All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
317 chapters
Chapter 262 : Mass Broadcast
"Sorry, you have the wrong person. I've been stuck in that control panel just like you. And the person who got you out of the tube is Spike.” Bonou replied to Larion there.It is very likely that the destruction of the control panel inside the prison is directly connected to the mysterious laboratory that belonged to Fatal Hit before.That's also why Andro and Tomahawk had a direct confrontation with Spike and also the gang of The Six before. They wanted to find out what had gotten the lab into trouble before.Although indeed, the actions taken by Spike really made the inhabitants of the laboratory free. But that's not the only reason why Larion can be free like now. There are other factors and indicators that cause this to happen.“I told you before. I just want to meet Silver. That man, is the key to all the problems in this place. If I can find it, then I might be able to finish it as soon as possible...” Larion replied to Bonou.Spike was of course confused, what does Silver have
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Chapter 263 : House Rules
“Enough with the games Alex! What are you planning exactly? Why is Silver there!” Spike shouted so angrily. He knows that Silver is only a tool to provoke Spike's anger.“Oh... does the iron fist really care about Silver whose hair isn't silver now? Tell me Iron Fist, why do you care so much about someone like him?” asked Alex in a condescending tone.Apparently, everyone already knows about who Silver really is. And only Spike was not told anything about it. Spike feels that maybe he is the only person left in this prison.“Stop all your nonsense. Quickly say what you should have said in the first place!” Spike replied back to Alex there.The camera backed away, panning around the area where Alex and Silver were now.I don't know how the broadcasting system from this prison can take place, but what is clear is that the arena is acting in an inappropriate way. Supposedly, there is no sophisticated equipment that can highlight moving places that fast.But by making the camera move furt
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Chapter 264 : Draft Pick
The screen in the prison went out, indicating that indeed what happened in the arena earlier was not Alex's or the alliance's original plan. It was possible that indeed, the alliance had been too stupid to allow someone like Alex to head such a channel.I don't know what was in the minds of the prisoner alliance to allow Alex to act so stupid like that.But clearly, everything looks very confusing for Spike himself. He didn't know what or what to believe. It was as if everyone around him had come together to deceive and create a scenario against him.Spike was looking at Larion now too. “Tell me, was that a real recording? Or is it just an illusion?” Spike asked Larion.Larion was silent. He didn't dare answer anything. What's more, if Spike really did react correctly, then he might just be even more temperamental than before.“You better forget about Silver for now, there are more important things you should know right now. Didn't you hear there was something strange about the rule e
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Chapter 265 : Palpable Eyes
"What is this? I presume that all the robots in this prison died due to the effects of the previous radioactivity? Then why are they still in a place like this?” Spike asked himself.Meanwhile Larion realized that something was off. The robots weren't the robots that the Battleborn prison was supposed to be. In fact, the robots may be another type of manufacturing.If the Battleborn robot has materials such as iron and aluminum which are very hard and shiny, the robot in front of it now has glass and ceramic materials that look very vulnerable.They don't know what the robot maker was thinking to think that using a material like this was a good material, but what is clear is that this material is really not suitable for fighting.What's more, after asking Larion and Spike out, they didn't seem to have done anything dangerous to threaten their lives.“What will happen if we refuse your request?” Larion asked firmly challenging the two robots.Not long after, the two robots took somethi
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Chapter 266 : Soul Society
Spike awakens, but not in the state he thought it would be, but in a slightly different state.His body was bound with not a single moveable part. The mouth and also the head can only be directed in one direction. Someone whose condition is as bound as he is.They bond like a patient from a mental hospital. Not allowed to do anything even to look though. The clothes they wore in this room were all the same, the orange clothes typical of Battleborn prison inmates.Spike was completely unprepared to wake up in this condition. It was like he was about to be sent into battle without any ammunition or weapons at all. Just like a baby about to be born in a world without clothes covering it at all.Under these conditions, Spike tried to rebel. Moving his entire body hoping that whatever thing that was binding his body right now would come loose and set him free just like before.Spike started by shaking himself now. So fast and powerful. He didn't care about the people around him who sat wit
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Chapter 267 : Spirited Away
“After all, you guys don't understand anything about spirits or spirits any more than this guy. Isn't that right Kessie?" Point Gervais to the person beside him.Spike could see the prisoner. Wears a red Oni mask with hair that strangely can still point upwards even in a very difficult condition like this.He did not respond to any words from Gervais that were pinned on him. It felt like he really didn't want to interact with anyone here.“Maybe you think if I'm here then your chances of winning this match will be even smaller. But make no mistake, I will have special rules for you…” Gervais said to the prisoners.Some people might think that Gervais is the most powerful prisoner in the Battleborn prison. Not even using the golden hand attached to his right arm, just using the Tethered Aura Gervais can eradicate so many monsters with one ultimate attack.“If you guys manage to bring me two prisoners' heads, then I'll let you win with me and I'll take you to the next round. I will prot
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Chapter 268 : Martial Artist
In this forest-shaped arena that is very, very large and full of shrubs, Spike feels that Jinsei alone will not be a big threat.Even though he had never fought Jinsei before, he was confident enough to be able to kill him easily now.Still using scimitar swords in both hands, Jinsei continues to attack Spike blindly. However, his attack does not mean aimless, but full of careful and precise calculations.Spike tries to try his luck. He withstood Jinsei's sword attack using only his iron fist now. Test how strong the sword the prisoner has.And it turns out that Spike's guess was right, the Scimitar's sword was unable to destroy Spike's hand.“You think, all your body is only made of iron? There's still something else stuck in your body that makes you so vulnerable to my sword right now!” Jinsei shouted so loudly.Jinsei's blade shifted to slash the neck from Spike now. But of course, Jinsei's attacks are easy for Spike to avoid.It's just that, not all of Jinsei's attacks were succes
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Chapter 269 : Scattered Bodies
Spike was on his stomach bent over in pain like he was feeling like he was in the most pain right now. Although indeed, the blood pouring from his chest never stopped, Spike felt that it was time for him to stand up again and face Jinsei seriously.If he is unable to fight Jinsei in his first match this time, then Spike's chances of winning in the next match will be very small later."Come on Iron Fist. Are you going to continue to pretend to be weak in front of me like just now? Have I not been able to display my current strength?” Jinsei asked Spike.Jinsei's words just made Spike so annoyed. While it may sound like Spike did underestimate Jinsei, the opposite actually happened. Jinsei greatly underestimated Spike and didn't even use his ultimate move right now.Spike tries to open his inventory, but nothing he does opens anything. There are no inventory boxes to open at this time.Pressing his temple repeatedly hoping that the UI screen would pop up was a total waste for Spike. Jin
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Chapter 270 : Imminent Strength
Jinsei looked back, saw Amber with much better equipment and armor than when she met Spike earlier.Compared to the other prisoners, Amber has a really excited appearance. One word that could describe his current appearance was that he was like he was in the colossal period of ancient China.A thick cloth that covers his entire body is gray-white with diagonal lines having a tiger skin motif. On Amber's right chest there is a badge that has the shape of a dragon's head.The two gauntlets attached to his hands also have animal fur accents that are very typical of ancient China itself. The thing that stands out the most about Amber is the headband she wears. Similar to the headband belonging to the famous Chinese story legend, Sun Wukong.“I thought all the crazy people in this prison were done and dead when the radioactivity happened. Yet people like you are still here. What do you want? Why are you here? Wouldn't it be better for you to die together with those people you imitated?”In
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Chapter 271 : Armored Shell
There were no strange devices or weapons attached to the man in all white. It's just that, if allowed to stand on a tree and target the 3 prisoners who are currently fighting right now, of course, it will make the situation even more dangerous.Even after saying and apologizing to Spike and the others, the man still tried to target the three prisoners as if nothing had happened between the four of them.A surge of energy shots reappeared, this time, the three of them managed to avoid the fatal attack and would immediately target the man if they continued to target their lives.“Do you really have no pride in fighting right now?” Amber asked the prisoner.The man in all white lifted the binoculars from his eyes, trying to reply to Amber's words just now. “I'm a prisoner, not a martial artist or fighter who adheres to a fighting code of conduct or anything like that. My goal here is just to kill someone…” The man replied to them.Not wanting to feel that he is being targeted all the tim
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