All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
317 chapters
Chapter 82 : Spike vs Maroon
Both fighters are already in the arena. Only, Maroon who was on the other side of the arena was guided by another figure there. A robot who also determines the fate of the previous members of The Chain.None of the prisoners liked the sight of the robot, they considered it to be a mere catastrophe there.Some of them started shouting Maroon's name, considering him a traitor who didn't deserve to be in this arena.“Maroon, he is a tough fighter. He has made it to this point, not by chance..” The robot whispered. With language and also a voice similar to humans."Yeah, whatever. Go now…” Maroon replied, feeling uncomfortable when the robot was beside them.Knowing that the battle will start soon, the Robot goes to the place where he came from before. He could hear it, otherwise, none of the prisoners would like him.Maroon walked closer to Spike, wearing a headband over his eyes until it covered his hair. In his hand, he also took a giant scythe which was most likely the weapon he used
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Chapter 83 : Michelangelo
Maroon fell with dust scattered on his face. Luckily, he didn't have any injuries that were serious enough to prevent him from fighting in that arena anymore.Quickly, Maroon got back up, sharpening his scythe which he felt was not as sharp as it used to be.“What was that explosion just now? Did he manage to block my attack?”On the other hand, Spike's Iron Fist is critical enough. Even though his defense was quite strong, he was hurting himself because of it.“Bonnie, I can't take his attacks anymore. Even with perfect Parry. I have to attack him and end this fight immediately...” Spike said to Bonnie.One of the factors that keep him standing in this arena is simply because Spike knows the skills he has are quite capable. Not because he was indeed a stronger person than Maroon who were there.“You should use whatever you have while you can do so. Don't you think that your skills will help you in every fight you go through?" Bonnie replies to Spike.But their time to observe the ene
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Chapter 84 : Flower Blossom
Spike's punch probably managed to nearly destroy the facial structure of Maroon. But the prisoner wasn't weak enough to be defeated in one hit like that. His hands were moving, trying to feel his face. Instantly, on the surface of his hands changed so many plants and also small trees appeared. This ability turns out to be able to make Maroon able to heal himself easily. Then, with conditions back to normal, Maroon tries to stand up against Spike in earnest. “Even though I gave you the option to die peacefully. But you even rejected it outright. I don't know what option you want now…” Maroon said to Spike. The Iron Fist could see the condition his enemy was in now. It was as if the crushing blow he had just dealt was a wasted one. It means nothing in this fight. "Man! Come on, get me out! I want to help you to end this fight quickly!” Said Bonnie who wanted to join the fight beside Spike. However, the man with iron fists did not allow the Devil to fight. He kept trying to keep it
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Chapter 85 : Beast Summoned
Maroon's hand was swallowed whole by Bonnie, making him lose one of his most valuable organs right now.[High Evolutionary Skills activated]By swallowing the hand, Bonnie's body also took on a strange shape. Its feathers become a clump of leaves that are so many and lush. Most likely, Bonnie knows what abilities Maroon has."What's that? How can you summon such a monster!”Frightened by the presence of an enemy he didn't expect, Maroon chose to retreat and recuperate for the time being.Seeing the opportunity, the leaf-feathered demon tried to break the roots that were between Spike. Freeing him from the shackles that were so binding there."Come on Spikes! You must not be bound too long from those roots!” Bonnie shouted at Spike.It wasn't just Maroon who was astonished by the figure of a monster appearing in the arena. The audience was also shocked. Some of them, of course, knew about Bonnie's existence. The figure of a monster is also the weapon of the previous prisoner.“Why did
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Chapter 86 : Treachorous Act
Instead of looking like a human, Spike looks more like and looks like a work of art these days. It has no appearance that makes it human-like.Swallowing his blood, Spike could neither resist nor spit it out again. His head looked up with his arms outstretched, gathered a lot of plants there.The blood in Maroon's scythe was gone. Spike was finally able to breathe easily again, even if it was for who knows how long.“You bastard! Savage! I will not forgive you!” Spike shouted at Maroon.Maroon just smiled, sharpening his scythe on the ground he was stepping on right now. The figure also has no signs of wanting to love Spike which makes him very angry.“Your words will not win you over. It takes more than that if you want to escape this place. You will die slowly without being able to get yourself out…” Maroon replied to Spike.On the other hand, Bonnie looked very weak, she couldn't go and walk to save her own master.Some of the hairs stuck to his body fell out due to the attack he r
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Chapter 87 : Nature's Call
The audience was silent, and confused and also did not know the exact meaning of what Machvise-7 said to them"What are you saying! Why are you saying such a rule only now!” Maroon shouted trying to protest that decision.But then, Maroon looked back at the prisoners' stands. He saw Hunn there, watching him in his fight.But after the two of them made eye contact, Hunn left the place. Reluctant to watch Maroon fight back there.With great annoyance and anger, Maroon pounded the ground beneath him. Sand came out and hit his own body and face because of that.“Motherfuckers! Motherfuckers! Fucking fuck Motherfucker!”Tears also appeared again from Maroon's eyes, a sign that he regretted the decision he made to be able to do this kind of thing now.Not only, Maroon, but Spike also didn't want the decision in this duel to end like that. He also tried to ask the robot carrying the spear, Machvise-7"Hey, what's that mean? If I win, I don't want to join your group. Do I not have the option
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Chapter 88 : Start of Myth
In a small rural Colorado Most people or humans who live on this earth might think that the living things around them are only animals and humans too. They forget that there are other living things alongside them. No, this story is not about a creature out in outer space, a creature whose existence or legitimacy as a living being is completely unknown. The creatures that are talked about in this story are living things that existed on this earth a long time ago. In fact, maybe it was this creature that allowed humans to walk on the ground and survive millions of years earlier. This story, tells about a plant. They, perhaps often escape human attention. Due to the existence of those who cannot hear, see, walk, speak, or anything else. They are considered a commodity or complement on this earth. Something that the plants themselves might not even notice was up here. However, there is one plant creature who has more consciousness than all other plants. This species, the name is no
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Chapter 89 : Maroon The Human
The boy ran very fast. He didn't care if there were rocks, twigs, or grass in front of him. He lunged in order to escape as fast as possible.The figure that he had just seen, was one that could not be expressed in words.His body is tall with his whole body filled only with feathers and hair. His eyes are bright red with a very, very large nose. His fangs are still visible even though his mouth is tightly closed.But one of the features the boy vividly remembered the first time he saw him was his legs.Even though he was a child, he knew that the feet of those creatures were not those of an ordinary human. Or even an animal.The plant, which had turned into another being was of course very sad. He had just absorbed the remnants of life and also the memories of the Boy's animal. One thing he knew was that he only belonged to that boy.The boy returned to his home, crying and complaining to his parents.“A... big foot... A monster with big feet... I saw it! It consumes Maroon! Mom, dad
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Chapter 90 : Man vs Nature
Spike vomits, swallowing Bonnie's raw flesh disgusting him and also not feeling good at all. But even so, he begins to realize the past that belongs to Maroon.“What the hell is that? Who he really is? Are Maroons of the same kind as your people?” Spike asked, confused for an explanation to Bonnie now.“I told you, I don't have an easy explanation to pin it down. What is clear, he is not a complete human. He is a multicellular being who has acquired consciousness for a long time…”On the other hand, Maroon had risen up and was growing his own wounds now. He didn't use the scythe anymore to attack Spike. Only with his tree trunk, he is confident that he can beat Spike.“You stupid creature! You will feel immense pain!”Maybe until now, Maroon has never understood the meaning of affection.Spike is sure that the creature has high hopes for Hunn, a figure he believes is capable of driving him to become a better being than before.But apparently, Maroon still can't get it. He couldn't hav
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Chapter 91 : Fatal Points
Maroon is again incinerated by Spike's fire thrower which he fires without warning or clues. In fact, maybe his firepower has the possibility to burn Maroon down to the roots."Not! Not with that fire! I don't want to get burned!” Maroon screamed in great pain and tormented by Spike's attack.This of course made Spike even happier, he could kill Maroon shortly after this. Waiting for Bonnie to recover and attack Maroon at his weak point."I told you, stop!" Maroon shouted so loudly.The Maroon's human body had changed now, taking on an even more grotesque shape. More precisely, the true form of the Maroon itself.The figure of a two-legged monster with thick fur like a swamp all over its body. His body enlarged with giant feet and also long claws at the end of his hands.“Spike, he has most likely turned into his true form. That also meant that his strength was back to how it was before! The limit that comes from possessing a human body is disappearing!” Bonnie shouted at Spike.If Bo
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