hand elegantly.This time, James returned to his senses. ‘Is this coincidence not way too much?’ he released a forceful and helpless smile.‘I was just looking for the perfect way to shock these ignorant fellows, and here is one.’“Boss, sorry, I came late.”Ayra bowed slightly in the direction of Ruby, Lean, and James.Right at this moment, several people began to compare hers and Ruby's beauty together, thinking of each other's qualities.It was at this instant that a voice suddenly spoke; “It’s not a thing.”Hearing this voice this hall abruptly became dead silent, with their eyes and mouths widening furth
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