All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
317 chapters
Chapter 92 : Interruptions
Several other members of The Six appear in the arena, offering similar congratulations to Spike. But they all seemed not to know what was inside Spike's heart, who was grieving, seeing his demon dead lying there.Spike refuses to look and pay any attention to the Six members. More precisely, he really didn't care about any of them.With heavy steps, carrying the corpse of his own demon, Spike tries to get out of the arena now."Iron fist, where are you going?" Hunn asked Spike.Spike looked back, the carcass of Bonnie was very clearly seen in his arms."What do you think I'm going to do?" Answer by asking back.“Wait, Iron Fist. Don't go yet, we want to do something with you first…” Hunn said not wanting Spike to leave.Spike's eyes were very glazed with exhaustion accompanied by a face that was so pale with cold. He was too tired to want to return to his own cell right now."Especially? I don't care about you anymore. Even the stupid inauguration you guys did inside this arena, I don
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Chapter 93 : Number 154
"Hey, mad guy. You think you can get past us easily?” said the man who was wearing a blindfold on his face now.He threw a ball alternately from left and right, juggling with the mysterious object. Vahn didn't know what kind of strength the man possessed that would allow him the confidence to go head-to-head with him.But the prisoners knew him. He is Jahn Mitch, prisoner #154, and also currently rank 77. His power is “Ballroom of Madness”Without hesitation, Jahn threw the orb he had in hand toward the head of Vahn.Compared to the barrage of bullets previously released by the robots, the ball's throw was much slower and easier for Vahn to predict. So that allows him to drive him far ahead without being able to make him affected by that power.Meanwhile, Jahn Mitch threw the ball to the other side, touching it before it went far.Suddenly, Jahn Mitch moved behind Vahn without him knowing. It hit Vahn's head directly and sent him crashing to the ground."Ha ha ha! It's just a stupid t
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Chapter 94 : Glimpse of Past
Once upon a time in the past“I'm only asking for rations of what we've set out. Why is asking that alone so hard for you to fulfill, huh!” Another punch was thrown at the person wearing the glasses until his glasses cracked and fell to the ground.Bruises on his cheeks and all over his body could not make him get up and fight again.“The last time you were here, you drained all my stuff. Isn't it enough that you destroyed my business huh?! I just want to get away from you guys!” He screamed in resistance after being hit by that punch.But the person in front of him looked completely devoid of compassion.He instead threw a kick directly above the man's head."I don't care what kind of business you do Rudy. I just want you to obey the rules the Low-Hats have given you!” Not enough to put his feet above the head of the man earlier, the man immediately kicked the man and hit his chin until his face fell to the ground.Normally, people would either cry or give up begging for mercy after
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Chapter 95 : Mission Acquired
Spike breaks into Low-Hats headquarters. The place where the Chief resides. He saw many strange and beautiful ornaments. He along with two of his men accompanied him to the room of the Gangster Leader.In that room, Spike saw Grandpa's figure who was at the end of his age. His dull and wrinkled skin and long beard looked like he was just waiting to die.Spike along with his two men bowed, saluting the leader of the Low-Hats Gangsters. But even though he hasn't said anything, Spike can see charisma from this old geezer.Besides the Chairman, there were two figures of bodyguards wearing black suits. Their stature is the same as wrestling athletes. Creepy and very powerful. But Spike was sure that he could beat the two of them easily."Chief..." Spike said to the old man softly. The chairman held a stick with a sharp end underneath. The dress itself is a white kimono with a pattern of cherry blossoms all around it. “I am Spike Bretman sir. I'm here according to the orders you want me to.
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Chapter 96 : Reading All The Messages
Spike woke up, he realized that he had just dreamed of something in his past earlier.With a head that still felt very dizzy, Spike really felt tired even though he didn't know how long he had been asleep there.He was sure that the dream he had just seen earlier was a fragment of his past memory. Spike realizes that his best friend, Cole is not someone who can be trusted easily.Surprisingly, Spike was confused why in the dream, he didn't even know Marin's daughter, a figure who had become his own lover. Which vision was a reality? Was it really not a dream about past memories? Or maybe even Spike has never been close to the princess...Spike's head felt really groggy. And now, he wants to meet Bonou instead. Trying to find out about clarity about himself in the past.Moreover, he was sure that Spike could try to open the box Bonou had before.A box that can only be opened by a prisoner with a high enough rank. Spike will probably do it in a bit when he's fully fit and able to move a
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Chapter 97 : Fun Match
A few days agoThe day that came into that prison was a very different day.How could it not be, dozens of new prisoners came to this prison in fresh condition.Their hands were completely handcuffed with their feet bound with chains between them. The prisoners were gloomy, they didn't have a single memory of their past, or how they got to this prison.Guard robots are also present there, complete with weapons to prevent someone from escaping or running from there.After all, no one can escape from the arena, unless they are strong enough to break through the walls of the arena or crazy enough to climb into the glass of the prisoners who are watching them.They might have done that, but the memory and personality that they had known so far had disappeared. Alternate with fear and also panic in every one of their bodies at this time.[ Prisoner #521, please take a step forward ]One of the robots orders the prisoners in the line to step forward among the others.There was nothing stran
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Chapter 98 : The Weakest First
[The battle will begin in 5...4...3...2...1...]The circle they had trampled under their own feet had disappeared now. Along with the handcuffs on their hands and feet. The sign that the fight was starting for now.Larion didn't want to fight right away, he tried to observe the conditions around him first.In a battle that had neither opponent nor a friend like this, it would only be natural for someone to try to fight someone they couldn't possibly fight alone by cooperating without prior agreement.Larion could already predict something like this, and in fact, it does exist.A figure who has a very muscular body, with a height exceeding that of other prisoners, has become the target of many prisoners at the same time.3 people against one person. It wasn't fair, and maybe the big guy wasn't as tough as they thought he was. But one big threat must be conquered first before conquering other threats.“You bastards all of you! Why are you targeting me!”The 3 prisoners have quite agile
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Chapter 99 : Poured in Acid
It's been 5 minutes, and out of 50 prisoners, already 15 prisoners have died in this arena. There are approximately 20 prisoners left to die so the battle in this arena is over.“Human scarlet, if you want to try to help me, I hope that you don't become a burden in this fight...” Raum said to Larion.Larion's powers were already known to the prisoners within this arena, regarding the use of bones complete with his manipulation of them.If he wants to survive in this arena, he needs to set a strategy so he can continue to survive and win. The only possible path for him was to ally with Raum.“I should be the one telling you that...” Larion replied to Raum.The two of them watched the prisoners who were busy fighting there, looking for gaps where they might be able to kill the other prisoners who were off guard.Out of the many prisoners, Larion looked at the one that caught his attention.So far, the man was just running and getting into the crowd of other prisoners without doing any s
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Chapter 100 : Giant Must Die
10 minutes had passed, Larion had succeeded in killing the prisoner he had expected to be so easy to kill earlier.And just as he had expected, Raum was most likely to score the most in this arena. The power he possessed was truly unmatched by anyone there.More or less, 8 prisoners have died at the hands of Raum. This made his reputation in this prison quite fast and he was very popular in the arena because of what he had done.10 minutes passed also meant that the number of prisoners was also decreasing.17 prisoners, still in the arena. And they are all confused, to get rid of which 2 people they have to kill in that fight right now.Just 2 people, then everything will be over.15 minutes later passed with a flood of blood and adrenaline in that place. They have done everything and also energy with sweat in this arena. The energy they exerted was too exhaustedOnly the mind remains, which determines who must die in this arena.“Who should we target in this arena?” said one of the p
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Chapter 101 : Gears Available
Chapter 101Hours after Spike woke up"So, human. What are you going to do for today?” Bonnie asked the master who was there.Spike couldn't possibly be trying to get out of his cell right away before trying something or seeing what new he might be able to acquire right now.As usual, Spike just went to the menu shop to look for something he might buy there. Something new skill or gear that might be useful for the fight later.[ Shop ][ Name: Angel of Death Repertoire ][ Ability: This gear is able to see the enemy's weak point and also has a high probability of being able to attack him at a certain point ][ Price: 300,000 Credit Points ]or[ Name: Farmer Last Breath ][Ability: Able to make the land or area around the user change according to the environment he wants][ Price: 700,000 Credit Points ]Or[ Name: Sheep Wool Armor ][ Ability: Makes the user's defense against blunt blow attacks increase by 50% ][ Price: 400,000 Credit Points ]All the gear that is there is really ve
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