All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
317 chapters
Chapter 252 : Tell Me More
"Are you really intending to kill me Vahn?" asked Gervais again.“It all depends on what you have to say. Are you really not willing to defend yourself and die ridiculously in a place like this?” Vahn asked again.Gervais stood up, for some reason he ignored his injured right arm. He tried to correct the position of his fedora using his right hand.“The less you know, the safer you will be Vahn. I don't want you to be stuck in a situation where you will become like me. Just as a slave of that stupid organization. I am here, trying to stop your suffering…”"Nonsense!" Vahn shouted. He fired so many bullets aiming at Gervais. But none of the bullets hit. Just hit the wall and also the wall behind it."You're the one who made me like this! You're the one who made me live not like a normal person! How could you regret all that!” Vahn shouted again.Gervais looked down...he was silent for a moment. Time was ticking, he didn't have much time because the guards would come to this place soon.
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Chapter 253 : Death Bed
There was no way for Vahn to be able to stop all the chaos that was happening tonight.The corpses of the guards of this luxurious house had turned to dust and were also charred without being able to turn them into something else to make it look more beautiful. All the walls and floors that were covered with wood completely changed to just an ordinary wall covered in so much blood.Seemingly not paying attention to what was around him, Marin was trying to get out of there now. He seemed to have forgotten that there were still many guards in this place with all their respective weapons and skills.It could be, Marin found a figure of a guard who has similar abilities to him.“Marine! Wait! Don't go alone!” Vahn replied to Marin over there. Even though he was currently weaker than the girl, Vahn didn't want to see her suffer alone.Before leaving and following to where Marin was, Vahn approached the body of Gervais first. Seeing the condition of the man who had cared for her when she wa
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Chapter 254 : Unlimited
Hearing those words was like stabbing Vahn's heart. His chest ached, more painful than any bullet he had ever received in his life.In the rain that felt so cold, Marin left leaving Vahn alone in the old street.Vahn didn't have what else to say to be able to explain or sue Marin now. He had forgotten that Marin himself was able to read his thoughts and feelings. Nothing really mattered inside Vahn's heart right now.The only person who could make Vahn's figure act like a more mature person as well as act like a normal human had left him. Just like Marin, Vahn also had no reason to live anymore right now.Vahn couldn't read Marin's mind, figuring out if it had indeed been Marin's intention from the start to leave her. Vahn's own thoughts were already very thick and difficult for him to decipher. Let alone trying to parse someone's memory.But suddenly, Vahn's head felt extremely sore as well as dizzy right now. A sign that perhaps as an effect as a Twins, Vahn was unable to live apart
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Chapter 255 : Can You See It?
With bodies being used alternately between Tony and Vahn as well, they together rode the police car to learn about a truth that Vahn should have known a long time ago.From the route as well as the roads that were there, it could be seen that indeed Tony was accompanying Vahn to a path he had visited before. A path that would probably be very memorable for Vahn's figure in the futureBecause when Vahn inquired about where they were going to his brother, Tony simply replied, "You'll find out later..."6 hours of travel has passed by land. And it turned out that it was true that the places Vahn and Tony were going to visit were places they had been before.A factory where Gervais had escorted Vahn to Hudson in a hidden country. The place where Marin awakens the power within himself.But strangely, the place didn't have as much security or maintenance as a Low-Hats property should. The place looks abandoned.“Resident Scientific Laboratory. That is the name of this place. If you check th
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Chapter 256 : Total Machinery
A few years ago“This experiment can never work! The higher-ups would only waste so much money that it could have been used for something more useful! They are using it for something stupid like this instead!”“Since the beginning of this experiment, I've never really supported it. That being said, this is the disgrace of human civilization!”“Whoever carried out this experiment needs to be severely punished. A genius who lacks empathy and compassion is unnecessary in academia!”At least, that's what the scientists offered by Low-Hats' Project The Twins sayThere is not a single person in this world who supports the project The Twins. Their principle may be to pour as much money as possible and try to create something out of nothing using that blood-stained money.As an underground organization that has grown too big, Low-Hats lost so many soldiers and also their subordinates during the conflict. Whether it's with the authorities or with his enemy gang. If the Low-Hats lost their sold
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Chapter 257 : Prisoner House
Battleborn Prison, Spike Bretman's CellLarion suddenly arrives and is in front of Spike's cell now. Spike of course never knew the man before, all he knew was that Larion was a member of the Low-Hats.And after Spike found out about the true nature of the Low-Hats in this prison, Spike felt something was wrong with the behavior of the man who filled his body with the tattoo.“Why are you here? What business do you have with me?” Spike asked Larion, who was still standing tall outside his cell."I've been looking for you everywhere. I want you to go with me now…” Larion replied.Spike stood up, he didn't want to take Larion's words for granted. He had no idea which side Larion was on right now.“What if I decline your offer? What would you do?" Spike asked defiantly.Larion just stayed silent and stood there, trying to show off his fiery green tattoo. He then fell down suddenly, with a gasp and warm wind escaping from his mouth. Surprisingly, the breath that came out of his mouth could
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Chapter 258 : Skeleton King
Tethered Aura is a power that can manipulate the life wave of a living being. Something that doesn't have a soul like machines, plants, and other inanimate objects shouldn't have that kind of ability.What's more, Tethered Aura needs to be trained so that the radiance of its power can become bigger and easier to control. If it wasn't like that, then most likely the power would become even more ferocious and might even kill the possessor of the power itself.Surprisingly, the Tethered Aura possessed by the skeleton was just like the Tethered Aura possessed by experts for years. It was impossible for a living creature that had just been born like that skeleton if it existed to have managed to master it so easily. Spike still needs to find out what exactly the skull figure is.“I told you, you can't possibly defeat him so easily. You need to try to do something else to defeat him...” Larion muttered back against the wall.Spike doesn't care about the prisoner who created the monster in f
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Chapter 259 : Too Late to Realize
The living skeleton had died leaving only dust split by Spike's iron sword. If it went according to plan, then Larion should also die after that battle.But in fact, Larion's condition got progressively worse after that. Spike himself doesn't know what to do anymore so he can make the prisoner's condition better soon.The tattoos that stuck to Larion's body seemed to emit a very strong radiation. If Spike gets any closer to it, then it's very likely that Spike himself will die from the radioactive emission that is too strong."Do you know how I can save you without hurting myself?" Spike asked Larion there. But Larion was silent, enduring the pain he was currently suffering.“Wait a minute... I'll get up from this pedestal soon...” Larion muttered again. It was as if he could indeed control the situation that was enveloping him right now.Suddenly, all the tattoos that had been on Larion's body disappeared right away. His body which was full of bones that bloomed and grew unnaturally
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Chapter 260 : Heavy Sword
Spike and Larion stopped to attack each other after Bonou tried to stop them both. For some reason, the figure of Bonou became a very important figure for both of them until his words were obeyed very easily by both Larion and Spike there.They both turned, looked at the old man who was standing holding his chest holding the severe pain in his body. Spike was really scared if something happened to Bonou there.“You shouldn't be trying to kill each other like that...” Bonou said quietly. After running out of breath from screaming too loudly earlier.On the other hand, Larion could be seen inserting the sharp spiky bones he was holding and becoming the sword before back into his hands. He attempted to speak to the now sober Bonou and nothing prevented him.“Finally you are aware too old geezer. Tell me, why didn't you tell me about that Iron Fist in the first place?” Larion asked with feeling and tone full of anger."You never even asked me. Why should I tell you?" Bonou answered again.
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Chapter 261 : The Trick of Sleeves
Spike and Bonou just found out about it. The secret of Bonou's true strength. Although indeed, Spike and Bonou do not know whether what Larion said was something that was really real or just a concocted theory or hypothesis.“Is what you said really true? I can't say more if you're really just bragging about all the things you just said earlier…” Bonou continued to Larion over there.Like saying that the tattoos on Larion's body were still not enough to convince Bonou, Larion tried to show his back this time.“Do you think, something like this I could concoct and trick you? Am I crazy enough to think I would do something like this just to trick you?”Right on Larion's back, there was an electronic device attached and stuck into his back. A tool with futuristic and also strange traps. Even stranger than the iron fist that Spike has today."What is that thing?" Bonnie asked innocently.“I told you, this is the result of the alliances dissecting my body. They think that I am 'that' figur
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